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"Tobio-kun , I'm sorry but I didn't quite get that. Can you repeat what you said?" (Y/n) asked. "I said Hinata is a dumbass." Kageyama lied. "What?! You clearly said--Ouch !" Hinata whined in pain after feeling a step on the foot from the ravenette. "Oh okay then...Do you maybe want another bowl? I think Shimizu-san was offering some." (Y/n) said standing up. "Can you get a bowl of curry for me (Y/n)-san?" Kageyama asked as the girl nodded and made her way to the manager.

"Shimizu-san , Can I get another bowl of curry and a bowl of Miso soup please?" (Y/n) asked as the girl nodded and handed over the orders. "Thank you." (Y/n) said shortly before bumping into someone. 'Why do I always bump onto someone?' She sighed at the thought.

"Watch where you're going , (Y/n)." Tsukkishima said looking at the stain on his clothes. "Oh my God , Sorry Tsukkishima. I'll be more careful next time." (Y/n) bowed apologetically. "It's fine. I was going to shower anyways." Tsukkishima said and walked away. "Wait , Tsukkishima ! I'll make it up to you ! Meet me at 8 P.M at the 2nd gym !" (Y/n) said loud enough for him to hear before walking back to the duo.

"Sorry , I bumped onto Tsukkishima and spilled a bit of the curry." (Y/n) chuckled nervously as she put down the curry and miso soup. "It's okay. I'm glad you didn't fall." Kageyama smiled and ate the curry. "(Y/n)-san , I'll go first. I'm taking a shower !" Hinata said and took his tray. "See you tomorrow , Hinata !" She waved at the orange headed boy.

"Let's finish this up and rest quickly." (Y/n) smiled at the ravenette as he nodded in agreement.


"I should've known he wouldn't come." (Y/n) sighed while drying off her damp hair with a towel. "Wrong answer , I came." Tsukkishima snickered while standing behind the girl. "You should've went outside with a towel. You're going to catch a cold." Tsukkishima sighed. "I've never catch a cold ever since the age of 7 !" (Y/n) said proudly.

"Oh that's right. Idiots don't get sick." He smirked. "Wow , My good intentions are gone now. Let's go back." "Wait , I was just joking." Tsukkishima laughed and grabbed her wrist. "So , what do you have for me?" He asked.

"I brought some onigiri. It's not fresh since it was from this morning but I heated it up earlier so it's warm now." (Y/n) said and pulled out a box of onigiri. "It's handmade. It's nothing like my grandma's but it's not bad , I swear !" She said opening the box. "Here you can take as much as you like." She smiled. "...thanks , I guess." Tsukkishima said and took one out before taking a bite from it.

"Yeah you're right. It's nothing like your grandma's." He said. "But , you did a good job. That doesn't mean i like it though." Tsukkishima said. "So are you saying you hate it?" (Y/n) raised an eye brow. "I'm saying that it's not bad." He said.

"If it's not bad , why are you wrapping 3 of them with a towel?"

"...For Yamaguchi."

"Yamaguchi should be asleep by now."

"Then for Kuroo-san."

"I bet your anti social self won't even go to Nekoma's room" She snickered , receiving a flick on the forehead. "Fine , I like it. It's good." He said giving up. "Just take it along with the box." She chuckled and gave the box to him.

"So , you're dating the king now?" Tsukkishima asked. "What? No...not yet." She chuckled. "Why?" He asked. "We promised that we'll get our answers by the end of the Inter high." She smiled. "What a waste of time." He sighed. "You should've just gone out with me (Y/n)-san."


"I said go out with me. I like you and I confessed first , so go out with me."

quick edit :

the irony of having a Kageyama fanfic and rank 1st on #tsukki is real 😔

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