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"Kageyama !" (Y/n) called while running around , panting. It's been 15 minutes and she still couldn't find the latter. She was probably lost but she didn't care. Her friend was in danger and she needed to save him. Suddenly,she heard groans of pain and crashing from an alleyway. She thought that it could be Kageyama so she walked to the dark alleyway, scared but determined.

"Kageyama?" (Y/n) called out making sure it was the person she's been looking for as she walked deeper inside the alleyway slowly. "Kageyama !" She shouted in surprise when she saw the ravenette being tackled by the man earlier. There were a few bruises and wounds on Kageyama but the man was pretty wounded too. 

"Please don't hurt my friend. You can take it...but please just let go of my friend." (Y/n) stood in front of Kageyama in defense as she held out her wallet. "You should've done it earlier little girl." The man scoffed and took the wallet. "Are you okay? Kageyama-san?" (Y/n) asked and tried to sit up next to the wounded boy. "I'm fine." Kageyama assured although it was obvious that he was in pain.

"I'm sorry...It's my fault. I should've given the wallet sooner." (Y/n) bowed trying to hold back her tears. "It's not your fault , (Y/n)-san. I'm glad you're okay." Kageyama smiled. "I should've went home sooner. I'm so stupid." (Y/n) sighed with guilt.

"(Y/n)-san," Kageyama said. "Look up." He continued. (Y/n) looked up to see the setter's face smiling at her genuinely. "Don't be sad. Here, you can have my favorite drink. I hope you like it." He said and took out a carton of milk and put it on the girl's hand.

"It's kind of nostalgic, huh..." She chuckled and smiled back.


"Ouch." The ravenette hissed from the pain. "I'm sorry , I'll be a bit gentle." (Y/n) apologized and started to dab the alcohol from the cotton balls as gentle as possible. They were now at (Y/n)'s house , trying to treat Kageyama's wound from earlier. After the incident , the both called Coach Ukai and told him about what happened. Coach Ukai decided that it wouldn't be save anymore for them to walk home alone so he decided to drive the both of them to (Y/n)'s house since it was a safer area, and also to report to the police about the whole situation.

"And done." She said after putting the last bandage. "Thank you , (Y/n)-san. But , is it really okay for me to stay here until tomorrow?" Kageyama asked nervously. "It's okay. I told my brother about the whole situation and he said he'll be home soon." (Y/n) smiled as Kageyama nodded.

"Are you hungry? Kageyama-san?" (Y/n) asked. "A little bit. But , I'm good." Kageyama assured. "I'll cook , you can watch some movies if you like." (Y/n) said and stood up from her chair and started grabbing some ingredients. 

"I'll help you cook , (Y/n)-san. I don't want to be a burden."


"(Y/n) , I'm home." Wakatoshi said after coming inside. "Welco--" before she could finish her sentence , Wakatoshi tackled her younger sister into a warm tight hug , tossing away his own gym bag. "I'm so glad you're alright...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for not being there for you..." Wakatoshi said. He sounded so broken that it made Kageyama surprised that the Ushijima Wakatoshi can be that soft. Even (Y/n) was shocked because she had never seen this side of him. "Wakatoshi...I can't breathe." (Y/n) chuckled.

"I'm alright. Kageyama-san saved me." (y/n) pulled away from the hug and looked at Kageyama who was standing while looking at the two siblings in awe. "Sorry for the intrusion." Kageyama bowed. "Kageyama Tobio..." Wakatoshi said as he walked towards the ravenette. "Thank you for saving my sister. If it wasn't for you , (Y/n) would've been in great danger." Wakatoshi bowed and talked softly. "Ushiwaka-san , (Y/n)-san saved me before." Kageyama said.

"So it's my turn now , to protect her."

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