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"I'm going to sleep for a bit." Kageyama said leaning at the wall. "I'll wake you up once break time's over , Kageyama-san." (Y/n) smiled as the boy nodded and closed his eyes. Soon enough , he was fast asleep and let out a soft snore. 'He must've been really tired.' (Y/n) thought as she looked outside of the infirmary window , looking at the students outside. 

"(Y/n)..." Kageyama suddenly mumbled out making the girl look at his direction. He was sleep talking, and he was furrowing his eyebrows deeply. "I'm here , Kageyama-san." She whispered softly and put her hand on top of his. 

"I'm not leaving..Kageyama-san."


"Kageyama-san , wake up. The bell just rang." (Y/n) said , shaking the boy softly which made him open his eyes , half awake. "Thanks for waking me up." He said yawning before standing up. "Do you feel better now?" She asked as the ravenette nodded. "I'm much better now." He assured and walked outside as the girl followed behind him.

"Well, this is your class. See you later , Kageyama-san !" She said waving after stopping at the boy's class. "Oh wait , before you go in," (Y/n) stopped him.

"Your sleep talking is kinda cute , Kageyama-san." She grinned and ran way to her class , leaving the ravenette dumbfounded. 

Well that is at least until he realized what she meant and broke down in embarrassment.


"(Y/n)-chan ! You're here early." Michimiya smiled and went inside the gym after greeting the first year. "Yeah , I want to have more time on practicing my receives." She said. "I'll help you practice. I'm going to practice my jump serves too." She said while going into the court , getting ready to spike the volleyball. 

"By the way , (Y/n)-chan , did you arrive home safely last Friday?" Michimiya asked. "Huh? O-oh yes..." (Y/n) hesitated. "Really? You didn't run into a pedophile or maybe a robber or some sort right?" She asked again smiling. "N-no..." (Y/n) denied.

"Really? Because a little crow told me that--"

"Okay , fine. But Kageyama and Tsukkishima saved me. So I'm okay , Michimiya-senpai." She assured. " Mao-chan literally told you to be careful." Michimiya sighed. "Well , yeah. I could've had a slit on my neck now if Kageyama and Tsukkishima didn't come and save me." (Y/n) chuckled making the third year widened her eyes.

"Hey Michimiya , (Y/n)-cha--" Mao said, but was cut pff when she saw (Y/n) being scolded by Michimiya. "...Take your time." Mao sighed and left the gym. "I get it , Michimya-senpai. I won't walk while playing with my phone ever again , I swear." (Y/n) said after a few minutes of scolding by the third year.

"Good." Michimiya smiled proudly and pat the girl's back. "Are you done now? Everyone's waiting outside." Manami chuckled while peeking from the gym's small window. "Yeah , It's kinda hot outside you know." Mao groaned and wiped her sweat.

"Yeah , you can come in." Michimiya chukled.

***After Practice***

"Alright , Practice's over now so , let's go home." Michimiya said as everyone agreed. "And (Y/n)-chan , make sure you go home with Ushiwaka-san or your boyfriend Kageyama okay?" Michimiya reminded. "Kageyama's not my boyfriend..." (Y/n) chuckled. "Eh? really? I was really sure that you two were dating since both of you are close." Chizuru said in surprise. "Well, yeah. We're just friends." (Y/n) said shyly.

"Excuse me, Is (Y/n) here?" A familiar boy asked after coming inside the gym. "Oh , Kageyama ! Yeah , she's here. You can have her. Practice's over." Nozomi giggled and pushed (Y/n) gently. "Have her? What does that mea--"

"I'm going now ! See you tomorrow everyone !" (Y/n) interrupted the setter and pulled him outside with her. "So , how are you feeling now?" (Y/n) asked after stopping near the vending machine. "I'm fine now. You don't need to worry." He chuckled. "Of course I do ! You couldn't even walk straight this morning." She said. "Yeah. Do you want a drink?" He offered.

"Milk" She smiled widely as the ravenette nodded and bought two of them. "Here." He said , handing out a carton. "Thank you." She said and took the carton and begin to drink it after sticking in the straw. "I'm walking you home today." Kageyama said. "It's still evening though...I'll be fine even if i walk alone." (Y/n) claimed.

"But still..." Kageyama sighed. "I don't want anything to happen to you ever again , (Y/n)-san." He said.

"I've failed to protect you once. So please don't let it be twice."

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