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"Tobio , are you nervous?" (Y/n) asked the ravenette. "No , I'm pretty used to this. Though , Hinata doesn't look like he's having a good time." Kageyama chuckled at the orange headed boy who's running towards the bathroom. "How about you , are you nervous (Y/n)-san?" Kageyama asked. 

"Yeah , after all we didn't practice much. But , I don't want to lose. I don't want to disappoint Wakatoshi or you." (Y/n) said nervously as she looked down. "(Y/n) , look at me." Kageyama commanded as the girl did it. "It doesn't matter if you lose or not. Because either way , I'll still--".

"Kageyama , Let's stretch." Asahi said , walking to the both of them. "O-oh...Okay. I'll talk to you later , (Y/n)-san." Kageyama waved as he walked away in a flustered manner. The girl was curious on what he was about to say , and so she dozed off , thinking of the possible words that he was about to say.

"(Y/n)." A deep voice called out as the guy put something cold on (Y/n)'s cheeks. "W-Wakatoshi..." (Y/n) smiled. "I've come to say my good luck to you." He smiled as he held out a cold carton of milk. "Thank you..." She smiled and took the milk from his hands. 

"You'll do okay." He uttered out. "You'll do fine out there. And no matter the result , I'll always be proud of you." He said , now hugging her younger sibling. "Will dad be proud of me too?" (Y/n) asked quietly.

"Of course he will."


"(Y/n)-chan ! I was just about to search for you. Come on , let's warm up." Michimiya said as (Y/n) nodded. Everyone on the team was warming up , practicing their spikes , sets and receives. "(Y/n)-chan , loosen up a bit okay? We're going to win." Michimiya assured as she pat the girl's head.


"The match between Karasuno Girl's Team and *** Girl's Team will now start. Both teams , please line up at the court." The referee said. 

"Let's have a good game !"


"(Y/n)-chan nice receive !"

"2 Blocks ahead !"

"Chance Ball !" 

The court was filled with noises from both the court and the crowds. Karasuno's Girls Team were having a hard time as they frequently make clumsy mistakes, which resulted them to lose the first set , but Michimiya calmed the team down by assuring that they'll take back the second set. 

"I'm sorry , if only I received the ball 2 seconds earlier. We wouldn't have lost the 1st set." (Y/n) bowed down. "(Y/n)-chan , what are you saying? We're in this together alright?" Mao smiled. "And besides , I made a lot of mistakes too earlier. So stop thinking that everything's your fault." She continued and ruffled the girl's hair.

"I'm sorry for bringing negativity...Let's win this." (Y/n) nodded as everyone smiled.

And so , the match continued. Though they gained stability , it wasn't quite enough as they lost the 2nd set as well. Mao started crying saying that it was mostly her fault that they lost , but Michimiya and (Y/n) comforted her , making sure that she stops crying.

"Everyone , I'm going to go get some fresh air..." (Y/n) said as she walked away from the team. She walked outside of the building and sat down under a tree, drinking a carton of milk. 'We lost...But , I don't feel as sad as I should...Maybe it's because I expected this.' (Y/n) thought as she sighed and closed her eyes. 

"(Y/n)-san." A voice suddenly called her out. She opened her eyes , to see Kageyama with a serious look on his face. "Tobio...I'm sorry...I'm supposed to win but--"

"I'm proud of you." He said as he hugged the girl , assuring her that everything was alright. "But , I lost..." She said sadly. "It doesn't matter..." He said. "Because , no matter what happens , I'll still love you the same." Kageyama said pulling away from the hug.

"You do?" (Y/n) asked as the ravenette nodded. "You're not disappointed?" (Y/n) asked again as he shook his head no. 

"I'm very proud of you , (Y/n)-san. It doesn't matter if you win or lose , because either way , you've done your best." He smiled , cupping the girl's cheeks in his hands.

"I love you too..." She whispered. 

"What was tha--"

"I love you too !" She laughed and hugged the ravenette tightly. "Thank you...for everything." She giggled.

"No , I should thank you for staying with me." He smiled back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And that concludes the story of Kageyama Tobio and Ushijima (Y/n)



sorry this is such a shitty ending. But yeah , thank you for reading all the way to the end ! Though there's of course an epilogue so stay tune for that :)

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