Chapter seven

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I made grilled cheese for lunch with apples and grapes, the kids ate it before running outside to play soccer. I put the dishes that were in the dishwasher away before filling the dishwasher up again with some more dishes, I swept and mopped the kitchen before sitting down and watching some bones.

I woke up to Toby poking me in the face, I blinked my eyes open realizing I must have dozed off during the tv show I wiped the sleep away from my eyes and said "what time is it?" he smiled at me and said "it's 4:30pm" I got up slowly and saw Katelynn watching cartoons in the living room. I walked into the baby room and opened the bassinet box, I pulled all the parts out and began putting it together. Thirty minutes went by and my mom came barging in through the door holding a big bag and smiling at me "I bought these for you" she says with pure joy in her eyes. I sat down on the couch and pulled out a whole bunch of cute infant onesies, all with cute little saying on them, some had cute little dinosaurs or mustaches. I hugged her and said "here come look at what I bought today" I say walking into the babies room. I showed her the bassinet that I had put together and her face grew "I can't wait to see you as a mother" she says kissing my forehead.
My dad promised to put the crib together next week before they both took the kids home, I was glad to have the house to myself as I went into the kitchen grabbing a bag of doritos and sitting back down on the couch. I put bones on and watched until I felt my eyes start to close, I checked the time which told me it was 11 at night. I walked to my room putting my phone on the charger before laying down on my bed and falling asleep.

I woke up three hours later with the little guy kicking my bladder, I went straight to the bathroom before laying back down and trying to sleep. The little guy kept kicking me that kept me awake for another hour so I decided to go in the baby room and pull the parts of the crib out of the box. I put a few parts together before I started getting confused and frustrated, I debated on calling my dad or not but I knew he had to work early in the morning and I didn't want to wake him over something so stupid. I decided to go back to sleep.

"Build the crib Jade" a blonde nurse says as she was in between my legs holding my unborn son "build the Crib" she said louder waking me up, I looked around and realized it was still dark. I checked the time with it being five in the morning, I pulled my phone out and made the decision to call Lucas who picked up after the fifth ring. "Hello" he said in his low sleepy voice that I found I liked a lot "hey, umm, nevermind" I say going to hang up until he said "wait, Jade?"
"Yeah" I admit he sounded more awake now "what's up, are you ok?" I could hear the concern in his voice making me sigh "yeah, I just. It's stupid forget it" I say until he starts laughing "I'll head over here in ten minutes" he says hanging up. I couldn't help to smiled as I walked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee as my door swung open with Lucas walking towards me with a chocolate chip muffin "here" he says handing it to me and asked "so what's up?" I shrugged and said "the baby woke me up at like three in the morning so I started putting the crib together but it was really confusing and frustrating" I say as he sat down listening to me and my stupid brain "so I went back to sleep and had this dream of this nurse yelling at me while holding my unborn son telling me to build the crib" I say with a little laugh. He nodded his head and said "let's go take a look" as he stood up from the table and walked to the babies room, there stood the four pieces that I put together making him laugh a little as he picked the instructions up. "I need to go get some tools from my truck real quick" he says walking out, I ate little pieces of the muffin out in the kitchen while pouring me a small cup of coffee with my chocolate hershey's creamer. Lucas came in and I handed him a coffee cup which he took and got some coffee before heading in to build the crib.

"I really appreciate you helping me out, and I'm sorry I woke you up over a stupid dream" I say a little embarrassed, he shrugged and said "don't feel bad, when cheyenne can't sleep she'll wake Cody up to help her clean the house" he laughed. I laughed with him and said "my mom used to do that with me while she was pregnant with Katelynn, I never really understood why until now"
We stayed in the babies room building the crib for an hour before it was finally done.

I walked in the kitchen and cooked us eggs and bacon with some toast, I grabbed Lucas's plate and walked it into the babies room as he checked the crib for the fifth time to make sure he did it right. "I made breakfast" I say holding his plate out to him, he grabbed it gently and we walked back into the kitchen to eat our breakfast. The sun was just barely starting to come up as Lucas's phone started to ring "hello?" he says sipping water from a water bottle I had gotten for him. "I'm over at Jades" he says looking at me "Cheyenne says hi" I laughed and said "tell her I say hi back"
"She wants to know if you have decided on a name yet?" Lucas says looking at me, I smiled and said "I'm going to go with Oliver" I say taking a bite of my food as he told them the name. That was when my phone started ringing "hey" I say to cheyenne "hey, are you planning on having a baby shower?" she asks and I started thinking about it "I think my mom wants to plan the baby shower, I'm not sure though" I say as she smiled and said "I'm having a babyshower in two months and I think it would be cool to have our baby showers together" I laughed and said "that sounds like a lot of fun" wondering how that would work. We talked about the details for about fifteen minutes before we hung up, Lucas's had to go home and get ready for work. I felt bad about waking him up really early but he kept reassuring me that it was fine.

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