Chapter eleven

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I stood up slowly and walked out of my room going to the bathroom quickly before I went walking around my house. "Hey" I heard a voice behind me making me jump and scream turning towards the noise, Lucas rushed to me "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he laughed. I nodded my head and said "did I wake you?" He shrugged and said "I felt you leave the bed, but didn't feel you come back so I got a little worried." I smiled knowing I was blushing i said "Oliver's kicking me in the ribs" he nodded and put his hands on my belly and said "maybe there's a soccer ball in their with him." He said joking around, I laughed making him move a strand of hair from my face. He put his hands on each side of my face before leaning down, he stopped a few seconds away from my lips making me push mine to his.

We stood in the hallway making out until he pulled away, putting his lips on my forehead before saying "let's head to bed" I nodded my head as he grabbed my hand guiding me back to my room. We laid down with our arms around each other, I slowly drifted into sleep as Lucas kissed my nose putting a smile on my face as my eyes closed.
I woke up a few hours later with Oliver dancing on my bladder, I lifted myself up from my bed realizing Lucas was still sleeping. I went to the bathroom and checked the time, it was 6 in the morning. I also had a missed call from Cheyenne 13 minutes ago so i quickly Called her back "hey?" I could hear the pain in her voice as she said "babies on his way and Cody is at work. Can you come get me?" I started running around my room getting dressed "I'll be right there" I say rushing out of my bedroom door "where are you going?" Lucas yelled after me. "Cheyennes in labor" I say, he jumped out of the bed putting his shoes on and running after me. He hopped in the car as I sped to Cheyenne's house, I knocked twice before barging in she was sitting on the couch with Cody laughing. "Wow, you got here in five minutes. I'm impressed" Cody says laughing, Lucas came running in rubbing his eyes "is she ok?" They blinked at us making Cody get up and say "you guys were together? At 6 in the morning?" I couldn't help but smile until I realized "so your not in labor?" She shook her head smiling "not yet, doctors said I'll probably go into labor tonight" I sighed as Lucas folded his arms "seriously? You guys made us speed all the way here for nothing? I could have died!" He yelled dramatically I rolled my eyes.

"So Lucas spent the night?" Cheyenne said looking at me, I shrugged and said "he made me watch a scary movie, it was only fair that I made him stay with me afterwards" we both laughed as Lucas wrapped his arms around me laying his head down on my shoulders "I'm so tired" I laughed.
Cody and Cheyenne scooted over on the couch making room for us, Lucas sat down first and guided me to sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me laying his head down on my back no doubt his eyes were closed. Cheyenne smiled at me as she laid back into Cody's arms "you guys are cute" Cody says smirking, I watched as Lucas's hand came up flipping Cody off making us all laugh. He tightened his grip around me before I knew it he was snoring "you must have kept him up late" Cody laughed. I rolled my eyes and said "more like Oliver kept us both up" they both nodded their heads and Cheyenne said "yeah, Aydan's been kicking more than usual." I sighed and said "hopefully Oliver doesn't do that, he kicks me enough as it is." We both laughed "are you hungry?" I shrugged and said, "Maybe a little" she stood up and went into the kitchen. I went to follow her but Lucas gripped me tighter mumbling something in his sleep, I giggled and turned my head to look at Cheyenne and said "I'm stuck here" Cody just smiled and said "I've never seen him do that".

I couldn't help the dumb smile that spread across my face, Cheyenne brought me a bagel with cream cheese all over it. I smiled thanking her, we sat talking until Cheyenne decided to go to the bathroom and Cody went outside to smoke. I slowly turned my body laying the back of my head on Lucas's chest, I fell asleep quickly.
I woke up to Lucas running his hand through my hair, I wiped my eyes realizing my face was in the crook of his neck. I lifted my head making everyone stare at me "how long was I out?" I asked sitting up, Lucas shrugged and said, "I'm not sure, I woke up like 10 minutes ago" I looked at Cheyenne who was smiling "you were both out for like an hour" I yawned and stretched standing up. "Sorry we fell asleep" they shrugged and said "don't worry about it" she handed me a water bottle, I took a giant drink out of it as Lucas stood up and said "anyways, we're going to go back to Jade's house" they nodded as we gathered our things.

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