Chapter five

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I looked at the kids and said "do you have homework?" Toby shook his head making me fold my arms and look at him, he always lied about not having homework. "Really? So if I checked your backpack you wouldn't have any?" he groaned and said "fine" pulling out a small science packet and sitting on the kitchen floor with it. I moved my homework to the counter in the kitchen so I would be standing up as I worked, I wanted to be able to help Toby if he needed it. That and I wanted to be close to the veggie tray, I admit to myself. A few hours went by and my friends went home, I cleaned up a little before sitting at the counter and playing on my phone. The kids were watching cartoons.

Another hour went by and I was ready for bed, I turned the TV off and said "bedtime" as I walked to my room. I cuddled up with Katelynn as Toby slept at the end of my bed for some reason, I didn't mind though. I waited until I heard them start to snored before I went to sleep myself, the next day I woke up and hopped in the shower before getting dressed and waking the kids up. I made them both breakfast and poured myself a small cup of coffee, thirty minutes went by and I heard a knock on the door. I was confused, I wasn't expecting anyone. I grabbed my cup of coffee and walked towards the door opening it, there stood Lucas looking at me "so you said you were getting a couch today. I wouldn't mind helping with that" he says smiling at me. I smiled at him and opened my door wider and said "that would be awesome actually" I handed him a coffee cup and said "coffee's over there" I said pointing at my small coffee pot.

Toby smirked at me and said "Jade's got a boyfriend, Jade's got a boyfriend" I smacked the back of his head and said "don't piss the pregnant lady off" he laughed going back to his breakfast. Lucas just laughed as he brought the purple coffee cup to his mouth, after they were done eating I checked my bank to make sure my check was deposited into it which thankfully it was. I buckled the kids into my car and looked up to see Lucas heading to his big truck "I'll meet you at the furniture store" he says smiling. Finally getting into my car and driving to the furniture store where I spotted Lucas sitting and waiting for me at the entrance.
I smiled as the kids unbuckled themselves and ran to hold my hand as we ran to catch up with Lucas who was walking towards us already.

Walking through the door I was blown away with the prices and options, I shrugged but went looking for the cheapest couch and kitchen table. Finally picking a cute three seat black leather couch that matched my light blue walls in the living room, I also picked a dark wooden table that matched my white wall in the kitchen. I paid $1,500 dollars on the furniture before having Lucas and some other coworker help load it into Lucas's truck saving me $100 for the Uhaul I was planning on using. I thanked Lucas before walking the kids to the car and having them buckle up, I watched as Lucas's truck left the parking lot before starting mine.

Pulling up to my house I saw Cheyenne and Cody talking with Lucas at my mailbox, I waved at them as I parked and had the children hop out of my car as I walked towards them.
"Hey, how are you?" she asks looking at the small children hopping out of my car. I smiled and said "I'm good, Lucas saved me today" I say smiling at him. Cheyenne smiled at me and then back at Lucas and said "I'm glad" trying to hold back a chuckle like she knew something I didn't, I shrugged it off as Katelynn came and grabbed my hand and smiling up at me nervously. "Well let's get these things in the house" Cody says smiling at me and walking towards the truck, Lucas and Cody pulled the table out first setting four wooden chairs down on the ground. Me and Cheyenne both grabbed a chair and walked them inside with the boys behind us carrying the table.
They set it up in the middle of my small dining room that was only a counter away from the kitchen. The kids went straight to watching cartoons in my living room and was super happy when Lucas and Cody brought the couch in. they went in my room grabbing two small blankets and laying down as they watched the cartoons, Cheyenne helped me bring in the last two chairs as Lucas and Cody both sat down at the kitchen table holding water bottles they have gotten from the fridge. Cheyenne went and grabbed two handing one to me as we both sat down at the table. "So have you decided on a name?" she asks me smiling and holding her hand to her stomach, I smiled and started thinking of cute names "I was thinking Maybe Oliver James, or maybe Adam Jackson" she nodded her head "those are cute name, me and Cody decided to call him Aydan brent" I smiled and nodded my head "that is so cute".

I watched as Katelyn walked over towards me and looked up at me "sissy, I'm hungry" she says with her bottom lip out, I nodded my head looking up at the clock reading noon. I yawned before getting up and walking to the pantry and holding up a mac n cheese box "want Mac n cheese?" I ask shaking the box, she smiled and nodded her head as toby lifted his head up off the couch and nodded his head at me before turning back and looking at the tv. I brought a pan up from the bottom cupboard and put water in the pan before setting it down on the white stove. I sat down at the table taking a drink of my water as I felt the little guy swimming around in my stomach.
Cheyenne and Cody both hopped up suddenly and said "well we'll be on our way, have a good one" she says waving goodbye to me. "Have a good night" I say after her as Lucas drank the rest of the water from his waterbottle, "I'm going to head out" he says pointing towards the door. I smiled and said "thank you for helping me today, you saved me" he nodded his head and said "anytime" he waved goodbye to the kids before heading out. I finished lunch putting mac n cheese in two black glass plates before grabbing an apple cutting them in pieces so they could share. I pulled out a chocolate poptart and set it at the corner of two plates setting it down on the table and said "come eat" they both hopped up and sat at the table and I said "eat the poptart afterwards please" they nodded as I handed them forks. I grabbed a black glass bowl and grabbed some mac n cheese before grabbing a spoon and sat down at the table next to Katelynn.

Afterwards I went and sat down on my new couch and began scrolling through facebook waiting for the kids to finish eating, Toby went straight to my closet and pulled out a soccer ball and ran outside with Katelynn right behind him. "Be careful" I yell before putting on "bones" my favorite Tv show, I walked into the kitchen and pulled out some strawberries and a Jar of nutella. I grabbed a fork before sitting down and watched the movie twirling the strawberries into the nutella.

A few hours went by with me checking on the kids every half an hour, I hopped up and started making spaghetti for dinner. After it was done I yelled for the kids to come inside as I was putting spaghetti on their plates, I put forks on their plates before setting it down in front of them. I dished me a plate before sitting down and eating myself.

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