Chapter Twenty-nine

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I woke up to Lucas holding Oliver up to my boobs, I shifted a little so Oliver would have better access to my boob. "What time is it?" I asked wiping my eyes, he yawned and lifted his wrist that had a watch on it to his face "4 in the morning" he says. I wrapped my arm around Oliver to hold him to my boob and scooted over "come lay down" I say. He laid down on the bed and laid his head down on my shoulder, he fell asleep while i fed the baby. I burped Oliver quickly before laying Oliver between us, I grabbed my phone and took a selfie with all three of us.
I quickly put it as my profile picture on facebook before laying Oliver down in the crib next to us and drifting off to sleep.

Oliver woke us up crying, he was obviously hungry as he slobbered all over my chest trying to find my nipple. I lowered my shirt and attached him to my boob letting Lucas sleep a little while longer. Some nurses came in to check on us, asking me if I had taken a shit yet, unfortunately i have not.
"We can hold him if you want to go try?" One nurse suggested, I nodded my head and poked Lucas "I'll be in the bathroom" I told him as I walked to the bathroom.
I sat there thinking for what felt like hours but was probably only 20 minutes before I finally took a shit.
Never thought I'd be excited to tell someone i took a shit "the doctor will be in to check your vitals and everything, and you should be free to go home either later today or tomorrow morning" she tells me as she writes on her clipboard.

"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked kissing me on my forehead while he rocked Oliver, to be honest I was in a lot of pain, i had to get four stitched in my vagina. I also have to wear diapers since I will bleed from my vagina like I'm on my period for several weeks. "I'm a little sore" I say sitting down on the bed as gently as possible.
He laid Oliver down in the crib before sitting down with me "do you need anything?" I shrugged and said "let's order some food and watch a movie off the laptop?" I suggested pulling out the menu.
We order our food and then connect my laptop to the internet of the hospital, I set it on my lap so we could decide what movie to watch. Lucas wanted to watch a scary movie, I however didn't want to be scared at the moment, I wanted to be relaxed. We decided to watch Avatar:the blue monkeys, I set it up on the rolling table and we ate our food while Oliver slept. Of course he woke up while I was eating but I easily put him back to sleep so I could finish my food.

A week later, Cheyenne had came over a few times with Aydan. We talked about our kids (of course) and ate lunch. Lucas finally went back to school, it took a lot of persuading. He didn't want to ever leave Oliver's side, or mine.
I yawned getting out of bed and changing Oliver, as I was walking into the kitchen with Oliver in my arms I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door, Lucas's mom smiled at me.
"Hello sweetie, I didn't want to bombard you with a lot of visitors at the hospital, but I wanted to come by and see you and the little one." She says smiling at me, I smiled back "of course, you are his grandma after all" I say. She smiled at me as her eyes filled up with water "Lucas told me you named him after his father, Thomas William, that meant so much to him. It means so much to me, your a wonderful mother and you'll be a wonderful wife." She hugged me kissing both my cheeks before holding her arms out "now let me see my grandchild" she says making us both laugh. I handed him over to her and preceded to make myself some lunch "are you hungry?" "Oh no dear, I ate before coming over thank you"
I nodded before making me a ramen noodle. (I know, it's bad for you. But everyone does it)

Lucas's mom stayed over for about an hour just gossiping and filling me in on what Lucas was like as a baby. I decided to take a nap on the couch waiting for Lucas to get home, Oliver fell asleep on my chest after i burped him and I positioned myself on the couch to where I could fall asleep without him falling off me.

I felt a weight being lifted off my chest, I opened my eyes and stared right into Lucas's eyes making my heart warm up. "Hey" he says kissing me on the lips "how are you?" I yawned and said "I'm tired, I'll get dinner started here in just a.." "I can cook dinner babe, you just sit and relax, let your body heal." I yawn nodding my head "alright, now that your home I'm going to go take a quick shower." I say getting up off the couch, he nodded his head "what do we want for dinner?" I shrugged "tacos" he laughed but nodded his head.
I went straight into our room and pulled out great sweat pants with a pink tank top, I decided not to wear a bra.
I hopped in the shower and let the hot water relax my body, it was weird not having a baby bump after having one for so long. I still couldn't believe he was finally here, my son was finally born. He was in the arms of the man that I loved. Words couldn't describe how amazing it felt not to be so fat but how empty I felt at the same time.

I walked into the living room dressed in my sweatpants and my pink shirt and sat at the table "I love you" I tell Lucas who turned and smiled at me. He walked towards me and kissed my lips before saying "then marry me"

The end...

There will be a second book, I'm not quit sure when I'll start it though. Let me know if you enjoyed the story.

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