Chapter twenty-six

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I got three packets done before I started getting a headache, I laid my head down on the table and closed my eyes. Lucas tapped me on the shoulder so he wouldn't scare me when he kissed the top of my head "how are you feeling?" He asked sitting down, I shrugged "I have a headache".

Lucas went and ordered us food, he sat a chicken salad in front of me and started looking at all the papers on the table. "Jesus, what's that huge packet?" He asked picking up the packet I had gotten from the office "I had to sign all these papers in order for them to think about letting me do classes online" he sighed rubbing the back of his head. "That's a lot of papers" he says taking a bite out of his burrito I agreed taking a bite out of my salad. Lucas pulled out all his homework which surprisingly wasn't as much as me, he had five packets he had to finish. I rolled my eyes and said "Maybe I should take your classes instead" he laughed putting his hand on my leg.

"Why don't you take the car and head home? Cody's here so I'll catch a ride from him." I nodded my head as he lowered his head down to mine kissing me deeply and passionately "I love you" he says before heading back to class. I finished my salad before I left. I drove to Cheyennes and knocked twice before walking in, she was sleeping on the couch with the baby attached to her boob. I smiled knowing that was going to be me soon "cheyenne?" I whispered, she opened her eyes and looked at me, "How are you?" I shrugged and said "I have so much homework to do, and I have a headache" she nodded switching boobs before turning her attention back to me. "Where's Lucas?" I smirked and said "I made his ass go to school" she laughed "I bet he didn't like that, you guys are like joint at the hip." I laughed nodding my head "yeah, I'm sure he needed a break he just needed to be pushed."

We sat talking for a little while before I headed home, I sat at the table for a few hours finishing my homework. I could feel my head pounding as I finished the last question, I sighed as I walked into my room and closed the curtains. I laid down on my bed and drifted into sleep.
Lucas woke me up walking into the room and taking his clothes off to lay with me, he was only in his boxers. He snuggled up next to me planting a kiss on my forehead, he pulled back quickly "Jesus, your forehead is hot" he hopped up and ran out of the room. I groaned with my head still on the pillow and my eyes closed, he walked back in and said "here, put this in your mouth" I laughed "that's what he said" he rolled his eyes and placed the thermometer under my tongue. "102.5" he said sighing I groaned bundling the blanket up and shoving it between my legs "I'll call the doctor, see what medicine to give you" he says leaving the room.
I drifted off to sleep, Lucas tapped me back awake "hey, the doctor said you should take a warm bath. I have to run out and get some Tylenol" I nodded my head getting out of bed slowly.
Lucas helped me to the bathroom before running out to get some Tylenol, I heard his truck roar to life outside. I filled the tub with warm water before folding a towel into a bath, I stepped in and slowly lowered myself into the tub laying my head on the towel.

I drifted off to sleep with the water surrounding me, I felt relaxed and my headache was slowly going away. Lucas came in and panicked "Jade?" He said kneeling down beside me, I smiled up at him to reassure him "I'm ok, just a little tired" I say. He sat down on the floor taking a deep breath "here take this" he said giving me a little cup full of grape liquid tylenol. I took it quickly before laying my head back down, Lucas put his finger in the bathtub "the waters cold, here let me help you up" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me up gently. He grabbed the towel that was under my head and wrapped it around me, he dried me off before letting me walk into our room. I only put a pair of underwear on before laying down in bed, Lucas took his shirt off and his pants off before laying down next to me. I laid half my body on him before closing my eyes, he drew circles on my back. I fell asleep right after that.

I woke up coughing, I rushed to the bathroom and slowly lowered myself to the floor puking. I sat back against the tub running my hands through my hair with my knees in the air, I took a deep breath before trying to get up. I pushed up from the toilet but my hand slipped and I hit my head "ouch!" I said rubbing the side of my head. I groaned "Lucas!" I screamed, I heard him running down the hallway and into the bathroom "what happened?" He helped me up, "I had to throw up, and I tried to get back up but my hand slipped and I hit my head" I say rubbing the side of my face.
He sighed guiding me back to bed as we both laid back down cuddling and falling asleep, I dreamed of meeting Oliver and Lucas holding him crying tears of joy.
I woke up and turned to look at Lucas who wasn't in bed, I lifted myself up out of bed throwing a shirt on and walked down the hallway. He was sitting on the couch drinking coffee with the news on, I smirked as I slowly tiptoed behind him "boo!" I yelled making him throw his coffee everywhere mainly on me.
"Jade!" He yelled standing up, folding his arms over his chest. I took my shirt off laughing "sorry, I couldn't help it" I say with him shaking his head. "That was messed up" he says amused, I smirked and walked back into my room grabbing a dress and taking a shower.
Lucas walked in and handed me a small medicine cup full of grape tylenol and handed it to me "drink up" he says. I drank it before going back to washing my hair, I hopped out afterwards getting dressed and walking out. I grabbed a bagel and sat at the table "so I work tonight" he says pouring himself another cup of coffee, I nodded my head and said "what time?" He sighed sitting down and said "I work from 10 at night until 7 in the morning" I nodded my head and said "alright"
He looked at me and said "so we should talk about the bills? I know when Oliver gets here you'll have to take 6 weeks off or longer depending on the medical stuff." I shrugged and said "I was only going to take a week off and go back to work." He shrugged and said "the doctor said you should take 6 weeks off to heal and stuff. So tell me what you need me to pay and stuff." I yawned and got up getting a folder that I wrote all my bills down and said "don't worry about my phone and car bill, you can pick a few bills you want to pay and I'll cover the rest."
"Wow, you pay less than I do at my small little apartment" he says looking over them, I shrugged and said "well your apartment is at the most expensive deluxe" he nodded his head and said "I could pay all of this and still have money left over" he says. I smirked and said "well I'm like 4 months ahead on my car bill so I didn't have to worry about it that much, and I put like $20 on my account each paycheck so I'll always have enough for my phone bill." He nodded his head and said "you could totally take 3 months off if you wanted?" I shrugged and said "I don't want you to have to pay for everything" he smirked and said "think about it" I nodded my head taking a bite out of my bagel.
"Well since you have to stay up all night, why don't we go back to bed?" I say finishing my bagel, he smirked and said "will you be alright? I'll text you to remind you to take some Tylenol or something." I giggled a little and said "I'll be fine, you can't watch me every second of the day" he shrugged and said "just want to make sure your good" I stood up and kissed his cheek and said "thank you" before walking into the living room and laying down on the couch. "I want this freaking baby out of me" I say pushing on my stomach and sighing, Lucas laughed from the kitchen and said "only one month left!". I nodded my head and said "you know, sex induces labor" I say looking up at him, he shook his head "we had sex the other day, your supposed to be on bed rest." I rolled my eyes laying back down "fine" I say scrolling through the Chanel's on the TV, Lucas chuckled as he walked into the living room and lifted me up off the couch.

We laughed as he walked me back into my room where we stayed for an hour before we both took a nap. I woke up to Lucas kissing my forehead "I'm heading to work," he says, I nodded my head just as he leaned down and kissed me. "Call me for literally anything" he says walking out, I went back to bed sleeping. I slept for a few hours before getting up out of bed and walking into the kitchen to make me something to eat. I made myself a ramen noodle before sitting on the couch with my legs crossed while I scrolled through the Channels, I ate the noodles as I watched Aliens vs Monsters.
"Hey, you doing ok?" Lucas texted me, I smirked "yes, I'm fine Lucas" I text back, getting up and walking into the kitchen I poured a little tylenol into the medicine cup and drank it before washing my bowl. "Any cramps?" He asked I rolled my eyes "no cramps, just small kicks here and there" I texted back.

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