Chapter seventeen

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After we finished eating he looked at me and said "so I want to tell you a little bit about my past" he says sipping his soda. I nodded my head sipping my water "Rose was one of my girlfriends back in the day. We dated in Highschool freshman year, she was my first at everything." I nodded my head keeping my eyes on him as I listened closely "Matthew and I are only three years apart, he was still living at home. I came home one day and he was having sex with Rose in the living room." My mouth flew open "that's fucked up." He nodded his head and said "so that's kind of why I flipped out when he was trying to do the same with you." I reached my hand over the table and placed it on top of his and said "I'm not going anywhere, and Matthew is definitely not my type" he smirked leaning down and kissing my hand.
"He wouldn't be able to make you moan like me anyways" he said winking at me, I rolled my eyes as we got up to leave. That's when Lucas's phone rang "great now Cody's calling me" I folded my arms and said "who's fault is that?" He smirked kissing me before answering "what's up?".
"Right now?" Lucas said a few seconds afterwards, he rolled his eyes and hung up "he wants us to go to their house".

We drove to Cheyennes and went straight into their house "honey I'm home!" I say walking in with Lucas shaking his head. I moved my long black hair in front of my hickeys to hide them "Really?" He said laughing, Cheyenne came running out of her room into the living room to stand in front of me. "Is that why you ignored me all night?" She said folding her arms "to busy sleeping with Lucas?" I could see a smile growing on her face "your a happy girl for someone who might go into labor today" I say folding my arms over my belly. She laughed as Cody walked into the living room, he shook hands with Lucas who sat down on the couch, "we should go for a walk. Just me and you." Cheyenne said smiling.
"Why?" I asked walking into the kitchen to grab some water, she folded her arms glaring at me "because it induces labor, now get your pregnant ass out that door before.." "Should we come with you?" Cody asked worried. She shook her head "babe we're just going around the block" he folded his arms looking at her and said, "and if you go into labor?" She smiled and said "I'll shit rainbows I swear to god!"
I laughed and said "we'll call you" he nodded his head and said "fine, don't be gone long please." She nodded her head as she placed her lips on his, Lucas got up off the couch and planted his lips on mine moving my hair to the other side of my neck to reveal my hickeys. I heard Cheyenne gasp as Cody laughed, Lucas backed away slowly making me roll my eyes.
"Now we really have to go for that walk" Cheyenne said looking at me with her arms folded. Cody leaned down on her neck and said "Maybe I should give you one"
"Cody Jay Myers, you better knock it off or I'll drag you to our bedroom" he smirked kissing her forehead "Alright Jade, lets go. I know a pregnant lady who wants to go into labor." She says laughing and walking out the door, I groaned following after her.

"Wish me luck" I say closing the door, Cheyenne waited until we were a couple houses away from hers until she said "so, I'm going to ask about the dinner first." She smiled at me "why does Lucas have a black eye?" I rolled my eyes "because his brother Matthew kept hitting on me and he got mad and they broke his mothers glass table outside." She started laughing "and I may or may not have told him that I loved him," I say placing my hand on my stomach as she stopped walking. She turned to look at me with her mouth open "how? When? Did he say it back?" I shrugged and said "not in so many words" I say winking at her. She started laughing and said "so how did you tell him?" I ran my fingers through my hair moving some in front of the hickeys and said "so Lucas got up to dish us some food when we were at his mother's place eating. His brother sat down and asked if I wanted to leave with him, so I told Matthew 'I'm in love with your brother, not you' and everybody just kind of heard me say it." She smiled with her face getting all red "that's adorable. So you said that you loved him, not to him but to his brother? And in front of everybody?" I blinked and nodded my head and said "not exactly how I pictured myself telling him, but now he knows." We sat laughing as we walked to the small park that was a block away, we sat down to catch our breath and to get off our aching feet's.

"So was it any good?" Cheyenne said looking at me once we could breathe again, I laughed and said "yes it was. I always thought it would be pretty difficult with my huge belly, but it wasn't as complicated as I thought." She laughed, nodding her head "yeah tell me about it."
We looked at the small little park, it had toddler swings with a whole bunch of slides and climbing rocks. "Oh boy" Cheyenne said holding her stomach, I blinked "your in labor?" I had my voice remain calm even though I wanted to scream of joy for her. Her baby boy was going to finally be here.
I pulled my phone out and called Lucas "hey babe" he says while laughing, probably laughing at a dumb joke Cody had said. "Tell Cody Cheyennes in labor, we're at the small park a block away" before he hung up he shouted "get the car! We have a baby on the way" Cheyenne glared at the phone "he better not act that way when you go into labor" I nodded my head walking towards her "I'll end up killing him if he does" she nodded her head as she squeezed onto my hand. "I'm not going to lie, this is fucking painful" she says tightening her grip on my hand, we sat down waiting for the boys who took longer than we expected. "How many parks do you have around here?"
"One" she growled looking around "where the hell is he? Does he have to put his high heels on?" She spit the words. We heard laughter behind us as Cody folded his arms "really chey?" She glared at him "What took you so fucking long!" She yelled as he ran to her holding her hand guiding her to the truck "I had to grab the diaper bag" he says walking her to his truck. "You brought your fucking truck!" She shook her head, "I'll kill you, I thought we agreed we'd take the car!" He nodded his head "I couldn't find the keys" he says still walking her to the truck "they're in the same place they always are!" She shouted.
I covered my mouth trying not to laugh as Lucas looked back at me smirking "you going to be this mean to me?" I let the laugh fall from my mouth. "I guess we'll see" he wrapped his arms around my shoulders "do you want me to go get the truck and pick you up?" I shook my head and said "no, I can walk with you" I say entangling my fingers with his.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to over work yourself" he says I shrugged and said "I honestly don't mind walking. I do it all the time anyways" I say kissing his cheek walking past him.

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