Chapter eight

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Two months went by with everyone getting ready for the baby shower, I guess it was a surprise for me and Cheyenne. Cheyenne's mother was working with mine to make our babyshower special which warmed my heart, our mother's seemed to get along very well which made me and cheyenne laugh she said "how funny would it be to have our mothers be friends, us be friends, and our kids be friends. It could be like a tradition" we laughed having lunch together with the boys distracting us. We were having the babyshower at a park in town.

I had grown a little bigger which made it harder and harder to put socks on my feet, or pick anything up from the ground. Me and Lucas had gotten closer during the few months, we've had dinner a few times together and I think I'm safe to say that I've started to actually like him.
The boys went and talked by the truck while Cheyenne walked me to my  car and pulled out her phone "let's take a selfie" she says putting her belly closer to mine and smiling. We took a few pictures before she hugged me and walked to Cody's truck, Lucas ran over towards my car and hopped in the front seat and said "let's go to your baby shower" I laughed and backed out slowly before heading to the park with blue balloons everywhere. Everything was blue including the two cakes.

Me and Cheyenne stayed together as everyone came and greeted us rubbing our stomachs, we played a few games that included fake poopy diapers and guessing how big we were. Two hours went by with everyone walking around eating and being competitive with the games our mothers have set up for everyone. Finally it was time to open the gifts, we were guided to two chairs and asked to sit down next to each other while everyone handed us our gifts. My mother brought over a blue baby bath that had a yellow rubber ducky, some baby blankets, a thing of infant diapers, some baby bottles, wipes, and baby socks. Cheyenne was given a gift bag that had five onesies that were white that had cute little sayings that I couldn't read, we held our gifts up so they could take a picture of us before moving on to our next gift. My mom handed the gift over to Lucas who went and put it in my car, I was handed a big bag that had more diapers and wipes with a black onesies that said "mommy's little boy" and a white onesie that said "I think I pooped" I smiled at the onesies looking over at cheyenne who was holding a blue baby bath I laid the onesies on my stomach and allowed more pictures to be taken. My dad came running over from his truck obviously late as he handed me a car seat and said "I put the stroller in your car already" he kissed my cheek as I hugged him "thanks dad, for everything" he nodded his head and walked over towards my mom kissing her before putting his arms around her and watching like everyone else.

I got 8 packs of 20 diapers in each container with fifteen bottles, baby bids, wipes, with a whole bunch of onesies. Just when I thought the gifts were all done Lucas and cody came running over with a gift bags in their arms, Lucas handed me a big bag and set it down in front of me as Cody did the same with Cheyenne. The first thing I pulled out was a two pack of baby lotion, next was a baby blanket that was black like the crib, there was a few plane white and blue onesies as well as decorated onesies that had dinosaurs, Lions, and monkeys. There was also a stuffed monkey with big round blue eyes that I found to be extremely cute. I pulled out a 10 pack of pacifiers and two bottles, next was another pack of diapers with some wipes. He had also bought me a black swaddle blanket which made me smile really big knowing it was from him. I got up slowly and hugged him "thank you" I say as he hugged back "your welcome".

Lucas helped me load everything in my car until I heard my name being called "lets get a picture of you girls standing together" cheyennes mother said smiling at us. I walked over towards cheyenne and put our pregnant bellies together and smiled as everyone took pictures of us. Before I knew it my phone was being spammed with pictures from everybody, until I looked at Cheyenne and said "I have a present for you" I opened the backseat of my car and pulled out a gift basket that had a cute little teddy bear and baby bottles, wipes, diapers, blankets, and pacifiers. She smiled and looked at Cody and said "go get the present from the back of the truck" he laughed and ran to get it handing it to me. I pulled out another stuffed bear that looked almost exactly like the one I bought for her but it had a red scarf, I pulled out baby lotion, diapers, wipes, and pacifiers. We hugged each other while Lucas walked to my passenger side of the car and hopped in while Cody waited for his girlfriend.

I drove us to my house as Lucas helped me bring everything into the babies room, I yawned realizing how tiring a babyshower could be as he chuckled and walked towards me. "So I want to ask you something, and I don't want you to freak out" he says nervously holding my hands, I smiled at him wondering what he could possibly say that would make me freak out. "I want to take you out on a date, I think your really special and I want to be able to call you mine" he says looking me in the eyes. I could feel a stupid smile being painted on my face as my cheeks lit up like a stop sign "I would love to go on a date with you" I say keeping my eyes on him as I said "the fact that i'm pregnant doesn't scare you?" he shook his head laughing "no, no it doesn't. I want to help you. You make me want to be a better man" he says smiling at me as he put his forehead against mine, he seemed relieved as was I.

"Do you want to go to dinner tonight?" he asked after ten minutes removing his head from mine, I yawned and said "I'm actually pretty tired, want to go tomorrow?" he laughed putting his hand on my pregnant belly and said "tomorrow it is" before kissing my forehead and walking out. I heard his truck roar to live as he drove off, I went to the bathroom before heading to my room and going to sleep.

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