Chapter three

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Finally going to my last class I watched as the brown haired jerk walked into the class with another male who had black hair. They were both handed papers as they walked to the front of the class and gave each desk a paper, the brown haired man walked up to me and handed me the paper before walking away to take a seat which i found nice and sorta weird.
The class dragged on for what felt like forever until it was finally over, I gathered my five subject notebook into my book bag and got up slowly. I felt the small child flipping around in my stomach which warmed my heart, I put my hand on my stomach as I started walking. The baby had been sleeping all day, meaning it was going to keep me up all night kicking me.
I had an appointment to find out the sex of my baby tomorrow which excited me, I could finally start buying cute little outfits for it. Not that i hadn't been buying neutral sex outfits.

"Hey" I heard a voice from behind me, it sounded a little familiar but I wasn't sure exactly who it was. I turned around to see the brown hair jerk with his friend looking at me "how are you?" he asked, I shrugged and said "good, I guess" I say confused on his mood swing towards me. "I wanted to apologize for earlier, I didn't know you were pregnant" I folded my arms and looked at him amused "so if I wasn't pregnant you wouldn't have cared?" I asked with a small smile on my face not that i found it funny, I just didn't feel like having beef with anyone on my first day. Or at all, He let a small laugh leave his mouth as he said "I just don't want your boyfriend to come kick my ass over you running into me" I laughed a little and said "well I think you'll be fine, I don't have a boyfriend" I went to walk away until his friend said "wait, your single?" I turned back around lifting my eyebrows at him and said "yeah. Just me and the baby". They both nodded their heads and said "cool" I laughed again and said "if you say so"
"I'm Cody" the black haired guy said holding his hand out, I took it and began shaking his hand "I'm Lucas" I shook his hand and said "anyways, I have somewhere to be." they both smiled as I walked away.

Finally making it home I called my mother letting her know I was home, she showed up thirty minutes later with my two little siblings who went straight into my living room and started watching cartoons on my tv. I didn't have a couch yet so they sat on the floor, I rolled my eyes and asked "are you guys hungry?" they nodded their heads still watching tv. I started cooking Mac N Cheese and hotdogs, my mother kissed me goodbye as she went to her client meeting.

Toby ran over to me after thirty minutes and put his hand on my stomach "so what are you going to call it?" I shrugged "I'll figure it out once i find out the gender" I say stirring the noddles. I turned back towards Toby just as he hugged me putting his head against my stomach "I think I can hear it" he says still holding his head to my stomach "can you? What's it saying?" I say joking around. "It's hungry" he says smiling, I laughed as I started pouring the cheese, milk and butter into the pan and stirring it all together. I put it in three bowls before putting it on the counter where we all ate, after I was done eating I decided to finish my homework while the kids watched cartoons. A few hours later it was time for bed and my mother was still at a meeting. I brought the kids into my room and put a movie on my laptop and we all snuggled up, I waited for them to go to bed before I fell asleep myself. I woke up to a phone call from my mother so I quickly answered "hey honey, I'll pick them up tomorrow. Is that ok?" I yawned and said "they're sleeping anyways, so it should be fine" we talked for five minutes about my pregnant belly before I went back to bed.

The next morning I woke up and woke the kids up "hey guys get ready I have a doctors appointment" I say as I threw on some clothes and put my shoes on. I wondered how long I would be able to put my own socks on before I got to big.
We went to the hospital and did an ultrasound to see what the baby was, the kids sat looking at the screen like it was a cartoon and smiled at me every once in a while. "It's a boy" the female doctor said smiling at me, I looked at toby who was super excited "I can't wait to play baseball with him" he says as me and the doctor laughed. "Oh man" Katelynn says "I'm outnumbered now" I laughed and said "you guys will be awesome aunty and uncles" I say pulling my shirt down and getting up.

We drove to my house where my mother sat waiting for me "so?" she asked the minute I walked through the door, I laughed and said "your getting grandson" I say with a huge smile on my face. I was super excited to start shopping for him. She jumped in the air and began hugging me "oh my god, I'm so happy" she says as my father walked out of the bathroom and said "a grandson?" we both nodded our heads as my father ran over to me and hugged me. He dropped down on one knee and said "now you hurry up, grandpa wants to meet you" he says making me laugh with pure happiness. He got back up and hugged me again before they all left.
I took a quick shower before heading to my room to get dressed, I got dressed in black maternity dress with pockets. I quickly went to the bathroom before heading to the university.

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