Chapter twenty-seven

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I woke up the next day with Lucas laying on his back, one arm wrapped around me drawing circles around me while he typed away on his phone. "Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked rubbing my eyes, he scoffed "as if I'm going to school with my girlfriend being sick" I rolled my eyes. "If you keep missing school, your going to fall behind" he shrugged "I have all my homework for a week, you seriously don't need to worry." I groaned and buried my head in his chest inhaling his cologne, it always seemed to relax me when i was stressed out or worried.
"How was work?" I asked knowing he was probably tired from staying up all night
"Are you hungry?" He asked putting his phone away and setting it down on the bed, I shrugged "maybe a little, I'll probably just throw a burrito in the microwave and.." "I'll cook you breakfast. Just please stay in bed, and rest" I groaned "Lucas you worked all night, the least I could do is cook my own breakfast". He rolled his eyes and said "I'll be back" I shook my head, he was a very stubborn man.

Before long Lucas had to wake me up again, I didn't even remember falling asleep, but i must have. He helped me sit up in bed while he held a bowl of chicken soup in his hands and fed me. "Really? You know i can feed myself right?" He shrugged "just zip it and let me, please." I raised an eyebrow but I wasn't going to fight him, if he wanted to feed me he could go right ahead.
"So have you decided whether you were going to take longer then a week on maternity leave?" I shrugged "it honestly just depends on how my body reacts to labor, but since I'm not going to use the epidural I'll probably take six weeks off to let me body heal like you suggested." He smirked waiting to say 'I told you so' but before he could I said "which means I'll have to pick up more shifts at work to save money for when I'm on maternity leave. My boss says she'll pay me 10% during my maternity leave." He groaned "nope, you've been cramping and you have a fever. There's only a month left Jade, quit being so stubborn and let me help, we're in this together. You are not alone anymore."

As I lay here trying to sleep, Lucas kept poking me in the stomach playing with Oliver. I would have told him to stop so I could sleep but he was playing with his son and I didn't have to heart to. I'd stay awake for three days straight if it meant letting Lucas play with Oliver "hey babe, you still awake?" He asked, I laughed nodding my head "yeah"
Lucas laid back completely and draped his arms around me "I love you" he says kissing the back of my head. I intwined our fingers guiding his hand up to my mouth "I love you too" I tell him as we both cuddled and drifted off to sleep.
Lucas and Oliver were the love of my life, the things that kept me whole, I couldn't picture a life without them.

"Hey mom" Oliver my five year old son said running up to me "do you know where dad is?" He asked looking around. I laughed "he's in the backyard with Kayla" Kayla being his three year old little sister, and my three year old daughter. When Oliver turned 2 Lucas and I decided to have another one, we moved to a bigger house with four bedrooms. I looked at the wedding ring that was on my finger before following my son in the backseat holding my swollen belly where Tobias waited to be born and join the family.

I woke up with a smile and looked at Lucas who was still sleeping, looking at the clock that told me it was 2 in the morning I decided to curl up closer to Lucas and go back to sleep hoping I could finish that dream and make it reality. I couldn't wait to see where life would go with me and Lucas.
I felt a kiss on my right cheek and looked into the eyes of Lucas "I have to go pick Cody up and head to class. Apparently his truck wont start and Cheyenne needs the car" I nodded my head "alright, I love you" he kissed me goodbye before leaving.

I decided to stay awake and clean the whole house, I rechecked the diaper bag making sure it was ready for when we went to the hospital. I paced back and forth before calling Cheyenne "hey" she says when she answered the phone "what are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm waiting for Aydan to wake up so I can feed him" she says with a small laugh.
"How are you feeling? Lucas said you had a fever" I yawned and said "I'm ok, just tired."
That's when the cramping started, I groaned in pain "hey are you ok?" She asked, I shrugged like she could see me and said "I'm just cramping. I had a really cute dream last night"
I explained my dream to her distracting myself from the pain of the cramps that was spreading through my body.
"That sounds like a lovely dream, I had a dream right before I gave birth that I was going to have twins" she says laughing, that's when I heard the sound of Aydan crying "I don't think Aydan likes that idea" I say jokingly. She laughed before saying her goodbyes and hanging up, Lucas would be home soon and I couldn't wait to see him.

Oliver kicked me in agreement, I guess Oliver wanted to see his daddy just as much as I did. "Don't worry baby boy. He'll be home soon" I tell Oliver while rubbing my belly.

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