Chapter thirteen

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"Nervous?" He asked fidgeting with his keys, I shrugged and said "are you?" He laughed and opened the door and said "let's go". I took a deep breath before grabbing my purse and walking out, he helped me into the truck before getting in himself.
Lucas started driving turning the radio on low, the song 'don't call me angel' by Ariana Grande came on. I turned the radio up a little louder and started singing "boy don't call me angel, you ain't got me right. Don't call me angel you cant pay the price" he rolled his eyes entwining our fingers, he brought his hand up to his mouth placing a small kiss on it sending shivers throughout my body.

Finally arriving outside his mother's house, I took a deep breath, he smirked and said "they'll like you, come on" I nodded my head opening the door. I grabbed a hold of the handle on the roof of the truck and started lowering myself down, Lucas walked in front of me and gripped my sides gently helping me down.
"Lucas!" I heard an older woman yell as she walked towards us "that's my mom" Lucas said as the woman nearly approached. "You must be Jade? I've heard so much about you." I smiled and shook her hand and said "you look very lovely Mrs. Williams", I looked down at her white shirt with black pants as she said "not as good as you, and please call me Kathy. how far along are you?" She asked looking at my stomach. Lucas entwined our fingers as I said "I'll be 8 months in three weeks" she smiled looking at Lucas who kept his eyes on me. "Wow, your just very beautiful" she says "come, your brother and sister are already inside." he nodded as he started guiding me inside.

We walked into this beautiful little White House, we heard voices coming towards us which I assumed was his siblings. He pulled me in front of him and wrapped his arms around me "brace yourself" he says whispering in my ears and planting a small kiss on my neck. I smirked as this older female who must have been in her 30's with a man who seemed a little older than her, she smiled big "my mother wasn't kidding when she said you were beautiful" I smiled and shook her hand "thank you, I love your dress" I say looking at her bright red dress. "I'm Lucy, and this is my husband Chad" I shook his hand as another male a little younger than Lucy who must have been Matthew "wow, my little brother actually caught himself a woman." He shook my hand and said "I'm Matthew, if you ever get tired of this one, you know where to find me" he winked at me making Lucas tense up and glare at him. He tightened his grip around me "Matthew shut your fucking mouth" Lucy said hitting him on the shoulder. I turned slowly and kissed Lucas on the cheek making him smile and turn his attention away from Matthew. He kissed my forehead before we turned our attention back to Lucy "guys, let's let them sit down." Kathy said folding her arms "and Matthew Williams, I'd like to talk to you outside"

Matthew got up from the couch and walked to the backyard where his mother stood waiting at the door. Lucas laughed and said "he thinks he's slick until mama gets ahold of him" I smirked as Lucas guided me to the couch. He sat down sideways on the couch pulling me gently into his lap, I leaned my head against his shoulder and was relieved I got along with his family. I felt Oliver start kicking around making me look at my stomach, I realized that Oliver was pushing my stomach out. I tapped Lucas and pointed to my stomach but of course when he looked Oliver stopped "damn it Oliver" I say pushing gently on my stomach to see if I could make him start doing it again. Lucas just laughed until he saw Oliver push my stomach out "looks like he's trying to claw his way out" I laughed as his mother and Matthew came back in. Kathy walked towards us and said "so I wasn't sure what you liked so I played it safe and made spaghetti" I smirked and said "I love spaghetti".
Lucas nodded his head dramatically "she could eat a whole pot of spaghetti" I rolled my eyes hitting his shoulder "shush" I say making him laugh.

"You guys are too cute!" Lucy screamed walking in and sitting down on the couch, Chad sat next to her and rolled his eyes "great, now I'm gonna have to hear about you guys all night" he says laughing. Lucas laughed with him nodding his head "Probably" Lucy rolled her eyes and said, "Why don't you snuggle me like that?" I giggled watching her fold her arms.
"Baby I do a lot of things that other men don't do like.." Chad whispered the rest in her ears making her turn red like a tomato. She kissed his cheek and said "let's eat" getting up quickly and walking into the kitchen, Lucas helped me up as we walked into the kitchen.

Lucas guided me to a chair at the table and said "I'll get you a plate" he kissed my forehead and walked towards the cabinets grabbing a plate. I watched him from afar until I felt someone sit next to me, I turned and looked at Matthew who smiled "want to get out of here?" I blinked at him. Was he seriously trying to steal me away from Lucas? Right in front of him? I shook my head and said "I'm in love with your brother, not you". My mouth fell open realizing what I had just said, I looked at Lucas who was smirking at me as well as his mother and sister. I covered my mouth as my face turned red, Matthew's mouth fell open "no shit" Lucas walked towards me with two plates and set them down. He grabbed Matthew by the back of his shirt and dragged him out of the chair "let's go talk outside" he says, Lucas didn't wait for Matthews answer as he dragged him out the back door.
"They're not going to kill each other are they?" They shrugged and said "they fight every time they see each other. Matthew tries to get under Lucas's skin all the time." I nodded my head relaxing a little taking a sip of the water next to me until I heard something shatter outside. I stood up as Lucy and Kathy walked to the door "I just bought that!" Kathy shouted as the boys were rolling around the yard with a bunch of glass.

I shook my head as Lucas shoved Matthew off getting up quickly and punching him, Matthew fell to the floor holding his face. Lucas took a deep breath and walked towards me, I realized that blood was coming out of his nose and he had a few cuts on his face probably from the glass.
We all walked inside as Lucas walked us to the table "did you get it all out?" I say amused, he nodded his head grabbing my hand and bringing it to his mouth kissing it.
I placed my hand softly on his face and started examining the cuts on his face "you have glass in your face" I say pulling out some tweezers from my purse. He smirked and said "I slammed Matthew down on the glass table" I shook my head with a small smile on his face. His mother started laughing "I just bought that table!" I brought my tweezers to his face and started digging the glass out of the cuts carefully not to hurt him. "I'll buy you another one" Lucas says laughing as Matthew walked in blood coming from his face "bet you won't piss Lucas off anymore" Lucy said laughing. I smirked trying not to laugh, Matthew looked amused which was relieving. I didn't want to be the cause of what tore them apart "you going to pull the glass out of me?" Matthew said laughing. Lucas went to turn his face but I grabbed it quickly and made him stare me in the eyes "I want you" I say as I brought my tweezers back to his face "now hold still, I have to get the last piece of glass".

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