Chapter twelve

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Lucas ended up driving us back to my place, we walked inside and I went to walk into my room until he grabbed my hand. "So I have a favor, which you totally don't have to do" he took a deep breath making me put my hand on his face and nodded my head "so my mother is having this dinner thing, and my older sister Lucy and her dumb husband Chad are going to be there. As well as my older brother Matthew who thinks I'm nothing but a screw up.." "are you asking me to meet your family?" He took a deep breath and nodded his head. I kissed his cheek and said "of course." I took a deep breath and said "do they know I'm pregnant?" He nodded his head and said "I brought it up, they don't care" I took another deep breath and said "they don't think I'm trying to trap you? Do they?" He shook his head and said "it wouldn't be their decision anyways" he leaned down and cupped my face before planting his soft lips on mine. I couldn't help but smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, of course my pregnant belly was in the way but he didn't seem to care.

He put his lips on my forehead before he whispered "your all mine" he placed his lips on me once more before kneeling down and whispering to my belly "your both all mine" he kissed my belly before standing back up. "If you want me, that is" he says smirking at me. I smiled at him kissing him and said "I'd love for you to stick around" he wrapped his arms around me as we walked to the bedroom. I walked to my closet and pulled out my favorite black dress with pockets and then grabbed a black pair of underwear. I walked up to Lucas and smiled "I'm taking a shower if you want to join?" I said winking at him before walking into the bathroom.

I ran the water to mild hot before stripping my clothes off and hopping in, a few seconds later I heard the door open. The curtain swung back as Lucas climbed in naked, he smiled at me cupping my face and planting small kisses on my cheek. The water dripped over our faces as he lowered his head in the crook of my neck, soft moans left my mouth as his hands went to my belly. Oliver started kicking his hands making him smile as he continued kissing my neck, he went back to kissing my lips. He put one hand on my boob smiling while shoving his tongue in my mouth, our tongues danced in synced for a few before he turned and grabbed the shampoo putting some in my hair and massaging it around. I turned so he could have better access to my hair as he washed it, he grabbed the body wash and started washing my body. He grabbed the shower head washing all the soap off me, I grabbed my shampoo and put a little bit in his hair scrubbing it. He held my boobs as they started moving everywhere, we both laughed until my front door swung open "Jade?!" Our laughs died down as I realized my mother was in my apartment "I'll be out in a little bit" I say. Lucas laughed kissing me and washing his hair out before hopping out, he got dressed quickly holding a towel out for me. I quickly dried off getting dressed and walking out "hey mom" I say, she looked at me and then at Lucas and Smiled awkwardly. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything" Lucas started laughing and said "she fell in the shower, I just went and helped her." I rolled my eyes looking at him smirking, I knew my mother wasn't going to buy that story.

"Mom this is Lucas" I say looking back at her, she nodded her head and said "the boyfriend?" I smirked looking at Lucas who was walking towards me and said "yeah, the boyfriend" he kissed my forehead and walked into the kitchen and said "would you like anything to drink babe?"
"Water, please" I say. He looked at my mom and said "and you Mrs. Wilson?" She smiled "you can call me Andrea, and no sweety I was just coming by to check on Jade because she hasn't been answering her phone." She glared at me, I rolled my eyes and said "I've been sleeping all day for the past week" he laughed and said "yeah, I walked in on her sleeping with a bowl of salsa and some chips" I rolled my eyes and said "it's not my fault I'm always tired" he laughed handing me a water bottle kissing my cheek and said "I should head home and get ready for dinner tonight, I'll pick you up at 6?" I nodded my head and said "I'll be ready" he nodded his head kissing me goodbye and waving towards my mother.

"He's cute, way better than Matthew" my mom says sitting on the couch "is he the same Lucas who helped you move the couch?" I nodded my head and said "and he came over at like 4 in the morning to put the crib together." She smiled and said "he's a keeper." I nodded my head and said "I know" with a smile on my face.
"Well I'll let you get ready, your going to dinner in two hours" I nodded my head and hugged my mother goodbye.
I went straight to my closet searching for half an hour before I called Cheyenne "hey girl, what's up?" I sighed and said "So Lucas invited me over to his parents' place, and I have no idea what to wear." I could feel her smile through the phone "just wear jeans and a shirt, they don't care about anything to tell you the truth. They're just gonna focus on your personality and I know they'll love you." I took a deep breath "is there anything I shouldn't say? Anything I shouldn't use to start a conversation or something I should just know in general?" I say pulling out a light blue maternity shirt and grabbing a pair of black pants. She giggled "relax, they'll love you. Just go in there show off your belly and they'll just fall at your feet." I rolled my eyes and said "really?" I could hear Cody laughing in the back, I put the phone on speaker as I pulled on the pants over my belly. I put the shirt on afterwards and went to put my shoes on, I tried on three different pairs of boots and pouted "none of my shoes fit me" I said loud enough for her to hear me. She started laughing "wear your tennis shoes" I sighed "I wanted to wear boots, it would have completely made the outfit look better" I say sighing. "I don't want to show up wearing lame ass tennis shoes" she laughed "your totally freaking out" I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not freaking out, I just want to look good."
I heard the phone start moving around "Jade just wear your damn tennis shoes" Cody said laughing. I rolled my eyes and said "which ones should I wear? The black ones or the white ones?" I heard Cody groan. "Shush Cody" I heard Cheyenne say laughing, I rolled my eyes.

"Help me" I say in a panic, she started laughing "alright, wear the black ones, you can never go wrong with black." I nodded searching through my closet and putting my black shoes on, I took a deep breath and said "should I curl my hair? Or straighten it?"
"Curl it" she says, I nodded my head and said "thank you! I'm going to go finish getting ready, have a goodnight" I say hanging up. I quickly ran into my bathroom and curled my black hair, half an hour later I was finished and checked the time. My heart dropped realizing it was now 5:55, I quickly pulled out my makeup putting black eyeliner on the bottom eye lip before putting dark brown eyeshadow on. I heard my door open "you ready?" Lucas says walking into my room. "Where are you?" He says I laughed and said "bathroom" he walked to the open door of my bathroom and took one look at me. "Damn" he says smiling at me with his hand rubbing the back of his neck, I smirked and grabbed my mascara "almost done" I say as I ran the black brush through my eyelashes.
I looked at him and said "I wanted to wear boots, but none of my boots fit me" I say looking at my shoes. He shrugged and said "they won't be looking at your shoes love" he kissed my cheek, I turned my head to face him better "I'm serious," I say. He nodded his head "you look beautiful" he placed his lips on mine for a second before walking out. I put my makeup away and looking in the mirror for another minute before walking out myself.

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