Chapter twenty-five

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When we got home I laid on the couch still cramping, Lucas sat down next to me and placed his hand on my leg. Lucas put a movie on before placing my legs on his to massage my feet, we laid there for possibly thirty minutes watching the show and I was drifting into sleep.
My eyes closed just as someone knocked on the door, I groaned as Lucas hopped up to answer the door. "You have a lot of nerves showing up here." I took a deep breath knowing it was Matthew "I just want to talk to her, please?" He looked at me as I looked over the couch. Matthew was standing at the door uncomfortable as Lucas tensed up "let him in" I say sighing and slowly getting off the couch.
Lucas pushed the door open and Matthew walked into the living room "I want to apologize for my behavior earlier, I don't know what came over me." I folded my arms and said "how's Ariana?" I asked he sighed rubbing his hands on his face before placing them back down at his side "she's pissed, won't even talk to me" I nodded my head as Lucas came and wrapped his arms around me glaring at Matthew.
"I would be to, she's pregnant with your child and your over here confessing your love for some other woman" I felt the cramps start up again as I placed my hand on my hips to distract myself. He nodded his head and said "I was jealous, I'll admit. Seeing you with another man was harder than I thought it was going to be" I shrugged and said "I'm sorry that your hurting, but that's no excuse to act the way you did. Treating Lucas the way you did, ignoring your girlfriend. I've never been more disappointed in you" I say bringing my arms over my chest folding them.

"Ariana wants to leave tonight, I just wanted to say goodbye" I just stared at him "goodbye then Matt" I say. He nodded his head and walked out, Lucas unwrapped his arms around me and walked after him. I sighed as he walked out the door, I looked out the window cracking it a little so I could ease drop "look man, I understand. If I was in your position it would be hard for me to stay away from her. But if you claimed to love her as much as you say you do, you'd love her enough to let her go. She's mine, that baby she's carrying is mine and I will not let you try to sabotage that." Matt nodded his head "I'm sorry man" they both stared at each other for a minute before Matt said "I'll stay away" he hopped in his car and drove away. I closed the window quickly and walked into the kitchen to grab a water bottle, my cramping was getting worse.
Lucas walked back in and sat on the couch irritated, I sighed taking a drink from the water bottle before sitting on the couch. I looked at Lucas before laying my head down on his lap, he started playing with my hair "have you ever watched the walking dead?" He asked. I shrugged and said, "no, I've heard about it though." He played the walking dead from the first episode and sat back, we sat in silence watching the tv show. Lucas fell asleep snoring making me giggle to myself, I felt more cramping in my side. I groaned sitting up, this cramp was more severe, I folded my legs sitting up. I rocked forward and back a few times, hoping the pain would stop but it didn't. I squeezed my sides together putting pressure on them which didn't help "Lucas" I say tapping his shoulder, he looked at me blinking his eyes "what's up?" I groaned squeezing my sides "it hurts" I say grabbing his hand and squeezing.

He moved me to sit in his lap, his hand still in mine "it'll pass" Lucas kept repeating. I fell asleep in his lap as he cradled me like a baby, I woke up the next day laying in my bed with Lucas's arms wrapped around me. I pulled myself closer to him and put my head on his chest wrapping my legs around him, he shifted placing his hand on my stomach. I smiled when Oliver kicked his hand, Lucas smiled in his sleep moving his face in my hair. I yawned waking up completely, it was 5 in the morning. I lifted myself up waking Lucas "what's up? Are you still cramping?" I shook my head "no, but you need to go to class" he shook his head sitting up "I can't leave you here alone, your having bad cramps" I smirked and got up "I have to go in to" he shook his head "your on bed rest" I folded my arms "Lucas, all we do is sit down in a huge classroom. But that's not why I'm going in. I have to talk to them about doing my classes online" he groaned and said "fine, let's go shower then" he hopped out of the bed.
We both hopped in the shower, Lucas washed my hair as well as my body before washing his own.

I made myself a bagel before grabbing my backpack and walking out to the car where Lucas followed. I made Lucas go to class, of course he didn't like it but he couldn't spend all day watching over me. I walked to the office straight to the front desk "hi I was wondering if there was a way of doing my classes online?" She looked at my pregnant belly and then back at me and said "for what classes?"
"For Mr. Lynn and Mr. Jacobs" she started typing away on her computer before she reached into a file cabinet pulling out a huge packet. "We'll need you to sign these papers, I'll have to ask your teachers if they'll allow it but saying that you look like your ready to pop I'm sure they won't mind" I nodded my head "thank you" I say.
I put the papers in my bag and walked to my classes grabbing all the assignments that I missed, which was a lot.
I texted Lucas letting him know I would wait in the cafeteria for him for lunch, he sent me a thumbs up. I started filling out all the paperwork which took me an hour to finish, Lucas had another class before he could go to lunch so i started working on all my assignments.

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