Chapter twenty-eight

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A week went by and I was finally feeling better, Lucas wouldn't let me leave the bed unless I had to go to the bathroom. "You need rest" he kept telling me, which honestly. If i hear that sentence again I'm going to pull my hair out.
I finished the huge packet asking to join the online classes, they excepted after three days. I was currently sitting on the couch doing all my homework while snap chatting Cheyenne. Lucas went back to school at the beginning of the week.

as i was about to shove a potato chip in my mouth I felt a contraction, it wasn't to bad so I ignored it. I was either going to go into labor or false labor. Either way I was ready.
I finished my last essay as the contractions got worse. I sighed going to take a shower hoping the shower would relax my muscles, I was going to keep my word on not using an epidural. It wasn't to prove anything, I just knew that it caused problems with your back later on and i didn't want that. Of course if the pain got to much I'd rethink my idea but for now I was sticking with the idea of not having a large needle stuck up my back.

"Jade!?" I heard Lucas yelling from the living room "I'm home!" He says walking into the kitchen. I heard him open the fridge and then close it before opening a soda, it was probably a Mountain Dew knowing him "in here" I say.
I listening as his footsteps came closer, I was gripping the side of the shower with hot water beating on my back to calm my muscles "what's going on?" He asked. I looked at him "I think I'm going into labor" I say honestly, he dropped his Mountain Dew on the floor "right now?!" He said panicked. I would have laughed if i wasn't in so much pain.
I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body before walking into our room. I decided to just put a dress on since I'd have to take it off once i got to the hospital anyways, Lucas disappeared, I could hear his footsteps running all over the house which lead me to believe he was looking for something.

I went into the baby room and grabbed the diaper bag making sure I had everything i needed in there. I had three dozen diapers, a huge things of wipes, a lot of outfits so I could decide at the hospital what I wanted him to wear.
"I GOT THE KEYS!" Lucas screamed running past the baby room probably into our room looking for me. The contractions got worse until i felt liquid running down my legs, I knew my water broke. I stood up grabbing the diaper bag as well as my stomach walking out of the room "will you get the car seat?" I asked Lucas who was running towards me, he nodded his head running into the baby room and grabbing the car seat.

We rushed to the car before driving to the hospital, by the time we got there I was ready to push. They laid me down on a bed and spread my legs "alright, on three take a deep breath and push" I did what i was told. Lucas held onto my hand as I squeezed it for dear life.
I brushed my hair out of my face with his fingers whispering encouraging words into my ears.
Three hours later he was out, Lucas smiled "he's here! He's finally here" he says looking at our son. I smiled, the love Lucas had in his eyes made me fall absolutely head over heels for him all over again.
Lucas cut the umbilical cord before coming back and kissing my forehead "he's handsome! You did such an amazing job" he cooed in my ear while still kissing my forehead.

They wrapped Oliver in a baby blanket before handing him over to me "what name did you go with?" My baby doctor asked, I smiled looking up at Lucas. "We're going with Oliver Thomas William" Lucas looked shocked looking down at me "my fathers name?" He asked almost in tears. He brought his face closer to mine where I kissed him deeply "of course" I say in between kisses.

A few hours went by and my mother and father finally left, the kids were so excited to meet their nephew. Lucas was changing Oliver, I took a quick picture of my two boys together sending a picture to Cheyenne who immediately called me "hey, I'm getting Aydan ready right now and we'll be right there." She says excited. I was excited for her to meet Oliver "I'll see you soon then"
Lucas had Oliver wrapped in a baby blanket while rocking him back and forth "i think he's hungry" he says walking towards me. I reached my arms out and brought Oliver down to my boob who immediately latched on, using my nipple as a straw to suck the milk from my coconuts.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Cheyenne says as soon as she walked through the door "give me that baby!" She says to Lucas walking over towards him. Lucas put Oliver in her arms and walked over towards me with water, which I gladly took.
"How long were you in labor?" I shrugged "I started contracting at noon, Lucas got home at 2:30, and then 30 minutes later we went to the hospital and I pushed him out in under 3 hours." She looked at me "without epidural?" I nodded my head. "Jesus, did it hurt? What am i talking about, it hurt even with epidural i can't even imagine how horrible that felt." I laughed and said "it was manageable, I almost gave in but it was to late" I say looking at my sweet child in her arms. No words could describe how happy i was. I had the man I loved, my two best friends, and two babies i really cared about all in one room.
I couldn't be happier.

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