Chapter nineteen

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I took a deep breath laying my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes, but no matter how hard I tried to sleep I couldn't. I looked down at my huge stomach and took a deep breath, what if Lucas didn't want Oliver? I know he loves playing with him while he's in my stomach, but what if he realizes that having a baby is hard and wants to leave? I sat up in bed with a pillow in my lap and grabbed my phone.

I called my mother who answered after the third ring "hey honey, are you ok?" I sighed as the tears started falling from my eyes. "Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you" I say wiping my eyes, she sighed and said, "What's going on?" So I told her what happened between me and Lucas and how I had went for a walk afterwards and that I had really bad cramping and went to the hospital. Told her I was on bed rest for a week and she just sat and listened. "I'm scared mom, what if Lucas realizes he can't handle it and leaves?" I say as more tears fell from my eyes "honey, he loves you and if he figures out he can't handle it then you know. You and I both know that you have what it takes to do this single parent thing for that little boy." I nodded my head like she could see me and wiped the tears from my eyes "earlier he told me he wanted to move in with me."
"Then what's the problem?" She asked I shrugged and said, "That was before I had Braxton-hicks. Right now we're in our honeymoon stage and we're so in love, but if he realizes after the honeymoon stage that he doesn't actually love me. I'm going to be broken mom." I say wiping more tears, she sighed and said "don't think too much of it honey, enjoy the time you have with him" I yawned and said "alright, thank you mom"

We hung up and I decided to watch a movie off my phone, hoping I'd fall asleep, but I couldn't. I got out of bed and took a shower getting dressed. I pulled my phone out and checked the time, it was 9 in the morning so I went and made myself some breakfast.
I grabbed my list of food that I needed and stuck it in my purse before walking out, I got in my car and drove to the store. I called my boss on the way telling her I needed to be on bed rest for a week and of course she understood, I loved my boss and I loved working at the vet clinic.

Getting to walmart I went straight for the food and started putting things in my cart, fifteen minutes went by and my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I say looking at the different kinds of steaks "where are you?" Lucas asked, I yawned and said "I'm at the store" there was a silent pause before he said "why?".
I rolled my eyes "because I needed to go grocery shopping" I say putting a thing of ribs in the cart. I heard him groan "your supposed to be on bed rest" he reminded me, I giggled "Lucas, I'm leaning against a cart walking slowly around a store putting things in the cart. I'm sure I can handle it." He sighed "fine, please be careful"
I assured him I would be safe before hanging up on him and finishing my shopping.

I went to the baby aisle and started looking around, I grabbed a cute little giraffe stuffed animal. I wanted to give Aydan something for being born, I checked out and walked out to my car. I loaded everything in my car and grabbed the giraffe and put it in my front seat so I wouldn't forget it going to my appointment in an hour.
When I got home Lucas was outside waiting for me with his arms folded, I took a deep breath and hopped out "what?" He shook his head and went to grab the groceries bringing them inside. I grabbed the last little bag in the back and shut the back of my car before walking inside, he set them on the table before turning to look at me. "Why didn't you wait for me?" I shrugged and said, "I figured you were still sleeping" he sighed as he started helping me put everything away.
We stayed silent as we put everything away, I walked into my bedroom and noticed a few boxes full of clothes close to my closet door.
I smirked looking at them, I nodded my head and walked back out and went into the babies room and sat down on the floor. I had the crib next to the window and the dresser against the wall, I also had a changing table by his closet. "Lucas?" I said waiting for him, he walked in and smirked "you stuck again?" I shook my head and said "I want to move the crib where the dresser is and move the dresser where the crib is." He laughed and said "alright" he moved the dresser out of the way before moving the crib where the dresser was, afterwards he moved the dresser against the window. He held his hand out to help me up "thank you. we should go to the appointment now" I say kissing his cheek and walking out.

We took my car to the appointment, we sat in the waiting room waiting to be called on. "Jade?" I heard my name, Lucas hopped up and helped me up as we walked in the room. "You must be Jade's boyfriend" Dr. Mack said shaking Lucas's hand, he nodded his head "are you going to be in the room with Jade when she's giving birth?" He looked at me as I looked at him, he nodded his head and said "I'd like to be" she nodded her head and said "would you like to cut the umbilical cord when the little one is born?" He smirked, nodding his head.
I laid down on the bed as she started moving the camera around on my stomach "he's getting big" she says taking pictures. "He's a very healthy boy, and measure to about 27.7 inches." I smiled looking at the screen before turning my attention to Lucas who was also looking at the screen with joy written on his face. I leaned my head against his arm for a second before looking back at it I felt Lucas kiss the top of my head. "I heard you had some bad braxton-hicks yesterday?" I nodded my head and said "I guess I overworked myself" she nodded her head and said "it seems that way, how are you feeling now?"
"I feel fine, I'm still cramping but it feels more like a pinch to me." She nodded her head and said "good. Any stress lately?" I shook my head even though I was stressing out last night "not really" she wrote more notes down on the clipboard and said "well hopefully the next time I see you, you'll be giving birth. You still don't want an epidural?" I shook my head, "I'm going to wait it out to see how I feel." She nodded her head and said "very well"

"Let's go see Cheyenne" I say pulling the Giraffe out of my jacket, he smirked and grabbed my hand as we walked to her room. I knocked softly until I heard "come in" we walked in to Cody sleeping in the chair and Cheyenne changing Aydan's butt. I smiled as I placed the giraffe sitting on my stomach looking at cheyenne, she smiled "oh my lord, that's so cute" she says grabbing it. "Cody" she said softly as he stood up quickly "I'm up" Lucas laughed "tired man?" He nodded his head yawning and stretching. "Want to go get us coffee's?" Cheyenne said looking at Cody who got up and walked out with Lucas "what's up?" She said looking at me. I shrugged and said "I didn't sleep last night" she smirked "I barely slept last night" she said looking at her son.
"I feel like Lucas is getting annoyed with me" I say sitting down on the bed, Cheyenne rolled her sons crib to the bed as she sat down. "Why?" I shrugged and said "because I'm supposed to be on bed rest but I went grocery shopping earlier. That and I walked from the hospital to the truck even though he told me I should stay in the wheelchair so he could wheel me to the truck." She laughed "he went to his apartment last night, probably to get away for the night." She laughed again "it's not your fault your a stubborn pregnant lady" I laughed with her as the boys walked back into the room with our coffees. Cody's coffee was a large while Cheyennes was medium, mine however was small with Lucas's being a medium.
"Well Lucas, you better get her home to sleep. Little one didn't sleep all night." Cheyenne said looking at me, my eyes shot wide open as I peeked at Lucas "you didn't sleep?" I shook my head "the entire night?" I shook my head again. He grabbed the coffee from my hand "give me that, your not going to sleep if you drink coffee." I folded my arms and looked at Cheyenne "thanks" I say glaring at her, she laughed nodding her head.
Apparently I was taking to long because Lucas lifted me up and walked me out of the room, Cheyenne and Cody just laughed "I can walk" I say. He looked down at me and shook his head.

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