Chapter twenty-four

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We ate quickly before Lucas ran into our room and got dressed, we drove to the cafe and waited. Finally Matthew and Ariana showed up, they scooted in the booth and smiled at us. "How was your morning?" Lucas smirked at me making me looked at him and slightly glare, he loved when people asked this question. "We worked out this morning" he says kissing my cheek, I rolled my eyes and looked at him with a smile on my face "your so cute" I say sarcastically making him laugh. "Oh yeah? I never thought I'd hear Jade work out" I folded my arms and said "for your information Matt, I worked out all the time before I got pregnant." He laughed "bullshit, you barely moved in Gym class" I rolled my eyes "because the gym coach was a pervert and was always watching me, remember?" He nodded his head in agreement.
"Anyways, where'd you guys go to work out?" Ariana asked obviously trying to change the subject. Lucas smirked and said "we did it at home" Matt's eyes went wide when he finally put it together, Ariana was still confused "I didn't know you had a gym at your place?" Lucas couldn't help but laugh a little laying his head down on my shoulder "yeah, I call it Lucas" her eyes went wide as she started laughing. Matt seemed a little weirded out the waiter came over and started talking "one or two checks today?"
"Two" I say making Matthew shake his head "make it one" I blinked at him "very we'll the waiter said looking at everyone "I'll have a steak and potatoes" Ariana said handing the waiter the menu. Matt nodded his head and said "make that two" he says hanging the menu over. As I was about to talk to order some fries to share with Lucas Matthew spoke up and said "chicken salad right?" I blinked at him as Lucas wrapped his arms around my neck staring at Matthew. "Actually I just want some fries" she nodded her head as I handed the menu up to her, Lucas did the same and said "I'm sharing with her".

"So how did you two meet?" Ariana asked a little irritated at Matt, I smirked at Lucas and said "he ran into me and was a total jerk about it" "yet you still fucked him" Matt said rolling his eyes. Lucas tensed up making me lean into him glaring at Matt as I continued "and then he apologized afterwards, I ended up eating lunch with his best friends pregnant girlfriend and we just hit it off." I say "so what his Bestfriend got some bitch knocked up and he wanted to knock you up?"  He scoffed, Ariana seemed a little uncomfortable. I folded my arms and said "can I speak to you outside please?" He rolled his eyes and climbed out of the booth I kissed Lucas on the cheek before getting up and walking out after Matthew. He was waiting outside in his car and I folded my arms "want to tell me what the hell that was all about?" He hopped out of his car and walked towards me and said "I don't think he's right for you" I shook my head in disbelief.
"I don't give a shit what you think, me and Lucas are happy together. We're having a fucking baby together Matt." He nodded his head and said "yeah something about that doesn't add up" my heart skipped a beat "you went to college four months ago, so how is it that your 8 months pregnant?" I folded my arms and asked "who asked you to add anything up?" He rolled his eyes "you always were a hothead" I couldn't help the anger boiling up inside me "excuse me? I'm not the one sitting there attacking your significant other!" He rolled his eyes.

"Your pretty much attacking Lucas! Tell me why?" I glared at him "isn't it obvious?" I shook my head "it's because I love you!" My mouth fell open. I watched as his eyes looked behind me in panic, I turned to see his girlfriend and Lucas staring at us. I turned back towards Matthew and said calmly "what we had is over, we made that decision the minute you left for Europe" he nodded his head looking down at the ground "maybe i made a mistake going to Europe" I shook my head and said "you didn't" before walking back to Lucas "lets go" I say as he wrapped his arms around me.
We drove a couple blocks before the tears started falling from my face "poor Ariana" I say wiping my tears. He nodded his head, putting his hand on my leg "why would he say all that when he has a girlfriend? A girlfriend who is pregnant?" He shrugged "because he's an idiot". I agreed with him putting my hand on my cramping sides, he sighed before taking a right.

"Where are we going?" "We're going to cheyenne and Cody's" I nodded my head.
It took us five minutes to arrive at their house before we sat in the car taking a deep breath. We walked up the porch and knocked three times before walking in, Cody and Cheyenne were on the couch watching a movie with Aydan in the bassinet next to the couch.
Cheyenne took one look at me and got up "what happened?" Lucas and Cody went outside in the shed. "Well we went to lunch with Matthew and his girlfriend, and Ariana asked how me and Lucas met. So I told them partially how we met. I told them how I met you and Cody and how you were pregnant and Matt's like "so Lucas got you knocked up because his friends girlfriend was" and then scoffed so I asked to talk to him outside." She sat listening with her legs folded on the couch, she handed me a glass of water from off the coffee table so I took a quick drink and then continued "we were yelling at each other and then he told me he loved me in front of his girlfriend and Lucas." She shook her head in annoyance "and I was like 'what we had is over' and 'I love Lucas' and then he started talking like 'maybe I made a mistake going to Europe' and so I told him he didn't make a mistake and walked away" her mouth dropped open. "That's a lot of stress Jade" I sighed nodding my head looking at the ground.

"Do you want to be with Matthew?" She asked making me look at her in surprise I shook my head "no, I don't. What me and Matthew had was fun for a little while. But he could never make me as happy as Lucas does, Matthew and I fought all the time over stupid shit" I felt a kiss upon my head as Lucas sat at the corner of the couch "you make me happy to" he says as Cody sat behind Cheyenne.
I felt a huge cramp in my side making me quickly move my hand to my right side holding it. "Maybe we should get you home to rest, your doctors' are going to yell at me for letting you go anywhere while on bedrest." I laughed nodding my head "at least we slept for a few hours afterwards" I say winking at him, he rolled his eyes and stood up "let's go woman" he says holding his hand out.

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