Chapter 1

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Aprils fools.

A day that Alya Césaire dearly loved and Marinette Dupain-Cheng absolutely hated.

And this year, Alya had the greatest prank in history to play on her so innocently clueless best friend.

She rubbed her hands together mischievously as she sat at her desk, 'listening' to her teacher who was continuing their lesson. She glanced around the classroom, everyone or almost everyone was listening to the lecture.

"Psst, Alya!" Nino snapped his girlfriend out of her trance.

"What?" she whispered back, Nino glancing between Marinette who was drooling at the sight in front of her and Adrien who was being a good student and listening to the lecture.

"What are you doing, dude?" he eyed her, Alya's eyes glimmering with suspicion.

"I need a favour, Nino," she whispered back.

"What is it?" he asked her. He didn't want to know. Whatever it was, he probably would so regret asking. But that was part of the reason why he loved the brunette. She was witty, brave, smart and very clever. As sneaky as a fox.

She huffed, glancing over to her best friend's feet where her bag sat, "I'm going to kick Mari's bag to you, grab her phone, then kick the bag back to me, alright?"

"WHAT?!" he practically shouted, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked quizzically at the young DJ who interrupted his teacher's lesson.

"Nino, is there a problem?" Ms. Bustier asked him calmly, her eyes struggling to stay calm as a bunch of students burst out in giggles.

Nino panicked at this. "No! Everything is fine, dude, I mean- Miss!" he fumbled awkwardly, then smiled.

Once the lesson started up again, Alya shot her boyfriend a death glare. "Nino! You almost ruined this!" she whisper-shouted.

A bag was soon kicked at Nino's feet, the boy yelping at the sudden hit. Luckily, Tikki was asleep in Marinette's purse, not witnessing any of the treacheries.

Nino slowly reached down, picking up the bag and looking inside at the contents. A notebook, pencil case, some weird folder, a mysterious weird hexagonal-shaped box that seemed way too familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it, a bag that he didn't know what was inside, he couldn't spot any phone.

"Nino?" a voice suddenly installed the poor boy with fear.

"Adrien! My dude!" he instantly dropped the bag after he clutched Marinette's phone, hiding it behind his back, kicking the bag back to Alya.

"What were you doing with Marinette's bag?"

"Um..." he twiddled his fingers together, glancing at Alya and internally screaming 'help.'

Luckily, he was saved by the bell, everyone starting to gather their things and file out of the classroom. He was so going to kill Alya later for putting him in that position. Why couldn't she grab the phone herself?

"Um, see you later dude!" Nino shouted to his bewildered best friend, sprinting out of the classroom after he grabbed his school bag off the ground.

He ran into the locker room, huffing as he reached his locker, slipping the phone into his school bag. After a while, Alya also came running into the locker room, peering behind her shoulder a lot, almost expecting Marinette to show up any second to catch them in the act.

"Coast is clear." she grinned, holding her hand out in almost a demanding way.

"No thank yous?" he rolled his eyes, reaching into his school bag and pulling out his girlfriend's best friend's phone, placing it in Alya's hand, "What are you going to do with it anyway?"

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