Chapter 28

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Marinette drowsily blinked her eyes open, soon enough feeling her head resting on a shoulder. She widened her eyes as she saw her boyfriend looking down at her lovingly.

"Shoot!" she groaned, rubbing at her head as she sat up, "Did I take a nap?"

"Yep." the blond admitted, chuckling lightheartedly as he saw the state Marinette was in. Her hair was all messy, her eyes were droopy and tired, and she looked like one of those people who stayed up reading all night, in the morning resulting in tiredness.

On the contrary, Adrien looked like he had just come down from heaven, his perfect locks of golden hair were in their right position, his eyes were bright and cheery and he didn't even look sick, "But don't worry, I took one too."

"You did?" the bluenette exclaimed, giving him a look of absolute bewilderness. She didn't believe him. He didn't even look sick for goodness sake! There was no way he could have taken a nap with her!

"Yep." the blond agreed, ruffling his hair back, "Anyway, I don't want to keep you here any further, I bet your dinner will be ready soon since it is 19:00. So, see you tomorrow?"

"Oh, dang." Marinette facepalmed, a slight pout appearing on her face, "Guess I lost track of time. Yeah, I'll come back with something special." She winked after, making the green-eyed boy smile.

"I would kiss you, you know." he sighed, before a look of disappointment crossed his features, "Though I don't want you to get sick."

Marinette's mouth curved into a smile, patting his shoulder reassuringly as she stood up, wiggling out of the blanket Alya placed on top of the duo, "Stay healthy, Kitty. Now, where is Tikki?"

"Here!" a voice squeaked, a blob of red zooming in Marinette's direction. The pigtailed girl smiled as she opened her purse, Plagg then zooming out of the trash bin him and Tikki were in enjoying their snacks, his owner giving the black kwami a glare as the red kwami zipped into her owner's purse.

"Bye." Marinette slightly waved, clasping her purse shut as Adrien nodded, Marinette reciprocating it and headed towards the door, opening it to see Adrien's bodyguard in front of it. "Sorry!"

The man huffed, before letting the teenage girl pass by, leading her to the door.

And if you're wondering, yes, Adrien never hear the end of it last night from his father at their scheduled dinner.

Luck never really was on his side.

"Girl!" Alya squawked through the other end of the phone as Marinette was multi-tasking the next morning, "Tomorrow the whole gang is going to go to André's ice cream! You and Adrien are so coming, it's a Sunday tomorrow so there is no saying no!"

"Okay, okay." Marinette huffed, sprinkling some salt into a pot of soup she was boiling on the stove top, pressing the phone to her ear with her free arm, "We'll be there. But now... eek! My soup is steaming! Gotta go!"

She threw the phone across the room, luckily with her mad aiming skills, it landed on the living room sofa that was just in the side room. She lifted the pot up and placed in the sink, luckily before she would set off fire.

Multi-tasking never was a skill the girl possessed, and trying to make a soup similar to her uncle's was quite the hard deal. She never was able to learn Chinese, but she learned a few Chinese tea tricks and cooking tips.

When the bowl had cooled down, she placed it on a wooden board that was on her kitchen's countertop, grabbing a thermos and spoon, scooping some of the liquid's contents and poured inside the food warmer. She was going to make a care package for Adrien to help him get through his sickness. She just needed to boil the tea, grab the knitted sweater she knit for his 16th birthday and enwrap everything into a package parcel. Yeah, complex idea, but Marinette was full of creativity. Oh! She would even provide some cheese inside for Plagg, since the creature would probably be complaining on how he hadn't received anything. She also would add a box of macaroons from the bakery, since she knew Adrien was a fan of the Dupain-Cheng bakery's pastries. Honestly, who wasn't? They were the best pastries in all of Paris.

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