Chapter 8

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Ding dong!

A loud chime of the doorbell startled the just woken up bluenette who was brushing her hair fiercely with such force. "I'M COMING!" Marinette screamed, Tikki rushing at her side with her handmade side bag.

"Hurry up, Marinette! Adrien's here already!"

"You know what?" Marinette snapped, throwing her red elastic hair ties onto her desk as she rushed to grab the purse Tikki was carrying and grabbed her phone off her desk, "I don't have time to put my hair into pigtails. I'll just keep it down."

She grabbed her shoes and yanked them onto her feet, Tikki zooming into her handbag as the bluenette rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a chocolate éclair off the counter and sliding it into her mouth, swallowing half of the treat in one gulp.

She rushed over to the living room where her parents were happily chatting away with her crush. She marched forward beside her parents, the duo making eye contact.

"Let me guess, you're too eager to wait another five minutes?" Plagg smirked as his miraculous holder rang the doorbell of the Dupain-Cheng household, pushing his kwami back into his blazer as an eager-looking Tom popped his head out the door, immediately giving the startled blond a big bear hug, "Son!"

Once he was let down inside their house with the door swung closed, Adrien breathed in, then took the opportunity to thank Marinette's parents, "Uh, thank you for taking me in once again, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I'm very happy to see you again."

"No need to be formal, son!" Marinette's father beamed, holding out a tray with some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, "Here you go. Eat up, boy. Marinette loves chocolate chip cookies as well so I'm sure you'll like them." He winked once he spoke, the teen supermodel warmly nodded as he reached in for a cookie and took a small bite into it, savouring the delicate warm flavour and letting the bit of dough and chocolate chips melt onto his tongue.

"So, dear, how's it back at your place?" Sabine Cheng asked, Adrien's heart sinking at the mention of his mansion that he was forced to call home. He shivered at the memory, taking another quick bite of cookie and swallowing before he replied, "It's been alright, my father's out of town this weekend, so now I can hang out with friends."

Sabine's eyes widened, then crinkled apologetically, "I'm sure your father only means well."

The blond sighed, then nodded, "Yeah, he's very protective of me."

Out of nowhere, Adrien caught a glimpse of Marinette's moving figure, the teenage boy's breath hitching in his throat as he set eyes on the bluenette before him.

Then Adrien actually took a look at Marinette, noticing that her hair was out of its usual pigtails and was let loose, lightly brushing her shoulders with every step she took. It's delicate strands reflected the sunlight coming into the room, reflecting a dark blue colour.

"Pink." her father whispered into Adrien's ear, though loud enough that Sabine and Marinette could hear, "Buy her anything pink and she'll love it."

"Tom!" Sabine playfully punched her husband's arm as Marinette and Adrien both blushed a light shade of pink, "Don't embarrass your daughter like that!"

"Um..." Marinette started, pulling the door open and grabbing Adrien's hand unintentionally, pulling him out the door, "Bye Maman, Papa!"

She slammed the door shut, breathing a loud breath of relief before she realized Adrien's hand was still in hers, yelping as she quickly let go, her crush scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "It's fine, no need to be embarrassed. Your parents are very warm and welcoming. They seem super nice."

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