Chapter 17

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Adrien rubbed his forehead as he felt the pounding headache pound harder on his head. It felt like a drill was drilling at the back of his skull. What had happened? Last time he checked, he was fighting an akuma with Ladybug. What he didn't expect to see, though, when he opened his eyes, was a large burst of pink.

"WHAT THE-?!" he practically shouted, tumbling over a mound of bedsheets and fell to the ground, "PLAGG!"

"Ugh..." came in the lazy voice of his kwami, floating over to his bewildered owner, "Where are we Adri- MARINETTE?!"

"Plagg." the formally blond, now bluenette, firmly spoke, walking up to his classmate's mirror, looking at himself, "I think we have a serious problem..."

Marinette rolled herself in the bed she was currently on, rubbing at her eyes. What had happened? Wasn't she in the middle of fighting an akuma with Chat Noir?

She fluttered her eyes open, immediately feeling the sudden ache at the back of her head. The first thing she saw was the wide eyes of her kwami who was staring dreadfully at her.


That voice. It definitely wasn't her voice. She jumped out of the large bed and ran to the nearest mirror, closing her eyes before she looked at herself. There, reflecting off of the mirror, was definitely not her body. Looking back at her...

Was Adrien Agreste.

And that's when Marinette screamed.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE AKUMA SWAPPED MY LIFE WITH MARINETTE'S?!" Adrien frantically shouted at his kwami, the creature trying to maintain a straight face as it wasn't Adrien's voice screaming at him, though Marinette's.

"Relax, kid. You still have your miraculous." Plagg pointed to Adrien's, more so Marinette's, hand that had his silver ring on it, "It's no biggie. Plus, you don't have school today. So, no worries. It's kind of hilarious that your lives got swapped."

"What about Ladybug?" he demanded, pacing back and forth in Marinette's room, not really paying any attention to his surroundings, clearly missing all of Marinette's obvious hints to her crush on him, "Did her life get swapped with someone else's?"

"Probably." the kwami shrugged, flying around the room in search of a faint cheese scent, "But do they have any camembert around here?"

"Marinette!" a voice coming from downstairs hollered, "Alya's here!"

Adrien's heart dropped. Oh shoot, he was never going to pull this off. Where was Ladybug? Where was Marinette? In his house, right? Living HIS life. This was a nightmare. WHERE WAS LADYBUG TO GET HIM OUT OF THIS?!

"U-Uh..." he shouted back, motioning for Plagg to hide, "I-I'm coming!!!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Marinette screamed at the top of her lungs, frantically pointing at the mirror in front of her, taking timorous steps back, tripping over her own feet as she tried to get a hold of herself.

"MARINETTE!" Tikki shouted, flying over to her owner who was currently in a different body, more precisely, her crush's body, "Stop screaming! You still have your miraculous! The akuma just swapped your life with Adrien's! Remember?!"

She flew over to her wielder's current mouth, shutting it closed and whispering, "You'll drag attention. Please don't freak out, this is very serious."

Marinette slowly nodded, her eyes widening as she took one good look at her reflection in the mirror once again, Tikki letting her mouth open. She gasped, "I-I'm in Adrien's body?! My CRUSH'S BODY?! What kind of a nightmare is this?! Please tell me this is a dream!"

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