Chapter 20

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Marinette honestly didn't know what was happening at the moment. The only thing her brain could process was that Adrien was kissing her. Everything blanked out to her. Was this real? Was it another dream that seemed way too good and real to be true? Was this reality?

She didn't know. It felt too unrealistic to be real somehow. But it felt so right like it was. He hadn't rejected her? What? She was expecting to meet her fate, be prepared for heartbreak. But this... she definitely wasn't expecting. And once she told Alya about this, the girl would probably be boiling with madness that she wasn't there to snap pictures.

Classic Alya.

But back to the current thought, Adrien hadn't rejected her?!

Before she could think any more, Adrien pulled away, a small smile on his lips as he peered down at the wide-eyed bluenette, "Promise me you'll come to watch the photoshoot? I want you to be there."

She nodded slowly, a grin appearing on Adrien's features as he made his way down François-Dupont's front staircase, his car parking in front of the school just then.

"Ok," Marinette yelled, her school bag starting to slowly slip off her shoulder, "B-Bye!"

She was fine. Marinette was fine. She was so not going to die on the spot. She would be okay...


She needed to call Alya right away and tell her IMMEDIATELY about this.

She readjusted her school bag over her shoulder and ran down the staircase as Adrien's car sped away, rushing over to her home, the black umbrella being left forgotten.

"YOU WHAT?!" Alya screamed at Marinette, the bluenette turning bright red. Marinette had called Alya later that afternoon to tell her to come over. The brunette agreed, rushing over to her BFF's house right after an early supper.

"Alya!" Marinette hissed, her cheeks painted a light shade of pink, "Don't get too excited about it! You're going to scare my parents with all of that yelling!"

"HOW CAN I NOT BE EXCITED?!" Alya squealed, jumping up and down on the spot, grabbing her phone out to text her boyfriend, Nino, about this, "THIS IS HUGE, M. HUGE!"

"Yeah..." she dreamily smiled, touching her lips, as she sat on her desk chair, "It is."

Alya stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening as she looked at her best friend, "You're so dead, Mari. I NEEDED to be there! Now I won't have a photo!" She pouted, Marinette giggling.

"It's fine, Al. I'm going to attend his photoshoot later. I don't know why, but he wants me to be there."

Alya's eyes brightened, "OOH! Time to choose an outfit for soon to be Mrs. Agreste!"

Marinette's face fell, a scowl appearing as she hissed, "Alya!"

"Well, one thing's for sure... Marinette is finally more than jUsT a FrIeNd." Plagg teased knowing-fully as he was munching on his precious camembert cheese.

The blond groaned, throwing himself onto his bed, "Are you seriously never going to let me hear the end of it?"

The kwami smirked, "Nope. Time to get a taste of your own medicine."

"Thanks..." Adrien sarcastically muttered, grabbing one of the pillows off of his mattress, "But... I don't think I was really ready..."

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