Chapter 3

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The school day went by in bliss, many photos with a sleeping Marinette being taken, even in the oddest places. The girl looked like she had a rough night, though no one questioned it any further.

Finally, it was almost time to go home, Ms. Bustier just finishing her lecture, "And that is why..."

The final bell cut in, all the students grabbing their belongings and filed out the classroom door, their teacher smiling as she wiped off the marker that was written onto their classroom's whiteboard.

"Marinette." Alya shook the fazed out bluenette beside her who was staring intently into space, "School is over, girl."

"Huh?" Marinette turned her head over to look at Alya who was packing her notes into her light blue polyester school bag that had white stripes on its flap, "School's over?"

The brunette nodded, Marinette smiling widely as she quickly packed all of her things back into her bag. Alya took notice of the new energy that was within her best friend, adjusting her glasses, "Well, someone just instantly became energetic."

"Yep." the teenage girl agreed, popping the 'p' as she swung her floral imprinted school bag over her shoulder, "I'll see you tomorrow, Al. 'Cause I am so going to bed."

Alya chuckled, standing up and started walking towards the classroom's exit, "Kay girl, have fun!"

Marinette hopped out of her seat, prancing out of the school door until a strong, yet gentle, firm grasp clutched her wrist. The bluenette turned to look at the emerald green eyes that were looking down at her. She started panicking internally.

Oh no. What if he didn't get the April fool's message? What if Adrien did catch on that I have a crush on him?! What if he'll reject me and then I'll have to live alone with my hamster named-


Marinette bolted her head up on hearing her name, Adrien sighing as he let go of her wrist and started to remember what he was going to say.


"U-Um..." he scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly, scanning his friend's figure unintentionally, "that prank you pulled on me was really good, yesterday. I actually believed that you have-"

"Haha!" Marinette cut in, "Told you, I'm the queen of pranks! Gotcha!" She started laughing awkwardly, the blond having to take a while before he joined in, "Um, then, see you tomorrow?"

Marinette nodded vigorously, Adrien patting her shoulder and smiled widely, exiting the classroom. The raven-haired girl stood in her spot, gazing after her crush lovingly before shaking the thoughts out of her head, adjusting her school bag on her shoulder and walked out of the classroom.

She headed down the staircase, walking across the gym and to the doorway, looking around at her surroundings. Lots of students were chatting away, saying their goodbye's or waited for their rides. She smiled to herself. This is her school. Where Adrien goes to. Where she gets to see her friends. Marinette ran out of the doorway, starting to make her way down François-Dupont's front staircase until a scream was heard, turning her attention to the park where a supervillain was making a scene to a crowd of unfortunate onlookers. She ran across the street and into her bakery.

"Hey, sweetie." her mother's voice was heard as she ran up the staircase to her bedroom, "How was school today?"

"Great, Mom!" the bluenette hollered back, slamming the trap door to her room open, climbing up to her pink-coloured room. She closed the door, throwing her school bag onto her hot pink desk chair. "Time to transform!"

The red kwami of creation flew out of the miraculous wielder's handmade purse, possessing a small smile, "Just say the words, Marinette."

"Tikki spots on!"

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