Chapter 21

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The day went by really quickly, Marinette and Adrien staying at the shoot a little longer than needed to help with the cleanup.

Marinette carried one last box of clothing into the photographer's van, the man nodding in approval, "Thank you, young lady and Adrieno."

The duo nodded, slowly turning around and started walking to the park's fountain, sprinkling water with life, the sun reflecting off of it to make it look even more amazing than it already was. Adrien's bodyguard stood by there, huffing when he saw the blond not alone.

"Could I just stay ten minutes more?" Adrien pleaded, giving him a slight pout as he brought his hands together in pleading, "Please?"

The big man huffed once again, then gave up and nodded.

Both Marinette and Adrien's faces brightened, "Thank you!"

They started making their way to a bench, under a beautiful light pink blossom tree. It was April, so the blossoms were slowly blooming. They sat down, none saying a word.

"The photoshoot was cool." Marinette suddenly muttered, making a hint of eye contact with Adrien before bringing her head down to look at the fallen petals.

"Yeah." Adrien breathed, "Just this one though. Because you were here."

"O-Oh, Adrien, I-" Marinette started, a very deep pink colour blooming onto her cheeks, looking above to see the burst of pink above her, "The blossoms are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Yeah." he grinned, reaching his hand up to pluck a blossom out, twirling it through his fingers, holding it out to the bluenette beside him, "They are."

She nodded before taking the flower out of his hand and put it behind her ear, Adrien chuckling at the action.

"What?" she pouted, playfully shoving his shoulder before folding her arms grumpily.

"Nothing." he grinned, reaching his hand out to adjust the flower in her hair, "You look beautiful, you know that, right?"

He grabbed ahold of her hand and interlaced their fingers, both looking up at the tree above them. "I find it so beautiful when they bloom," Adrien admitted, now looking at Marinette who stared fascinatingly up at a bulb.

"Yeah. It's like magic."

"Magic?" he laughed, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, "Now that's one way to put it."

They stayed silent for a moment, before Adrien let go of Marinette's hand, the bluenette questionably looking at him.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." he muttered, his eyes saddening as he looked over at Marinette's slightly pale face.

"Huh?" she squeaked.

"It's about yesterday... don't take this the wrong way! I-I just..."

The bluenette's gaze fell, looking down at the fallen petals sitting at her feet. She felt like one of them now. For blossoms never lasted. They were here one day, the next gone. The magic faded. It was just a part of life.

"I understand." she murmured.

"No! No, don't take this the wrong way, Marinette." he cooed, taking her hand in his once again, "I just don't want to do this to you, it would be like lying. And I would never ever want to lie to you."

Her head shot up at the memory of the phrase Adrien had said. The rose. Chat Noir. She had said that to him when she told him she was in love with another boy. Was this another rejection?!

Adrien continued as he said she didn't say anything, taking her hand out of his grasp and set it onto her lap, "I really love you, Marinette. And I'm doing this because I think you deserve better."

She looked up, "W-What?"

"You see, before... I tried to get rid of these feelings, but even if it was a little part, they still remained." he breathed, "And I really tried, but until they go away, I don't know if I can..."

"I understand." she weakly smiled.

"You don't." he insisted, biting his lip as he was ready to tell her the truth, he was ready to tell her about his lady, "This may sound funny to you, but, I was in love with Ladybug."

He was in love with Ladybug. Ladybug. Me. Who is Ladybug. Me. ME.

She cleared her throat before a happier grin appeared on her face, "It's alright, Adrien. I understand where you're coming from. But if you're just doing this for me, I'm perfectly fine with it. But if you think you would like to break it off so you can feel better after, then that's perfectly fine as well. And I'm not laughing."

I'm such an idiot. She understands. She's not laughing. She's perfectly okay with any option. She's so amazing. And I do not deserve her at all.

"Wow." he widened his eyes, "Really? I've been trying to get rid of the feelings, for you, actually, but a little would still remain. And I don't want to-"

"I'm fine." Marinette chuckled, grabbing his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "You know, feelings don't go away overnight. They take time. And it doesn't bother me at all. I'm glad you told me though. So, the decision is up to you, Adrien. I'll comply with whatever you say."

"I-" he started, nervously combing his hair back with his other hand, "I don't know. I'm just so confused. I just- I don't know."

"That's alright, maybe a night's worth a thinking will do you some good?" she smiled, elbowing him playfully, "I'm sure Mr. Model would like some rest from that tiredsome photoshoot."

Adrien didn't know what to think anymore. She was acting as if he was in love with her alter ego, as if she knew something he didn't. Impossible, right? There's no way that...


Is there?

Shoot! Just another topic to think about! He really needed that rest. Maybe the sun was getting to him. Before he even realized what he was doing, he nodded, standing up and waved a goodbye, "See you tomorrow then, Marinette. Do you need a ride?"

"No." she dejected, flashing him one of her bright cheerful smiles, "My house is not too far. And yeah, tomorrow!"

He nodded before heading over to his bodyguard, the two making their way over to the Agreste car.

Once he was out of sight, Marinette walked over to the tree where her sketchbook laid, picking it up and pressed it against her chest, Tikki's head popping out of her purse to look at her owner, "Are you ok, Marinette?"

"Yep." she sighed.

She nodded, before questioning, "What are you going to do?"

"That's the thing, Tikki." she whispered, tiredly walking back to her home, "I have no idea."

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