Chapter 27

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"You think he'll be okay with all of us visiting?" Alya whispered as Marinette rung the doorbell. Since she was now his girlfriend, she thought she could enter the household without permission from his father. Or so she thought. She just hoped Nathalie would let her, Alya and Nino go through.

As expected, the camera came out of it's slot, scanning the three friends in front of it, "Yes?"

"Um..." Marinette started, holding out a folder, "We're here to see Adrien and drop by the school notes he missed."

"Ah, Miss Marinette." the voice which probably belonged to Nathalie exclaimed, then moved the camera to Alya and Nino, "I am sorry, but no visitors are allowed. The boy must get some rest!"

"Wait..." Nino started, a confused look plastering all over his face, "Adrien's not allowed to see his own girlfriend?"

There was a faint gasp heard from the other end of the speaker, Marinette's face suddenly becoming quite pale. Now she wasn't expecting this. Adrien didn't tell his father about her? Well, maybe he was too busy and couldn't see Adrien. He would have a reason not to tell him, right?

Alya elbowed Nino in the side, the poor boy flinching in pain as Alya shot him a scolding look and whisper-shouted, "Nino! Great going!"

"Um..." Marinette started up again, "It won't take long. We just want to make sure he's alright."

There was a much louder than intended sigh before the gate to the mansion opened. Marinette squealed and jumped up and down, Nino quizzically shooting her a look while Alya just stood there smirking.

They walked up the stone staircase, the door being opened by what they assumed was Adrien's bodyguard, though they didn't see the large man until they entered the household.

The cold and stern-looking assistant soon rushed her way over to them, her trance not seeming so professional-looking than before. Marinette gulped before Nathalie gave her a displeased eyeing, "So, you're here to see Adrien?"

Marinette shakily nodded, "Y-Yes, Miss."

Before she knew it, her, Alya and Nino were following Nathalie upstairs to their model friend's room. Marinette couldn't believe it. She approved of them seeing Adrien! That was a start, right? At least she's allowed to see him. The woman could have kicked them out. But she didn't.

Once they reached Adrien's bedroom door, Nathalie knocked on it, "Adrien, your friends are here to see you."

"C-Come in." a quick and very wary voiced coughed out, Marinette feeling her heart being wretched as she heard the sound of her boyfriend's voice. She should have prevented him from getting sick. But what would that do? That cat was as stubborn as a mule.

Once the door was open, Marinette could see a big bundle of pillows surrounding Adrien, the blond completely enwrapped in his thick blanket, his eyes widening as he saw his friends and girlfriend enter the room.

"Guys?" he gasped as soon as Nathalie left the four alone, the three walking to the edge of Adrien's bed.

"Duuuuuuuuude!" Nino grinned, punching Adrien's blanket-engulfed shoulder, "How you've been?"

He sniffled, wiping at his nose with the back of his palm, "Not so great actually. But you guys being here does make me feel better."

"Now..." Alya started, reaching into her light blue school bag, "Here are your notes for language, Marinette has your notes for Mathematics and Nino has your notes for Science."

"Science?" the young DJ scratched his head as he too also reached into his school bag, pulling out a folder that clearly read 'History', "I thought I was doing History."

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