Chapter 13

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A distressed-looking Nathalie burst in through Adrien's door. The two of them had enjoyed themselves while playing the Piano and had moved on to playing with Adrien's foosball table.

"Adrien, Miss Dupain-Cheng, your dinner is ready."

Adrien nodded, letting go of the plastic and metal sticks of the table, Marinette doing the same, "We'll be right there. Thank you, Nathalie."

The assistant nodded, turning around and walked out the door as Marinette unintentionally brought her hand to her other arm, casting a down-look face towards the ground. She didn't want to end the good time she was having with Adrien just yet. Why must the timeline they're living in right now be that cruel to cut their fun short?

"Um, just a heads up, you probably should be ready at any moment to reply to my father's questions about fashion if he has any."

Marinette nodded, following Adrien out of his bedroom. She looked around at her surroundings, tracing the sharp edges of the walls with her eyes, scanning every object in the house and listened attentively to the sound of the impact their steps were having on the marble floor, reflecting the sound upwards, echoing through the hallways of the giant mansion.

It was such a grand sight. Everything was so large, so fancy, so perfectly designed. It was definitely the house of the king of fashion, now question in that. The place was built like a fortress.

They entered the dining room, the bluenette seeing a very long table in the middle of it, Adrien's father being sat at the end of the banquet, a somewhat displeased look on his face.

Marinette noticed that there were two chairs on one side of the large piece of furniture, glancing at Adrien for further information about the seating plan, only to receive a nod.

She walked over to one of them and sat herself down as delicately as possible, definitely trying hard to not make an absolute fool of herself. She was scared that she might screw things up, she didn't want Adrien to be further punished because of her.

For what seemed like forever, Gabriel looked up from the tablet he was currently looking at after the two had taken their seat, finally acknowledging Marinette's presence, "Good evening, Miss Dupain-Cheng."

Marinette shifted in her seat uncomfortably at the sudden wave of sound ringing through her ears, snapping her head to look at the man, "Likewise, Mr. Agreste."

Phew, formal greetings, check. This is just the beginning...

"I have heard that you have been lately spending time with my son."

She gulped, looking up at Adrien who motioned his head forward, hinting her to reply, an apologetic smile forming on his features. She turned her head back to the man, nodding as she spoke, "That is true, Mr. Agreste."

"Adrien." he suddenly spat out, his son yelping as he almost tumbled down from his seat, luckily Marinette was there to catch him. After he readjusted his composure, he cleared his throat and spoke, "Yes, Father?"

"Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?"

"A-A what?" Adrien mustered with all his might to reply, both teens noticeably blushing at Adrien's father's theory, "N-No! Marinette's just a-"

And that's when their dinner came in, Nathalie first setting two plates in front of the teens, Marinette eagerly thanking her, the assistant walking away with her heels clicking in the distance, maintaining the most professional look as she set a plate in front of her boss.

With hesitation, Marinette shakily lifted her fork as Adrien did the same, opening up the lid of the dish to reveal some type of cheese assortment with freshly cut vegetables at the side, also have a slice of ham and a hard loaf of bread.

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