Chapter 19

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It was raining that school day. Marinette actually somewhat liked the rain, even though she was planning to take an outdoor trip to her favourite spot in Paris, the Trocadero, and sketch a little bit.

But fate had other plans in store for her though, the rain came down with a reason, not just to please nature.

She was currently sitting in her science class, not even paying any attention to Mrs. Mendeleiev who was strictly teaching her class about chemical lab safety, again.

It was probably Marinette's least favourite lesson since the teacher had a habit of teaching it at least once a month, the concept of it all annoying her to pieces. So in this particular class, Marinette had the urge to stare out the window, absentmindedly looking out at the pouring rain.

She moved from the rain to the blond head before her, the golden locks of hair that were all too familiar. They captivated her attention, somewhat making her just want to knot her hands into it.

But she knew her feelings would never be returned, he just wanted them to be friends. Friends and no more than that. But she understood, at least she had his undeniably amazing friendship. She loved to spend time with him, Marinette just hoped he felt the same way.

So there the bluenette was, staring out the window, thinking about a particular green-eyed boy. Was this odd? Maybe it was. But it helped her keep her mind off of the tedious lesson being taught.

Adrien was miserably sitting in his science class, unfortunately having the timing to catch Mrs. Mendeleiev's class on chemical lab safety. He didn't hate the lesson, he just didn't really approve that she had the urge to teach them at least once a month. If his class was an expert at something, it probably was chemical lab safety.

So he decided to zone out for a moment from the lesson and stare out the window, where wet drops of rain poured down. He loved the rain. It was a rainy day when he made a friend. And that, he would never forget.

Unbeknownst to him, Marinette was staring out the exact same window. Both thinking about each other.

They were thinking about the very day they met, that their friendship had started with a jet black rain umbrella.

Adrien was glad that she forgave him about the gum incident, because if she didn't, they wouldn't be here right now. Every choice they made has led up to this moment so far, one where they let all their thoughts flow through their minds like a flowing river.

If Alya and Nino didn't want to spend the last few weeks together, they wouldn't have reinforced their friendship to the next level, Adrien wouldn't have formed a crush on Marinette. It would be an alternate timeline where they weren't that close.

In all the years, Adrien knew that Marinette was amazing. But he never got to witness the real Marinette himself. She was always a stuttering mess in front of him, he never knew why until he found out about her crush on him.

Or was Alya joking?

Probably not, but still. Why hadn't she ever told him? Was she scared, intimidated? Afraid to get rejected?

But Adrien knew, he knew that if she had confessed to him before this month, he would have rejected her. He would have rejected her for Ladybug. But now he wasn't so sure anymore.

He wasn't sure that he would. He might not, but it would still take time to get over Ladybug. But he would try, he would try because he knew Ladybug would never love him back.

But Marinette... Marinette held a special place in his heart. She always did. They had this special relationship that no one could take away.

It was an inexplicable bond, no one finding the right words to describe it. Special. Yeah, that would be enough.

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