Chapter 22

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Today wasn't really one of those good days for Adrien.

Well, it was more like one of those HORRIBLE days for him.

First of all, he woke up with a pounding headache. It literally felt like a hammer was pounding on his skull. Second, Plagg was a complaining idiot, whining that he didn't have a specific type of cheese that he was currently craving for.

And also, he still had two particular bluenettes on his mind. He would even mix them up for one or the other. Why couldn't he have peace? Yesterday he had a day-long photoshoot with Marinette!


How he thought there would be absolutely nothing else in the universe that could make his day worse.

Or so he thought.

What he definitely wasn't expecting that day, was a particular substitute teacher in gym class.

One, that wasn't so compliant.

"All jewelry must be taken off and put in this bucket." a very impatient teacher tapped her foot impatiently as Marinette and Adrien's class entered the gym room.

"WHAT?!" Marinette and Adrien both practically screamed, all heads turning to look at the now blushing with embarrassment teens.

"I said..." the teacher replied more sternly, giving the duo one of those 'looks', tapping her hand on a fairly large but not tall bucket, "All jewelry must go in this bucket, or else we will not further continue having our lesson."

All other students wearing jewelry walked over and placed their possessions in the bucket, Adrien and Marinette standing side by side in front of the object of their hatred that they were supposed to be putting their miraculouses in, fiddling with their fingers to try and come up with a believable excuse.

"U-Um..." Marinette started, the physical education substitute looking down at her unimpressed, "I, these earrings actually belong to my grandmother, and I-I can't afford to lose them!"

"Same goes for me!" Adrien piped in, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly, "My father would be furious if I lost this valuable ring!"

The woman in front of them gave them a sweet smile, Adrien and Marinette also smiling victoriously before she replied, "Oh, that's nice... now take them off and put them in the bucket."

She pointed strictly at the object, Marinette and Adrien stiffening at this.

"Uh," Marinette continued, "Could I just keep them in my-"

"I said BUCKET." she yelled, the duo yelping in surprise at her booming voice, "Bucket or else you're failing this class."

The two looked at each other unintentionally, Marinette peering down into her bag apologetically as Adrien slightly glanced at the edge of his blazer.

They both slowly started taking their miraculouses off, setting them gently in the bucket.

They felt the guilt, shame, the absence of magic leaving their beings. It felt worrying as if they now expected to meet their fate, everyone realizing it was them the whole time.

But no. Their class didn't look suspicious at all, they have just started to dribble basketballs. After a long quick breath, the two started making their way into the suppliance closet where the basketballs were kept.

Though, their gym period was cut short when the doors slammed shut behind them, a faint evil cackle being heard from the gym, followed by the sound of walls crumbling.

"Evacuate!" they heard a yell, the duo turning around to find that they were, in fact, locked in a utility closet.


Not that new at all.

They've been through worse.

So it was only natural for Adrien to groan at this. But then, gaining his obvious hero instincts, he did the most obvious thing. He tried to slam open the door.

"We're never going to get out like this." Marinette pressed, glancing around the room to try and find an exit. Luckily, this certain gym storage did have an emergency exit.

"Look!" Marinette shouted, pointing at the small trap door.

"Wow!" Adrien grinned, racing Marinette to the exit of the small room.

They crawled out, revealing themselves out of François-Dupont's high school.

"Um..." Marinette started, doing some more awkward finger guns, "I guess I'll see you probably tomorrow."

"Yeah." Adrien nodded, the two took off in the opposite direction.

Once Marinette made sure Adrien was out of sight, she clasped open her purse, revealing a very worried Tikki. Marinette sighed, "Before you say anything, I know it was a dumb thing to do, but what choice did I have?"

The red kwami nodded in understanding, zipping through the building's walls, on the hunt for Marinette's miraculous gym.

But Plagg had seemed to beat her to it, already having retrieved the miraculous, but seemed to have a miscalculation on what direction he was going, exiting the school's walls to see a worried-looking Marinette standing there.

"Plagg?" she gasped, then eyed the black cat miraculous that he was carrying.

His eyes widened, "You're not A-Ad." His speech was soon cut off by the magic spell that enabled them to proceed and say the name of their current miraculous holders.

"There's no time." the bluenette said determinedly, grabbing the miraculous and slipped it onto her finger, "Time for a little outfit change. Plagg claws out!"

Tikki was frantically looking around the partially destroyed physical education room for Marinette's miraculous, until she spotted two shimmering black jewels sprawled on the floor, her eyes brightening as she zoomed towards them and grabbed them, the miraculous turning red once she touched them. She zoomed out of the building, just in time to see Lady Noir extend her baton and zip towards the battle scene.

Well, another mix up of the miraculous. She groaned, about to look around for Adrien until she heard a whisper.

"Plagg, Plagg?! Did you get lost again? Plagg!"

"Adrien!" she squeaked, the blond cocking his head in startling as he witnessed the God-like creature zoom towards him, throwing two earrings into the palm of his hand, "There was another little mix up of the miraculous, but there's no time."

Adrien nodded determinedly before putting on the earrings and called out the transformation words, "Tikki spots on!"

Once the red ladybug costume enveloped the teenage boy, he took a minute to get used to his new outfit change, looking frantically for Ladybug's signature yo-yo until he found it at his side. He grabbed it, trying to function it once again. "Well, I'll never really learn the secret of how to use this thing anyway, so, let's hope for the best?"

He launched the yo-yo towards a rooftop, the string immediately attaching to a chimney, the boy yanking at it, sending him zipping above the city of Paris, landing somewhere close to Montparnasse tower.

There he saw Ladybug, more like Lady Noir, standing in front of it, a playful smirk forming on her lips as she set eyes on her struggling partner.

"Ready to play the easy part, Mister Bug?" she smirked, the blond just scowling in return.

"Let's just get this done and over with." he huffed, crossing his arms dramatically, "I want my old role back."

"Fine with me." Lady Noir nodded, the two charging inside the building.

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