Chapter 14

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"So, you agreed?"

"Of course I agreed! Why wouldn't I?" Adrien protested as his kwami floated lazily in the air.

"If you ask me, I'm beginning to think that you liiiiiiiiiiiike spending time with baker girl, 'hot stuff'." the kwami smirked as Adrien was fighting the urge to flick the creature way across the room.

He blushed at the nickname, "Of course I do! But why do you keep calling me 'hot stuff'?!"

"Admit it." the kwami stated, gobbling up the last scraps of his camembert cheese, "You've got a crush on Marinette."

"Of course I don't!" he quickly dejected, only to make the creature cackle at the denial.

"You see..." Plagg started, a faint glimmer in his electric neon green eyes being noticeable, "I still question why these love stories are so overly dramatic. Like, why do humans crush on each other when they could be leaving their worries and eat cheese?!"

"You know what I would like to see?" the blond finally said as he finished combing his hair, "I would like to see you go a day without your cheese."

"No problem." Plagg smirked, an evil grin blooming onto his features, "I'll just eat cheesecake."

The blond facepalmed as he finished moving his strands of hair to the side, exiting the bathroom, "You just proved it's impossible."


Adrien glanced over at the scarf that was laid on top of his desk chair, walking up to it and nuzzling it to his cheek, scanning the threads knitted into it, threading the soft material through his fingers. Just yesterday at their dinner, Marinette confessed that she had made it. Adrien was disappointed that his father lied about it, but he did find Marinette kinder than ever, "Can you believe that Marinette lied about the scarf just to make me happy? She's so amazing!"

"Okay, okay. We get it, loverboy. Here's some advice, stop dreaming about this girl! Wake up and finish this nonsense, before you know it, you two will be dating and then we'll be eating melted cheese on warm, crispy bread! Our lives are about to change!!!"

"Seriously, for the last time, I am not in love with Marinette!" he shouted, definitely way too loud for his tastes. If he thought the house was quiet before, it definitely was silent now. You could probably hear a ladybug flying around or a small pin drop onto the hard, cold ground.

"Ok, ok. I get it, just make sure to save me some cheese if by any chance there is some at that movie night with baker girl." Plagg deadpanned.

"Can you believe it, Tikki?!" Marinette squealed, literally bouncing in her desk chair as she completed her homework for the next day at school, "Adrien agreed to come over later tonight for a movie night! This is going to be the best night of my life!"

Tikki was floating thoughtfully in the air, before she spoke again, "I'm actually quite surprised that you brought up the courage to ask him! Way to go, Marinette! Your friendship is growing!"

Marinette's face fell, a sudden wave of realization hitting her again. Like, literally, how many hit her that week?

"Wait a minute, I'm going to be ALONE with Adrien, snuggling up in blankets, in my house!! More precisely... MY room! We're going to be SUPER close together! What was I thinking?! I'm never going to survive!"

"Yes, you are." Tikki gave her a firm look, landing onto her shoulder, "If by far all the other events you survived, then why should this one be any different?! You expect me to believe that Marinette, Saviour of all of Paris, holder of all the rights, won't survive a little movie night?"

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