Chapter 12

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"Father, please I-"

"That's enough, Adrien." Gabriel Agreste cut in, raising his hand to motion silence, "You already disobeyed me yesterday, what makes you think I'll let a baker girl in my house for dinner anyway?! Tomorrow you will be forced to play Piano. Find it as a punishment to Sunday's unfortunate events."

Adrien's eyes widened as he picked at his food, looking at the far end of the table to his father. He had come home from Marinette's house earlier that day, just in time for dinner with him, "Please, Father? I can still play Piano as well! I just find it unfair that she's been offering me such great hospitality when I have done nothing in return! Plus, she won that derby hat contest you held, so she does have great knowledge in the fashion industry."

The man sighed, then looked across at the pleading look his son held on his face, "Alright. Consider this a one-time thing, though. You will play Piano as well, remember that, Adrien." He got up from the table, walking out of the dining room and into a doorway, leaving a happy Adrien behind.

He too, rose from the dining table, walking quickly back to his room. Once he made sure he closed the door, Plagg zoomed out of his blazer, giving his holder a thoughtful look, "Well, I guess you must be-"

The blond quickly grabbed his phone, fumbling across the virtual keyboard as he quickly typed in a message to Marinette.

Adrien - Hey, Marinette! I was wondering, would you like to come over tomorrow after school for dinner? My father actually allowed it! We were always at your place, I think it's my turn to host something. :)

A loud chime came from Marinette's phone as she just finished crafting a sketch on her sketch pad for a new outfit.

Tikki slid Marinette's phone in the bluenette's direction, the girl immediately unlocking it to see the message.

"OMG!" she squealed, immediately dialling her best friend's number.

"Hey, girl..." Alya's voice came in lazily from the other end of the line.

"ALYA!" Marinette squeaked, getting up from her chair and started pacing back and forth in the middle of the room, "Guess what?!"

The line went silent, until her best friend's hoarse voice rang through her ear, "What?"

"Adrien invited me to come over to his place tomorrow for dinner!"

"WHAT?!" Alya screamed, Marinette having to bring the phone away from her ear, "HE DID?!"

"Ow! Alya, please be nice to my ears!" the pigtailed girl groaned, patting her ear dramatically, "And can you believe it?!"

"Girl! It's a good thing you called! I need to get my BFF ready for dinner with her crush and idol!"

"Wait." Marinette suddenly said as the realization hit her like a train, a long period of silence falling over the room, "WHAT?!? Oh no!!! I am so going to embarrass myself! Alya! Help me! I'm going to die of shame if I screw this up!"

"Don't worry! Remember you have your BFF, mama Alya! I'm coming over asap tomorrow, girl, after school!"

"Thanks, Al," Marinette breathed a long sigh of relief, "You're the best."

"Of course I am."

And with that, Marinette hung up the phone, letting herself fall onto her desk chair as she typed in a reply to Adrien's message.

Marinette - I'll be there.

[The next day after school]

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