Chapter 18

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It was a Sunday. Marinette was still partially worried about yesterday's events, though she was quite confident that Tikki was probably right.

She was worrying about nothing.


Marinette needed something to do. She needed to do something to keep her mind off of yesterday's events. She was still very worried about Adrien though. He wasn't at school on Thursday or Friday. She tried messaging him the second day, but there wasn't any reply.

Neither was one on Saturday when they, unfortunately, got their lives swapped.

Marinette spun around in her desk chair, looking thoughtfully at Tikki who was sitting down on her desk, happily munching away at a chocolate chip cookie.

Speaking of which, seeing her kwami munching on a cookie made her hungry.

"I'll be right back, Tikki." Marinette quietly informed her kwami, making her way to the trap door, "I'm going to go get a snack."

She walked down the steps to her room, walking through the living room and into the kitchen. The house was pretty quiet for her parents were downstairs in the bakery. Before she could reach the fridge though, she thought of an idea.

Since she needs to get her mind off of these thoughts, why not bake? And her household was running out of chocolate chip cookies for Tikki, so it's a win-win, right?

She just needed to go down to the bakery and grab some things.

She skipped her way out of the door, running down the stairs and into the bakery. Once she had entered the small shop, she came to a halt when she saw a particular blond standing in front of the counter.

She was doomed.

It was none other than Adrien Agreste.

He seemed to notice her too, for he turned his head in her direction, a somewhat nervous look crossing his face, "H-Hey, Marinette!"

She blinked a couple of times before her head was buzzing with, he said hi! Say something back, idiot! "Hey, Adrien!"

Off to a good start. No stuttering! Yes!

"What brings around you here?"

No! Don't mess up your words!

Marinette cleared her throat, "I MEAN, what brings you around?"

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, unintentionally looking down at his orange converses, then back up to his classmate, "Um, nothing. Just here to pick up some pastries." He held up the sack, "Now I best be going..."

"Wait!" Marinette yelled, running up to the now startled boy and tackled him to the ground, Marinette now on top of him. She lifted herself to be a few inches away from his face, her hair that was in twin tails brushing her shoulders.

Without even thinking, she started leaning closer, Adrien doing the same. It was one of those moments when you knew each other's thoughts even if you didn't. It was one of those moments where they felt there were no secrets. But there was. And that was what made them pull back when they heard the creak of a door open, both teens jumping to their feet.

Marinette's mom entered the bakery, chuckling at both the blushing teenagers. She straightened out the towel she was carrying and headed behind the counter to serve the other customer, as the teens were at the side.

"U-Um..." Marinette started, Adrien not even looking at her now, "I was going to bake some cookies and pastries, w-would you like to join me?"

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