Chapter 23

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Lady Noir and Mister Bug ran into the TV station room. There, standing in front of them was a very abstract-looking figure, half of her body being very bright and cheery, the other half being dark and gloomy.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir!" she yelled, pointing an accusing wand in their direction, lifting herself in the air, "I am Destroyer! And I will destroy you, your spirits, everything!"

"Oh really?" Lady Noir smirked, grabbing the baton at her side, nudging her partner to take out his yo-yo and use it as a shield, "We'll see, then!"

She started charging attacks at the villain, the akumatized victim also shooting attacks from her wand, trying to hit her living targets.

Meanwhile, Mister Bug was trying to figure out how to properly swing his yo-yo from last time. "Come on." he groaned, twirling the weapon, "I did it last time, I can do it now."

Seeing the boy's struggles to try and use his weapon, the villain took this as an opportunity to change targets. She shot a blob of magic in his direction, Lady Noir running as fast as her legs could take her to block it, but failed as it hit directly into Adrien.

"Adrien? Adrien!" Adrien heard a faint whisper.

He opened his eyes to see Lady Noir peer down at him, her eyes softening as she took notice that his eyes were open.

"W-What happened?"

"I defeated the villain, Kitty." she winked, pulling him up and pulled Adrien quite close to her, closer than she would normally stand next to her partner.

Before he knew it, his transformation faded, remaining the blond in question before he realized he was back in his civilian self. "W-Wha... WHAT?! Wait a second, did you say 'Adrien'?! How did you- how?!"

"It doesn't matter." the raven-haired girl in front of him cooed, reaching up to ruffle his locks of hair, bopping his nose gently, "I love you, you know."

"B-But..." he started again until he was silenced by a gloved finger being pressed to his lips, the former love of his life starting to lean in. His mind blanked out all possibilities to what could have caused this until he heard a blood curling scream.

He recognized that voice anywhere, it was...


"Marinette?!" he yelled as the girl in front of him still kept leaning in.

And there he saw it. He saw Marinette being attacked by none other than a supervillain. She was trying to run away from it but remained unsuccessful as it kept charging after her.

"MARINETTE!" he shouted, trying to rush over to her pleading screams, but his lady stood her ground, keeping him locked in position. "LADYBUG!" he yelled, tears brimming at his eyes as he tried to rip himself out of her grip, "Let me get to Marinette!"

"Shhhhh." she cooed, tightening her grip on his arms.

And then Marinette screamed one more time, the villain so close to her now that she could have her final blow. And Adrien couldn't take it anymore, with tears in his eyes, trying to rush over to the love of his life, he screamed.

His heart was shattered, literally destroyed.


Mister Bug's eyes opened. He found himself sprawled onto the TV station ground, rubbing at his forehead to try and figure out what had happened. He saw Lady Noir fight away at Destroyer, no other supervillain and no Marinette in sight.

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