Chapter 15

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With hesitation and great regret, Adrien knew that he had to leave. The movie ended ten minutes ago, the blond during this time had taken the chance to cuddle with a sleeping Marinette. He really didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay in her warmth, her room, her house. But he had no choice. He didn't tell Nathalie or his father about tonight. He snuck out as Chat Noir and detransformed in an alleyway. So he guessed he should be going.

Placing one more gentle kiss on top of Marinette's smooth forehead, he wiggled himself out of the covers and carefully crawled over Marinette, silently walking down to the flooring of her room. He placed a gentle footfall onto the wood-tiled floor, thankfully not making any creaking noises. Adrien tiptoed out of her room and downstairs to the bakery where her parents were just closing up the shop.

"Adrien?" Sabine eyed him, "Where's Marinette?"

"She's sleeping." he whispered, pointing up to the ceiling, "I would have loved to stay more, but my father would probably be furious with me if I stayed any longer."

"Oh." she smiled, walking up to the boy and gave him a firm pat on the shoulder, "You're a good boy, dear. Are you sure you don't need a ride or anything of that sort? It is 20h30 after all..."

"No, no." he insisted, making his way over to the bakery door, "I'll be fine. I asked my bodyguard to come and pick me up. I'll just wait outside."

Sabine didn't look convinced, but nodded her head anyway, "If you say so, dear. But be careful out there. The busy night streets of Paris aren't quite suiting for school kids to be out."

"I'll be fine, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. It's still light outside. I won't be far from the bakery anyway." he smiled before he made his way out of the door. He ran down the darkening streets and into an alleyway, "Plagg claws out!"

Chat Noir took out his baton and extended it, running across the rooftops of Paris. He made a slight turn to his right, seeing his Mansion coming into view. He slid in through the bathroom window, since he keeps the one in his bedroom closed when it gets dark, and let his transformation loose. What he didn't expect to see in his room was a worried looking Nathalie and his bodyguard, on their phones or something.

"Nathalie? Is something wrong?"

The assistant immediately dropped the phone at the voice, cocking her head in his direction. She picked the phone off the ground and spoke into it, "He's here, sir."

"Why did you leave these premises without my permission?" Adrien's father's booming voice demanded as Adrien sat on his desk chair, looking at his father's turned back.


He waved his hand to signal silence, continuing to speak, "Why would you do such a thing, Adrien? Imagine if the press found out about this. What would happen to your image? You would be considered a bad boy of some sort, and that is much too detrimental to the Agreste Foundation."

Adrien stood up, balling his hands into fists as he glared at his father, "Is that all you care about?! The only thing you care about is your perfect little image! What about my safety?! You don't care about me at all, Father. The only thing you care about is your image. You."

"That's enough!" he boomed, Adrien sitting back down into his chair hesitantly like a scared little dog, "This is Miss Dupain-Cheng's influence on you, am I wrong? She's a bad influence, therefore I forbid you to see her again."

"But, Father!" Adrien protested, suddenly standing up in his chair as tears started to form in his eyes, but blinked them back anyway, "Anything but that! I'll sacrifice my spare time, I'll do whatever punishment you ask, just please, don't do that."

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