Chapter 4

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Marinette threw herself down onto her bed, muttering something into her pillow. Tikki was floating above her, giving the raven-haired girl a harsh lecture about the possible outcomes and consequences of the day's earlier events. "Marinette! Are you even listening to me?!"

"Go on..." she mumbled, turning to her side to face her worried little red kwami of creation.

Tikki sighed, then continued, "This is bad, Marinette! You have to try and convince Chat Noir that you're not cut out to be Multimouse. Or just mess up and reveal your identity on purpose."

"But, I don't want him to think lowly of me."

"You have no choice." the kwami insisted, pointing to Marinette's earrings, "Your duty is to serve as Ladybug, not another superheroine, only when necessary. If this continues, your identity may be revealed! It's hard enough with just one identity. And knowing your identities could put you two in danger, it might make you not as focused as much as you are now. Plus, even if you two didn't tell anyone else, your dynamic would change and Hawkmoth could pressure one of you to tell each other's identities. Please listen to me, Marinette. It could be dangerous. You have to end being Multimouse as soon as possible! The outcome of this could be deadly!"

"Ok." Marinette agreed, sitting up in her bed and turning on her night light, tucking herself into her covers, "You're right, Tikki. You always are, it's just- you know what? Nevermind. Goodnight, Tikki."

The creature smiled, setting herself onto the pillow beside her owner, "Good night, Marinette."

Adrien ran up the school stairs, surprised to see that his best friend, Nino, wasn't waiting for him as usual. He walked through the doorway, seeing Alya and Nino sitting on a bench, chatting away. He smiled to himself. The dude probably just wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend. As soon as he started moving, something, or more like someone, bumped into him, Adrien immediately turning around to see Marinette who was picking up all of her things that were scattered out across the floor.

"Hey, Marinette." he waved slightly, crouching down and helping her pick up all of her things from the ground, "Let me help."

"O-Oh." she stuttered, taking the pile of things from Adrien's hands, "U-Uh um, t-thank you A-Adrien."

The teenage supermodel nodded, then glanced over to Alya and Nino, "I think Alya and Nino want to spend more time together, without us. Say, are you free tomorrow?"

Marinette nodded, Adrien holding out his hand to her. She took it hesitantly, the blond pulling her up. She dusted herself off, readjusting the school bag on her shoulder.

"Great!" Adrien chimed, pulling out a phone from his pocket and showing the screen to Marinette, "They're unveiling some new wax statues at the Musée Grévin, want to come along with me there?"

Marinette's mouth gaped open, her eyes sparkling as she mentally facepalmed herself. She literally slapped her cheek, Adrien's eyes scrunching in confusion. "I-I, YES! I mean- that would be nice!"

"Great." Adrien beamed, closing his phone shut and slipping it back into his pocket, "I'll pick you up tomorrow around noon."

Marinette nodded while the school bell sounded. Adrien's body shifted at this, glancing at the clock displayed on one of the walls of the gym, "We've got to go or we'll be late for class!"

Without thinking, the teenage boy grabbed his friend's hand, running to class with a love-sick Marinette trailing behind. Marinette couldn't believe her eyes. She had made hand contact with Adrien two times already today!

Please tell me this isn't a dream, she thought to herself as she barely managed to climb up the stairs with Adrien pulling her up the steps and into their classroom, because if it is, I never want to wake up ever again!

"Dupain-Cheng?!" an utterly disgusted voice rang out like an annoying alarm clock in the morning, startling the bluenette as Adrien let go of her hand, the nasty blond witch walking up to the two, "What do you think you're doing with my Adrikins?"

"And what do you think you're doing talking to me like that?" Marinette retorted, earning the gasps of everyone in the class.

Chloe balled her hands up into fists, flicking her styled hair to the side and sassily turned around, making her way back to her seat beside her 'best friend', Sabrina.

Come on! I'm not going to let Chloe ruin my day! Marinette inwardly thought as she manually headed to her seat, I made hand contact with Adrien and he even asked me out to the museum tomorrow! This has got to be just a dream.

"Great going, girl." Alya gave the thoughtful girl a thumbs up, Marinette smiling in return.

Meanwhile, Nino was giving Adrien a smug look, "Hey, my dude! How was your day yesterday?"

Adrien sighed, turning his attention to his cheerful best bud, "Not so great. My father didn't let me go out at all. So I just stayed inside almost all day, practicing piano, Chinese, you know, the usual."

The young DJ patted his best friend's shoulder sympathetically, "Don't worry, dude. At least he's out of town this weekend, right?"

Adrien nodded, "Yep. But so far I only convinced him to let me go to the Musée Grévin's unveiling of the new statues. Say, would you like to come with me and Marinette?"

"U-Um," Nino started, giving his best friend awkward finger guns, "you know I would love to, but I promised Alya I would spend the month with her. I'm sure Marinette will keep you company!"

Adrien smiled, nodding his head in understanding, "Yeah, I get it, Nino. Don't worry, maybe another time."

The boy let out a long, shaky breath of relief, Alya giving him a small wink that only he could realize had happened. If she said this would work, then he would do it. He just hoped he would make it through without seeming suspicious, which was clearly failing. Heck, he probably was the most awkward guy in the existing universe. Nah, Marinette was the most awkward, at least when she was around Adrien. But if Alya's plan would work, then that wouldn't be a problem anymore.

They could thank their best friends later, but let's not think too far into the future just yet. The future's still a mystery.

Marinette couldn't help but wonder what would be to come. Though today was probably just enough. A gift, one giant present, including exclusive Adrien hand touches!

Never mind that.

The teenage secret superheroine opened up her school notes as the teacher, Ms. Bustier, walked in the classroom, getting ready to inhale the revelation of what the day had in store for her.

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