Chapter 2

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A/N - #marinettechallenge comes from Instagram (Alya's in particular) where it's a running joke that Marinette falls asleep everywhere, so her classmates jokingly suggested starting a #marinettechallenge where people take pictures with her in random places she has fallen asleep. Adrien commented on this particular post saying that it was a great idea.

"Marinette..." a voice echoed through the bluenette's head as she rolled in her bed, trying to muffle out the noise by placing her head under her cotton fabric pillow, "Marinette."

"Ugh, Tikki..." the pigtailed girl whined, "don't tell me I have school."

"It's Thursday." Tikki insisted, pointing to the calendar that hung above Marinette's desk, "You have school today."

She groaned, pulling herself out of her comfortable covers and fortress of pillows, heading down the stairs to the wood-tiled floor of her pink enveloped room. She lazily walked up to her desk, tiredly plopping herself down in her hot pink floral imprinted desk chair.

She unlocked her phone, scrolling to Alya's contact before a realization hit her.

"OH NO! TIKKI! I AM GOING TO BE SEEING ADRIEN TODAY! I CANNOT GO TO SCHOOL!" she wailed, hitting her head onto the smooth wooden surface of her desk, "I'LL DIE OF SHAME!"

"Marinette, whether you like it or not you are going to school today because you have no choice." Tikki crossed her tiny kwami arms, shaking her head disappointingly, "Plus, you stayed up almost all night mumbling to yourself."

"This is a nightmare," Marinette mumbled through the palm of her hand, wiping her face by instinct and looking attentively at her kwami, "are you sure there isn't a way out of this?"

"I think the better idea is to just face him and tell him the truth."

"No way! Not like this! I haven't washed my hair! I amn't wearing my lucky socks! And I..." she mutters, closing her eyes and letting her head droop down to her lie on her desk surface again, "need to sleep."

Tikki rolled her eyes, pulling at Marinette's pigtail, "Marinette! Get ready now or you'll be late for school!"

The teenage girl's head shot up, immediately scrambling out of her chair and tripping over her own two feet, landing face-first on the hard tiled floor.

"Ow." Marinette mumbled, her eyes closing from the tiredness once again, "Can I just... sleep?"

"Marinette!" Tikki persisted.

"Ok, ok. I'll get ready."

"Can you believe it's already April, Plagg?" Adrien questioned his kwami as the creature was happily munching on his cheese, only to give his owner a disturbed look.

"Can't you see I'm trying to eat my precious camembert? Surely your question can wait." Plagg retorted, returning to sink his teeth into the gooey goodness before him.

Adrien shot him a disgusted look, plugging his nose, "Gross! Why do you have to eat that thing so early in the morning?"

"Well, if you want to be Chat Noir, then you'll have to live with it."

Adrien rolled his eyes dramatically, returning back to packing his school bag, "Yeah, yeah. I get it."

The black cat kwami gobbled  down the last chunks of the provided breakfast, floating over to his miraculous wielder, "And for your information, I'm running out of my precious cheese."

The blonde sighed, giving Plagg a long look, "Of course you are."

Marinette hurriedly ran up the school stairs, dodging students as she ran into the gym, only to see Alya, Nino and Adrien chatting. A fuming look of rage appeared on the bluenette's face, balling up her hands into fists and marched over to the trio.

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