Chapter 25

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So, we could probably guess that Marinette had phone called her BFF, Alya, once Adrien had left. And we could probably already know that she was squealing with excitement at the news. We could infer that Alya then told Nino, who was also ecstatic about it and decided to call Adrien. We could guess all of those things. And, you guessed right.

Marinette hastily walked up the school's front stairs. Alya was already waiting for her, jumping up and down until she noticed Adrien wasn't with her best friend.

"Where's Adrien?" she eyed once Marinette had made it to the doorway.

The bluenette sighed, before pointing behind her. Just then, the Agreste car pulled up in front of the school, a very pleased looking Adrien filing out and rushed up the stairs beside Marinette.

"Hey, Alya!" he chimed, earning a side smirk from Marinette, who then grabbed his hand out of habit.

Alya squealed, quickly grabbing her phone out and snapped a few photos, only making her best friend act even more smugly.

"What's with that smug look, Bugaboo?" Adrien whispered in her ear, giving Marinette a small wink before he pulled away.

Marinette cupped her hand and spoke right into Adrien's ear, "I'm waiting for the reaction of a certain someone."

Before he could even process what Marinette had said, he burst into a fit of laughter, Alya giving the duo a hard look of confusion.

"Uh... I said a joke!" Marinette quickly excused, pulling Adrien and Alya inside the school, a tired-looking Nino coming into view.

"Hey, dudes." he muttered, walking beside Alya, "Man, I sure need some sleep. Especially since yesterday school was cut off, I was forced to do chores. Chores!"

"Lol! Poor turtle boy." Alya cooed, patting her boyfriend's shoulder firmly, "At least you did important work yesterday."

"Yeah..." he groaned, eyeing his best bud, "Work like cleaning window frames. Like, I never knew how dirty those things are!"

The three chuckled before Nino cleared his throat as he spoke to Adrien, "Hey, dude. Now we can double date whenever we feel like it! Thank God, I'll have my bro to save me from tragic girl shopping."

"Hey!" Alya and Marinette shouted, Nino holding his hands up in defeat.

"Ok, ok. I was just saying!"

Before they knew it, the bell rang, the four rushing up the stairs to the second level of the school, making their way towards their classroom.

Marinette took hold of Adrien's hand, the blond smiling down at her warmly before giving it a gentle squeeze, only to make the bluenette blush.

They entered the classroom, literally everyone spotting the two holding hands. They quickly rushed out of their seats and begin hoarding the two with questions.

"Le gasp!"

"Are you two DATING!?"

"How long?!"


"Thank God!!!"

"This is a dream... right?"


"Nice going, Agreste!"

"Squeal! Squeal!!! SQUEAL!!!"

"MOVE!" a bitter voice demanded, a blond pushing her way through the crowd and directly in front of Adrien and Marinette, pointing at their joined hands, "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!"

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