Chapter 5

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"Come on, Adrien. Who would want to go to a museum on a lazy Saturday when you could just do nothing all day?!" Plagg mumbled as he munched on his beloved cheese, sitting on the counter of the sink Adrien was washing his face in.

"I don't want to be stuck in here by myself any longer, so I'll try everything I can to spend this month with my friends." Adrien replied to Plagg's lazy comment, giving his kwami a look that said 'I'm done with you' as he grabbed a towel and dried his face.

"I still find it weird for a boy your age." the black cat kwami rolled his eyes in annoyance, continuing to eat the camembert provided for him. Luckily, Adrien ordered a huge supply for him yesterday after his comment about running out of cheese. The kwami was overjoyed, immediately sinking his teeth into the largest chunk of cheese from the batch.

"And I find it weird that all you do all day is either sleep or eat cheese." Adrien retorted, fixing his blazer over his shoulders, turning off the light from the bathroom and walked out, his kwami floating after him.

"Well, if you-"

"Okay, okay," Adrien cut in, giving the creature a small smile, "yeah, I know you transform me into Chat Noir. You don't need to remind me 24/7 about your role, Plagg."

The kwami gave a long exaggerated sigh, gobbling up the rest of his snack, "Fine, let's just get this done and over with already."

Adrien nodded, opening up his blazer, Plagg zooming inside of it. Adrien grabbed his phone off his desk and quickly texted Marinette that he would be coming to pick her up any minute for their outing at the Musée Grévin. He slipped his phone into the pocket of his jeans, running out the door to his bedroom, walking slowly down the staircase and into the main hallway of his cold, empty mansion that he didn't dare call home. The place was so empty that you could practically hear Nathalie's heels clicking on the marble floor from miles away.

"Ready to go, Adrien?" his father's assistant asked the teenage boy coldly, in her usual strict and emotionless voice, the blond sighing as he nodded slowly, his bodyguard and Nathalie accompanying him out the door and into the car.

He closed the car door, "To Marinette's place, please."

The car sped away, over to the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

Beep beep! Beep beep!

Marinette's alarm clock went off.

The startled bluenette shot up in her bed, realizing it was Saturday and shut her alarm clock off, snuggling back into her covers. She stayed like that for about ten minutes until a loud chime of the doorbell was heard.

Tikki bolted up, flying over to Marinette's calendar. The kwami gasped, then proceeded to tug on her sleepy owner's pigtail, "Marinette!"

"It's Saturday, Tikki." Marinette groaned, turning to her side, "Just a few more minutes..."

"Marinette! Adrien's here!" her mom's voice was heard, the pigtailed girl's eyes immediately opening at the mention of her crush's name. She zoomed out of her bed and to her closet, throwing out a pair of her usual clothes, "I'll be there in five!"

Back down in the living room, Sabine facepalmed, "Sorry about that, dear, Marinette isn't that much of a morning person. I'm sure she'll be here soon."

"No worries." the blond insisted as he stood in the doorway, Sabine motioning for him to enter. He nodded gratefully, entering the Dupain-Cheng's home.

Marinette's father entered the room, holding out a tray of freshly baked croissants. He walked up to the teenage boy. "Would you like a croissant, son?" he offered, holding out the tray in front of him.

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