Chapter 7

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"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir gave their signature fist bump once they defeated the akuma, the confused girl slumped to the ground, only to be met by her parents who came running over to her, giving her a big hug.

Chat Noir smiled, Ladybug quizzically looking around her. Chat Noir noticed the uneasiness within his partner and decided to question it, "Are you ok, Ladybug?"

"Uh, huh," she nodded, taking one more quick glance around the street and sighed, looking up at the neon green eyes that were worriedly looking down at her, "I'm just worried about Adrien."

Chat Noir tensed at this, racking his brain to remember that Chat Noir showed up but Aspik disappeared. He quickly gulped, then pointed in the direction of Marinette's bakery. "Um... I saw him and he was close to Marinette's bakery. But I have got to go, take care of the young lady, would you?"

Ladybug nodded as Chat Noir extended his stick and jumped away. She walked over to the teenager that was being hugged by her parents and smiled. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." the brunette agreed, "Thank you for saving me, Ladybug."

Ladybug winked, then grabbed the yo-yo at her side, "All in a day's work."

She zipped towards her bakery, seeing Adrien who was frantically pacing back and forth in front of it. She smiled as she dropped down in front of him, the blond yelping in surprise as he tumbled backwards.

"I'm so sorry!" Ladybug quickly apologized, pulling the startled teenage boy up, "I didn't mean to scare you!"

The blond breathed in a heavy sigh of relief, reaching into his blazer and pulled out a hexagonal-shaped box with the snake miraculous on the inside. He handed it to Ladybug, a small smile pursuing on her lips as her eyes sparkled with delight, "I'm sorry I left, I thought you two would be better without me. M-Maybe I'm not cut out to be Aspik."

Ladybug's eyes widened as she opened her yo-yo and placed the box inside, shaking her head in denial, "No, no! Not at all, Adrien! It was my fault. I gave you Viperion's miraculous. And of course you're cut out to be a superhero! You're amazing! I mean, great at combat!"

The teen supermodel lightly chuckled, "Thanks, LB. But maybe it's a better idea if you keep that miraculous. I'm definitely not meant to be the wielder of it."

She nodded, about to swing away until Adrien caught her arm, the superheroine puzzledly looking at his worried expression. He glanced around him before he frantically informed the heroine about his friend, "I left my friend Marinette at the museum. We have to make sure she's alright!"

"She's fine." the red-suited hero reassured him, "She'll meet you back at her bakery, I promise."

She zipped away, Adrien lovingly staring after her, Plagg popping his head out of his owner's white coloured blazer and started making gagging noises, the blond shaking his head happily as he shoved his kwami's head back into the material.

About five minutes later, after Marinette had dropped the miraculous back at Master Fu's, she came running back to Adrien. The teenage boy couldn't possibly be happier to see her safe and sound. She ran up to him, heavily panting as she placed her hands on her knees, then stood up straight, "Sorry about meeting you this late, I was being chased by the villain and had to run as far as possible away from it."

Adrien nodded, then quickly pulled his phone from out of his jean pocket, "I understand, we still have a little time though before I have to go. Maybe we could spend the little time we have walking back to the museum?"

Marinette blinked, then awkwardly nodded, "S-Sure."

The two started walking on the sidewalk in silence, Marinette listening to the soft ruffling of dead leaves on the ground. Winter had cleared up and spring was in motion. She loved spring. It was so inspiring, all nature becoming alive as the sun rose in the sky, shining down on everything and everyone.

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