Chapter 2: An Awkward Meeting.

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As I drove into a parking space at the Smosh studio, my heart was racing and my palms were sweating. This was going to be one of the biggest moments of my life. I had chosen a very fashion-conscious outfit for the special day. A striped shirt with a black jacket, black skinny jeans, and pink slip-ons, that matched the shirt. I had done my makeup to perfection, and I wore a pair of real gold earrings. Trying to feel more confident, I got out of my car and went inside the building. It was a big empty room, with hallways leading to different rooms. There was no one at the front desk. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. "Hello!" I called. No answer. "Hello!" I repeated, looking down each hallway. No one. I began to feel nervous. What if it was all just a prank, and when I facetimed with Ian was just a pre-recorded video? Before I could worry any more, I heard footsteps coming down one of the halls. It was Matt Raub. "Hello, miss. Is there something I can help you with?" He asked politely. "Yes. My name is Vivian Baxter. I was hired to become a new cast member." I told him. "Oh, it's you! Well, don't just stand there, follow me! We're prepping to begin filming?" He said as he led me down the hall from which he came. "Guys!" He said excitedly, opening the door. "Our new castmate is here!" All eyes turned to the door as I stepped in, feeling shy. "Vivian!" Ian said, approaching me. "We're glad you could come!" "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I told him. "You don't need to be shy. Come in, chat somebody up. Get comfortable." He encouraged. "We're not a cult who's going to try and brainwash you." I giggled. I took a few more steps inside, looking around. I was on the stage for a tntl challenge. 'I think I'll just stand at the back wall and not bother anybody unless they come near' I thought to myself, heading to the wall. I was looking at the floor as I moved, so I accidentally ran into something. Caught off guard, I lost my balance and toppled to the floor. "Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked. 'Oh God' I thought in a panic. 'This isn't happening right now!' I look up to see my worst fears confirmed. It was none other than Shayne Topp, standing over me with a worried expression on his face. "I'm fine." I answered what felt like a century later. He held out his hand, offering to help me up. I took it, and he practically hoisted me onto my feet with me doing little to help. "Thank God you're okay. I wouldn't want to injure the new cast member on her first day." He said sheepishly. "It's alright. I should have been the one who was looking where I was going." I said, feeling my cheeks burn. He chuckled. "We all make mistakes." He said. I smile stupidly, not knowing what to say. "I'm Shayne." He says. "I'm familiar with you. I'm a huge Smosh fan." I told him. Just noticing how creepy that sounded, I quickly added, "I'm Vivian." "So, I guess we'll be seeing each other pretty often." He said. "Yeah, probably." I agreed. 'I can't take the embarrassment anymore!' My mind cried. "Well, I'll see you later!" I told him, quickly walking away. "See you later!" He said back. I went to the back wall and just stood there, trying to hide my embarrassment. He was my favorite Smosh member, and I acted like a such a dork! He's never going to want to talk to me again. What a way to start off the day.

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