Chapter 27: Issues

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The next day, Saturday, started off alright. I went to work, filmed and goofed around with all my friends, and had a good time. When I returned to my apartment that afternoon though, I knew what I needed to do. I called Melissa, to which she answered immediately. "Hi Vivian! How are you?" She asked cheerfully, clearly not aware of what was about to hit her. "How am I doing? Not too good, thanks to you." I said, pacing around. "What happened? What's going on?" She asked, sounding concerned. "What happened? You squealed on my to my mom!" I shouted. "I thought I had made it clear I didn't want anyone else to know about it right now." "You're not making any sense, Vivian. Squealed on you about what?" "Me and Shayne!" "Oh, you mean that run-in I had with your mom at the supermarket?" "Yes!" "What's so bad about that? I didn't give her any of the details." Melissa said. "She insulted me! She told me she was disappointed in me for picking the first oaf that came my way here in California. She said he wasn't good enough for me!" I yelled, completely losing my temper. "I didn't know she was going to attack you like that." Melissa said innocently.  "Well you should have! You know how she is!" I told her. "But you really should have kept your mouth shut. Or at least told me what happened immediately afterward, not let me fend for myself!" "I'm sorry! I didn't know it was going to cause this much trouble." She told me. "I would have expected you to know better Melissa!" I snapped. "Now my mom thinks me and Shayne are both losers, I've been stressed out for over 12 hours, and now I'm mad at her and you!" "I'm sorry!" She repeated. "Can't we just make up?" "No!" I shouted, hanging up and throwing my phone down. "AHHHH!" I screamed out loud, throwing my shoes aggressively at the wall. Why did everything have to be so difficult?
About an hour later, as I was curled up miserably on my bed, dried tear stains on my cheeks, my phone rang. It was Shayne, so I answered. "Hello." I said. "Babe, are you okay? You don't sound good?" He asked worriedly. "Physically, yes. Mentally, definitely not." I replied. "What do you want?" "I just wanted to chat, since we had so much fun last night. But I'm really glad I called now." He said. "Well, if there's nothing you need, I'm gonna hang up and lay here mentally dying." I told him. "I'm coming over. There has to be some way I can cheer you up." He said, and before I could reject, he hung up. I sighed and buried my head in my pillow. I felt so ashamed he would see me like this, but I didn't have the slightest desire to get ready. About 30 minutes later, as I was dozing, a loud knock was heard at my front door. "Is it you Shayne?" I called. "Yeah." The familiar voice called back. "Come in." I told him. I heard the door open and close, them footsteps approaching me. "Aww babe." Shayne said sadly, kneeling in front of me on the floor. Without moving my head, I lifted my swollen red eyes to meet his gaze. I couldn't help but half smile at seeing him. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." He said, gently stroking my cheek. "I'm just so mentally exhausted!" I moaned into my pillow. "My mom thinks both of us are stupid, and my best friend betrayed me. But for some reason I feel guilty about yelling at her, even though it was her fault!" "Don't think too much about it. The problem will clear itself up." Shayne told me. "Why are you so good to me?" I asked suddenly, lifting my head to look at him. "Because I love you." He replied simply. My eyes brimming with tears, I pulled him closer to me and buried my head in his shoulder. It was hard from all the muscle, but still somehow comfortable. "I feel like such a jerk." I confessed. "I know both of them deserved it, but I still feel guilty. I want to say I'm sorry for losing my temper, but not sorry I stood up for myself. I can't let them think they won." I ranted. "Well, maybe tomorrow, call them both up and apologize. Say that you don't agree with them, but you're willing to set it aside." Shayne suggested, soothingly rubbing my back. "Maybe I will." I said, considering the idea. "You're too nice to me." I told him, moving away to look into his dreamy blue eyes. "I'm as nice as I can be. I'm just not too sentimental." He said. "And that's just the way I like you." I said, kissing him and wiping away the tears. I sat up and looked down at myself. "I look like a wreck. I should get cleaned up." I said. "Okay. And when you come back out, I brought you some cookies and flowers." Shayne told me, smiling. "Aww, thank you!" I gave him another kiss before standing up and getting out some decent clothes from my closet. "I know you're still exhausted, but I'll try to make it a peaceful evening for you." He said. "Now that you're here, I'm sure it will be." I assured him, smiling as I closed myself in the bathroom. I washed off my face, changed clothes, and brushed my hair. Then I looked like a normal human. I came out of the bathroom to find Shayne settled on the couch, with glasses of milk and cookies on the coffee table, along with a bouquet of tulips. "Shayne, you didn't have to do all this." I said, coming over and sitting down on the couch with him. "Sure I did." He insisted, kissing my cheek. "I'm sure some Netflix and chill will put you at ease." "You're probably right." I agreed. I got back up and turned off the lights, then rejoined him. And indeed, the evening didn't turn out so bad. A good show, snacks, and a loving partner make everything seem better.

Word count: 1041

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