Chapter 19: Almost There

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Before I knew it, Friday night had rolled around again, after a long work week. Me and Shayne had already made plans to go tonight, this time back to the skating rink, since we had such a good time with the group last time. I was going to start testing Shayne on just how much he liked me. I was starting with wearing something more casual, and dropping little hints here and there. I needed to evaluate if this was all friendship to him, or something more. I chose to wear a patterned top, cut-off jean shorts, and matching sandals. I put my hair up in a bun, and did a little less makeup than usual, with only simple gold earrings for jewelry. Just then his car horn sounded below. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs, left the building, and got into the car. "Hey." Shayne greeted me. "Hi." I said back, smiling. "You look nice." He told me, pulling out into traffic and driving down the busy street. "Thank you." I said. "I decided not to wear a dress tonight. I wasn't in the mood." I added, dropping my first hint. "Of course you didn't. Why would you roller skate in a dress?" He asked, laughing. 'Crap, he's right. Maybe a dinner date would have been a better time to try this tactic' I thought to myself. I giggled lightly. "True. I didn't even think about it." I admitted. "It's all good, anyway. No need to get dressed up every time." Shayne said. I nodded in agreement.
A little bit later, we arrived at the skating rink. Shayne paid for both our skates and we headed onto the rink immediately. The music was jamming loudly and lots of teenagers filled the rink. "Do you need help?" Shayne asked, clearly remembering what happened last time. "Not yet. Just don't let me fall down again." I said. He laughed, and so did I at the silly memory. As we skated slowly around the edge, 2 girls were next to us. They looked over. "Hey, I recognize that guy." The girl said to her friend. "Yeah! He's part of that crappy, boring comedy group my sister likes for some reason." The other girl said, and they skated out of earshot. Shayne was laughing, and so was I. "Oh my god! We all just got blasted by a couple of teenagers!" I exclaimed. "Crappy and boring comedy group." Shayne repeated. "Wait till the others hear about this!" We kept laughing as we slowly moved along. After a few more minutes, I started skating faster. It was getting boring moving so slow. "Don't fall down!" Shayne told me. "I thought you would catch me if I did?" I asked. "I'll try. But I can't make any promises." He said. "Oh god." I sighed deeply. We kept going a little bit faster and faster until we were briskly skating around the rink. It was a lot of fun, moving so fast to the beat of the music, all the energy surrounding us. I felt free, and very happy, with my new best friend at my side. We skated around for a while, before a slow song suddenly came on. People starting coming together and doing sort of slow dances with each other. Literally everyone else on the rink paired up, except for me and Shayne. They all gave us dirty or strange looks as they slowly skated by us in each others arms. Me and Shayne met eyes, our faces turning red. "I think we should get off the rink for this one." I said hoarsely, feeling very embarrassed. "Why? You don't want to dance with me?" Shayne asked. "Well, I mean...I don't mind, but..." I couldn't come up with anything to say. "Well, will you dance with me then?" He asked, offering his hand. 'Stop being such a scaredy-cat. Plenty of people who are "just friends" dance with each other' I decided in my mind. "Sure." I finally agreed. Smiling, he gently pulled me closer, placing one hand on my side, the other on my shoulder. I did the same thing, and my body tensed up. "I don't how to dance." Shayne confessed, laughing. "Neither do I." I said. We awkwardly just spun around on our skates, struggling to keep up with the slow beat, as our skates kept trying to slide out from behind us. "You don't need to be so tense. I won't let you fall." He assured me. I sighed, trying to relax. 'I am literally dancing with my celebrity crush right now, and I don't even know what to do' I thought. 'Why do I have to be so awkward around him?'. "Can I ask a question?" Shayne wanted to know. "Yeah." I replied, already getting nervous. He looked right into my eyes. "Why are you always so shy around me when we're not with the others? Do I make you nervous?" I got nervous just thinking about having to answer that question. "No Shayne, it''s not you. I'm just...socially awkward." "I know you're lying. You act perfectly fine with everyone else at Smosh, even me when we're in the studio. But as soon as we leave for a date together, you get all shy and nervous." "I...I can't answer that question." I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Because I don't know the answer myself!" I was shocked by the words that came out of my own mouth. We were just friends! Why was I so nervous? Shayne looked shocked as well. "Vivian, you're really confusing me." "And I'm confusing myself! I don't know why I act like this around you. I don't act like this around any of my other friends!" I exclaimed, starting to get upset. Some of the other couples around us started staring. "It's okay! You don't need to get upset." He said. "Just forget I even asked." "I..." Tears started welling up in my eyes. "I don't know what's wrong with me!" I started searching around frantically, looking for a place to lean my head and shed a few tears. "It's okay, Vivian! Relax! I'm not mad at you!" Shayne was trying his hardest to keep me calm. Knowing there was nowhere else, I sat my chin on his shoulder, and just stayed there, to which he didn't reject. "I don't know what's wrong with me." I repeated. "I'm not like this around all my other friends. Or even strangers. It's absolutely not you, it's me." "It's not you." He said soothingly. "I'm sorry I ruined this date for the both of us." I said. "No you didn't! It's not over yet." He told me. "We already had a lot of fun. Who says there isn't time for more?" "I think we need to get out of here." I suggested, raising my head and giving him a weak smile. "Me too. C'mon, let's get our regular shoes and blow." He agreed. The slow song ended as we parted and stepped out of the rink. We put our shoes back on, returned the skates to the front desk, then left the building and got back in Shayne's car. "Where are we even going?" I asked, drying my tears with the back of my hand. "I don't even know." Shayne said. "Fast food?" I suggested. "Sounds good! Come to think of it, I'm actually pretty hungry!" He said. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I told him, and we left the skating rink and went to Burger King. We decided to just go through the drive-thru, then eat in the car at the oceanside, which proved to be calming on our last date. We sat, ate, chatted, laughed, and enjoyed the scenery, all at the same time. It was already dark out, and other people were sitting in their cars to, all around us. "What is this? A club meeting for stressed out individuals?" I joked. Shayne laughed. "Who knows?" We continued to chat in the calming setting, long after the food was gone. "See, I told you we'd have more fun." Shayne said as we were finally thinking about wrapping things up. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Okay, it wasn't that bad." I admitted. Shayne smiled. "But only because you were there to comfort me, like the great friend you are." He smiled even wider as I leaned over far in my seat and kissed his cheek affectionately. For some reason, it didn't feel odd. My face didn't turn red, and I didn't cringe or pour out apologies. Shayne looked at me and smiled again. I smiled coyly back as I sat back down in my seat properly. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Yep." I replied, and he started the car and drove back to my apartment. On the way there, I began to worry if I had made a mistake. He didn't even mention it, and wasn't sire if that meant he didn't mind or he was mad. I didn't want to bring it up either, so I just let it go. When he pulled up at the curb of my building I said, "Thanks for taking me out again. I had a good time, overall. And I really am sorry I embarrassed you at the skating rink." "I wasn't embarrassed. Your reaction to my question was just...suprising." He said. "But don't worry about it. We're still cool." I smiled, and before I could open the door or say goodbye, he leaned over and kissed my cheek. My eyes widened and my heart stopped beating for a split second. He smiled at me shyly as he sat back down. I smiled back. "Goodnight." I told him, rubbing my cheek and blushing. "Goodnight. See you at work on Monday." He said. I got out of the car and he drove away. My heart was fluttering and my stomach churning. "Why do I feel like this? It was just a friendly kiss." I whispered aloud. Friend. For some reason I didn't feel comfortable saying that anymore. But why?

Word count: 1682

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