Chapter 11: Another Milestone

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The rest of the outing went great. We spent more time at the skating rink before piling back into Matt's van at the studio to get our own cars and go home. As I stepped out of the van, I felt a hand at my jeans pocket. I spun around, but it was only Shayne, filing out behind me. I frowned in confusion before saying my goodbyes to the group. Shayne looked straight at me and winked. I jumped slightly at that. What was he getting at? After everyone told me goodbye, I unlocked my car and got in. I started the engine, then drove home. When I was back in my apartment and had kicked off my shoes, I remembered the hand at my pocket. I reached into it and found a piece of paper. I unfolded at and read it. "I had an awesome time tonight. I thought maybe we could start staying in touch more. -Shayne" My eyes widened. Below the message was a phone number. Shayne's number. What was going on with him? Buying me a stuffed animal, winking, and giving me his number? I figured he winked because he knew it was our secret about the number. Instead of being offended or disgusted, I smiled. It seemed like he wanted a friendship, too.
The next day as I entered the filming room at the studio, everyone was sitting around with tired expressions on their faces. Usually they were all moving around, chatting and acting lively. "What's going on, guys?" I asked worriedly, tossing my keys and purse on a table. "Maybe we should have saved the group outing till tonight?" Courtney asked. "Why is that?" I wanted to know, still confused. "We're all totally exhausted from running around till almost midnight last night!" Replied Sarah. "Oh. I feel the same as always, except maybe slightly more tired." I said. Ian looked at me. "We know you're more tired than usual because you're not wearing a fancy outfit." He told me. Indeed, I only wore a baggy pizza place t-shirt, matching red leggings, and black sneakers. My hair was up in a slightly messy ponytail, I wore only enough makeup to get by, and no jewelry. "Maybe you're right." I told him, laughing. "C'mon fools, time to get up! Filming is supposed to begin on 10 minutes!" Announced Monica. Everyone collectively groaned. I noticed Shayne leaning against a wall, far enough away from the group that they couldn't eavesdrop. I approached him. "Really?" I asked him. He smiled nervously. "I guess you saw that note?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "I'm sorry if that isn't what you wanted. We just had so much fun last night and I wanted to be able to stay in touch with you outside the workplace. You can just throw it away and we can pretend it never happened if that's what you want to do. My advances were too strong, and you have a right to say so." Shayne said. I pulled out my phone and sent a text. Then Shayne's phone went off. He gave me a strange look and read his message. He smiled. I had sent a text to him. "I don't mind at all. I actually think that was a really creative way of giving it out." I told him. He smiled. "I guess we'll be in touch then." He said. I nodded in response. "Well, we'd better go join the others. Another long day is ahead of us." I told him, and he agreed.
That day another gaming session was filmed. It would be entertaining for the viewers, and not too much work for us tired people. When I returned to my apartment late that afternoon, my phone started ringing. It was my mom. "Hey mom." I greeted her, sitting down on my bed. "Hi, honey. How are you doing? We haven't heard from you in a while." She said in a concerned tone. I laughed. "Mom, it's been a week. And I'm fine. Been keeping busy with the new job and trying to make friends with all my castmates." I replied. "And how is that going?" She asked. "Great, actually. We all just went on a group outing last night. We ate, then went to the roller skating rink. It was a lot of fun." I said. "I'm so glad they warmed up to you so quickly." She told me. "I'm glad, too. Everyone's really cool and I haven't had the slightest problem yet." "Let's keep it that way." Mom said, and we both laughed. "How are you and Dad doing?" I asked. "We're fine. Dad is at work still, but I'll let him know I got hold of you when he comes back. Then he can call you tomorrow, since you don't have work on Sundays, right?" "Yes, that's right. I'll be free all day tomorrow, except maybe some grocery shopping." I told her. "Okay. Well, I'll let you go then. And we can talk more tomorrow!" She said. "Goodnight, Vivian." "Goodnight, Mom." I said back, and we hung up. I relaxed for the rest of the night before falling alseep peacefully. My first week working at Smosh wasn't too bad. And it was bound to get even better.

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