Chapter 18: Risky

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The next day at the Smosh studio, I was so curious to ask Keith about his date with Noah, but unfortunately he wasn't there. "Do you know if Keith is supposed to work today?" I asked Courtney. "No, I don't think so. Last I heard, he'll be coming in at the end of the week." She replied. "Why do you want to know?" "Well...I've been helping him with some...issues. And I wanted to hear about his latest venture, how it went." I told her. "Is it about him and Noah?" She wanted to know. "They've been acting kinda strange recently." "Yes." I admitted. "But that's all the information I'm giving out. I shouldn't have even told you that much." I said. "Hey Olivia!" Courtney called, beckoning her friend over to us. "Hey guys, what's up?" Olivia asked. "Vivian has been helping Keith with his relationship problems with Noah." Courtney answered. "Courtney!" I snapped. "I just told you that I shouldn't have even said what I did about this! Now you're going to spread it around the whole studio!" "It's okay! Liv won't tell. And neither will I to anybody else." She assured me. "Okay. And please keep to your word. Keith trusts me." I said. "We promise." They said in unison. "I'm not against it at all anyway. I think it's adorable that their friendship has turned into something more!" Said Olivia. "Well, Keith isn't sure if Noah likes him back." I told her. "He was going to take him on a romantic dinner Friday, and see if he could set the mood and make a move. That's why I wanted to talk to him so urgently." "I hope it went well. They're both really nice guys, and neither of them deserve to have their hearts broken." Courtney said. Me and Olivia nodded in agreement. "Okay people! It's time to start!" Ian announced, clapping his hands. That day we filmed a challenge for Smosh Pit. It was a lot of fun.
At the end of the day as I was collecting my stuff to go home, Shayne came up to me and asked "Me, Damien and Courtney are going out to Starbucks for drinks. Do you want to come?" I was surprised at being invited for a personal group outing. "Sure, that sounds like fun!" "Cool. We'll all just take our own cars and head over there now." He told me, walking away. "Okay. See you soon!" I said. "I think he wants to..." "Don't even say it Olivia." I interrupted, knowing the voice of the person that I felt moving up behind me. "How did you know what I was going to say?" She asked, sounding slightly disappointed. "Because I know you." I replied. "See you tomorrow!" "See you!" She called back. I left the building, hopped in my car, and took the short drive to the Starbucks on the corner. I was the last to arrive as I entered and saw my new friends had already seated themselves at a booth. "Hello again." I greeted them, tossing my purse down and sitting next to Shayne, since that's conveniently the only space left. "Did you even order?" Damien asked. I sighed. "I forgot." I admitted, getting up and ordering a chilled frappuccino. After I had sat back down, I thought about how Shayne had confessed to Damien how much he likes me. But why did he tell Damien, and not just me how he felt? Surely he knew I was trustworthy. "So, anything new or exciting going on?" Courtney asked, breaking the awkward silence. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Just some evening streams with my cats." Damien replied. "I'll definitely be binge-reading this great book I found." Shayne said. Courtney looked to me. "I don't know. Probably just sleeping and watching TV." I replied. Courtney giggled. "What? I don't have anything else to do." I said. "And I suppose you have big plans, like having long conversations with your plants." I added, as a joke. The guys started laughing. "You just roasted!" Exclaimed Shayne. "You're all so stupid." Said Courtney, smiling. "I wouldn't be working at Smosh if I wasn't." I said. "Now we all just got roasted." Said Shayne. "We wouldn't be who we are if we weren't crazy and goofy." Damien pointed out. "Yeah, but she literally just called us stupid." Insisted Courtney. "I meant it affectionately." I said. "I know. I was just teasing you." She told me. Just them a worker came and brought us all our drinks, which we immediately started sipping. As we all just chatted amongst ourselves, I felt Shayne's hand moving a little closer to me. 'What is he up to?' I asked myself. 'Especially in front of Courtney said Damien'. Beforr I could think about it more, his hand gently took mine and held it under the table. 'Oh my god oh my god' my mind raced. But I didn't move my hand, only took his tighter. It wasn't scandalous or even romantic. So why did it matter if Damien or Courtney or saw? We spent the rest of our time there holding hands, and they didn't discover us. We released each others grip as we all stood up and went outside.  Everyone said their goodbyes, until it was only me and Shayne. "Did you think that was weird of me?" He asked, not even needing to say what he was referring to. "Maybe a little." I confessed. "But I didn't really mind. I actually kinda enjoyed it." I smiled. He smiled back. "So did I." He said. We stood there in silence until I said "I better get going. Still gotta make dinner. See you tomorrow!" "See ya!" He called after me. I really didn't mind the whole hands thing. But would the others think it was more than friendly if they saw or knew? It was kinda risky when it came to that. But I honestly didn't care. Let them think what they want. All that mattered was that I knew what it meant to me, and that was friendship. But what about Shayne? Did he see it as friendship too, or something more?

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