Chapter 6: The Car Ride.

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About a half hour later, Shayne arrived at my apartment building. I was waiting outside, feeling so embarrassed about having to drag him here. I went to the curb where he had stopped and got in the passenger seat. "Good morning." He greeted me, smiling. "Good morning." I said back. As we started driving down the street I said, "I'm so sorry for this inconvenience. I didn't want you to have to come out here like this. "It's fine. I don't mind." He told me. We stopped at a red light. "Here, take this money to pay for the gas that you had to use up." I said, handing him 30 dollars. "Vivian, it's fine. You don't have to." He told me. "But..." "Vivian." Shayne interrupted me. He pushed my hand away with his. "I don't mind doing favors for people if they deserve it. We're cool." I put the money back into my wallet, shocked at his stubbornness of me trying to repay him. "Well, let me at least say thank you for your generosity." I said. "I'll let you do that." He said, smiling. The light then turned green, and we continued moving. "Are you enjoying working with us so far?" Shayne asked. "Yes! I love it! Everyone's nice, the work environment is wonderful, and filming such crazy things with you guys is so much fun!" I said. He smiled. "That's great! We try to make the environment as nice as possible for new members." He told me. "And then when I'm not new I get treated like crap?" I asked teasingly. He laughed. "No. About the same. Just be glad you're here now instead of when it was Defy Media." "I'm very glad of that. And I'm so happy that Mythical came and saved the day. I literally cried when I heard about the Defy shutdown." I confessed. "You cared that much about us?" He asked. "Yes. Especially you. You were always my favorite..." I stopped, realizing what I just said. I felt my cheeks burn red. We were at another red light. He turned to me with his eyebrows raised. "I'm listening." "You were always my favorite member." I said quickly, extremely embarrassed. "Aw, well thanks." He told me, smiling. The light turned green and he continued driving. We had more small talk along the way till we arrived. "Well, thanks again for the ride." I said as we got out of the car. "No problem." He told me. Together, we entered the studio, a half hour late. "It's about time you got back." Said Olivia as we entered the filming room for the day. "We had to stop at nearly every red light." Shayne told her, putting his sunglasses and keys on a nearby table. "Hmmm." Hummed Courtney, a mischievous smirk on her face. "Or maybe you stayed in Vivian's apartment for a while." "Courtney!" I exclaimed, embarrassed, as her and Olivia exploded in laughter. Me and Shayne shared a glance. "Well, you did say I was your favorite Smosh member, sooo..." He said, joining the girls on teasing me. "Shut up!" I told him, but I couldn't help but laugh along with them. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Noah quickly moving his hand off Keith's thigh. I didn't pay much attention, though. I was too busy laughing along with the group. "Alright, that's enough!" Said Ian. "Let's get started. We're already behind." And that began another wild day at the Smosh studio.

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