Chapter 12: The Love Coach.

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Author's note: This chapter will bring more light onto Keith and Noah's relationship.

On Sunday morning, I awoke to my phone ringing on my bedside table. It was my dad. I checked the time. Why did he always have to call so early? It was only 7:30! I sighed, but picked it up and answered. I told him the same stuff I had told Mom. We were on the phone till about 8:00. When we hung up, I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. So I got up, took a shower, and put on some clean clothes. I wore an old pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt, with my hair loose. No makeup, no jewelry, and barefoot. I then went into the kitchen to get breakfast, when my phone went off. It was a text from Shayne. "Would you be interested in going out for lunch with some of the others this afternoon?" The message read. I thought that sounded quite nice, so I messaged back "Sure. Where and what time?" "How about at that sandwich place downtown? Around 1:00?" "Sounds great. I'll be there." I texted back, and that was the end of the conversation. Until that time came, I ate breakfast, showered, and did some cleaning around my apartment. Before I knew it, it was noon, and time to get ready. I decided to go casual for this outing. I wore cut-off jean shorts, a patterned tank top, with sandals. I tied my hair in a ponytail, and had on minimal makeup. I was feeling more confident around the group that I felt I didn't need makeup to make an impression or feel insecure. I grabbed my purse, stuffed my phone in my pocket, and took the keys as I left the apartment, locking it on my way out.
When I arrived at the location, a diner called Sammy's, Shayne was the only one there. "Hey!" I greeted him, approaching him. "Hey, Vivian! Good to see you." He said. "Where is everybody? It's almost 1:00." I asked. "I have no idea. The whole group isn't coming, so I thought everyone would drive their personal cars." He replied. Just then, Keith and Noah arrived. Everyone said their greetings to each others, then we all took seats at the booth Shayne had selected. "So what are you going to ask us for, Shayne?" Noah asked. "What are you talking about?" He wanted to know, confused. "C'mon Shayne, you invited us all out here for a reason, didn't you?" Answered Keith. Shayne laughed. "No! I just thought we had a blast the other night, and that we should do something like it again." He explained. Keith and Noah shared a look. "You guys are crazy." Shayne said, just as Courtney showed up. "What's up?" I greeted her, fist-bumping her. "Not much. Had nothing to do today so I thought I'd come for some decent food." She replied, sitting down. "Well, we're still missing someone." Shayne said, looking around. "They'll come." Courtney assured him. "I don't even know who it's supposed to be." Noah said. "I'm not telling. I want to keep it a suprise." Shayne told us. We all waited for 10 minutes before Damien showed up. "There he is!" Shayne announced. "What's up, man?" "Well, I'm late. Does that count?" He asked as he sat down. "Not really, but we'll let it pass." Shayne told him. "I didn't have a choice! My cat pooped everywhere in my house just as I was about to leave." Damien explained. "C'mon guys, I'm starving! Let's order already!" Complained Keith. "Keith, when are you not hungry?" I asked. Everyone laughed as Shayne called over a waiter.
We had a good meal, with lots of laughing and light conversation. We all exited the restaurant feeling filled and joyful. "Well, that was fun, but I have to go. I'm expecting a call in a half hour. I can't be late for that too." Said Damien. We all told him goodbye as he got in his car and left. They all left one by one until it was just me and Keith. Noah had gone across the street to grab a few groceries. "So, I guess I'll be going to." I said, walking away. "Wait!" Keith called after me. I turned around and came back. "What's up?" "You seem like a trustworthy person, that doesn't judge others by what it looks like on the outside." He told me. "Yes. I'm very good at keeping secrets." I assured him. "Well." Keith looked around nervously. "I really need your advice. It's about Noah." I nodded, curious to know what exactly was going on. "I'm sure you noticed we've been spending more time together and all that." He began. I nodded again. "Well, sometimes I think of him as...more then a friend. And when we're out doing stuff, I wish things could know, more romantic. I really want to tell him how I feel, but I don't know how." "Well, would you say you have a crush on him?" I asked. "Yes, probably." He answered. "Okay. Now, I have to ask. Is it because he's the same gender as you that's making you feel uncomfortable?" "No. Not at all. See, I'm demisexual. And gender has no impact." He replied. "But I don't know if Noah is straight or not. I thought it would be weird to just ask him." "Okay, I see. Now, I'll give you my opinion on what you should do. Don't rush it. If you're not sure how Noah feels about you yet, just wait for a while longer. Watch for signs that he might be interested in you. And maybe drop a few hints, so you're moving in that direction, but not in a pushy or weird way." I said. Keith face-palmed. "I should have known to do that. Thank you so much, Vivian." He told me. "No problem." I said, smiling. Just then Noah came out of the store and started across the grass to the parking lot of the restaurant. "I have to go. But can I report in to you in a few days and help me with my next move?" He asked. "Of course. Don't worry about it. I'll help you get through this." I told him, smiling confidently. "Okay. See you later!" He called, running to meet Noah. I waved goodbye to him, before getting in my car and driving home. 'I don't make a bad love coach' I thought to myself as I entered my apartment, feeling quite pleased with myself.

Word count: 1106

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