Chapter 17: The Thrilling Truth

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"You didn't!" Melissa exclaimed after I had told her about my date last night. "I did! I still can't believe he was cool with it!" I gushed. "I know! That is crazy! But I'm happy for you!" She said. "Well, thanks. I'm honestly happy for myself, too." I told her. Just then I heard knocking at my front door. "Gotta go. Someone's at the door." I said. "Okay. Talk later!" She said, then hung up. I tossed my phone onto my bed and went to the door. "Who's there?" I called out. "Ian!" A voice called back. 'Why would he be here?' I asked myself, opening the door. "Hey, c'mon in." I told him. He stepped inside and I shut the door. "Is something wrong? It's kinda weird of you to just show up at my apartment." I said. "I tried to call you before coming, but you didn't answer." He told me. I checked my phone. "Yes, I see that now. I was on the phone with someone else and it didn't ring." I explained. "But do you mind me asking how you got my address?" "Remember, you gave it the day before your first day at the studio. Just in case of an emergency." He replied. "Oh. So what's the emergency?" I wanted to know. "It's not really an emergency. I just thought what I'm about to say would seem more sincere in person." He answered. "Okay. Please, have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?" I asked. "I'm good." He told me, sitting down on a chair across from me, on the couch. "So, I just wanted to say that you have been doing an amazing job at the studio. Your acting is incredible, and you have such good chemistry with everyone." Ian praised. "Thank you." I said, flattered. "Our videos have been getting a bunch of extra views, and there's always comments praising your humor and acting." He continued. "Wow. I never read the comments, as not to upset myself if I'm getting hate." I told him. "Yeah, there's a few hate comments. But there always be. Most of them are good, though." He said. I smiled. " that all you came to tell me?" I asked. "Well, there's something else." Ian seemed a little uncomfortable. "What is it?" I insisted, getting nervous. "No no, it's not bad. I just don't know if it's any of my business telling you." He said. "Just tell me. I promise to keep the cat in the bag." I assured him. Ian sighed. "Well...I was talking to Damien yesterday, who had just been talking to Shayne." I nodded, urging him to continue. "And Damien told me Shayne has been talking about you nonstop. He always compliments you, and gushes over every detail of your dates." He said. My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked, not believing it. He nodded. "It's true. Shayne confesses eveything to Damien. And he says he really likes you, and he's excited to go on more dates with you. He even said he's maybe starting to have feelings for you." My jaw dropped. "Wow...I don't know what to say." "It's okay. We don't have a policy against dating coworkers." Ian assured me. "That's good, but...I just can't believe how much he likes me." I said. Ian smiled. "All that matters is that you like him, too." "Well, I do. But I'm not sure about any romantic relationships yet." I told him. "Okay, I'm sure that's fine." He said. "But you don't know about this, okay? Unless you're confessing your love for each other." He added. I giggled. "Alright. I won't say anything about it." Ian then stood up and headed to the door. "Thanks for stopping by and telling me the good, and suprising news!" I told him. "No problem. See you tomorrow!" Ian said, waving as he stepped outside the door. "Bye!" I called, waving back as he shut the door. I leaned back and let out a huge sigh I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Shayne likes me? Really likes me? I could barely comprehend the information. Maybe it would be safe to try and make a move, since I still had a crush on him? But I didn't know. 'Maybe I don't need to make plans' I thought. 'Sometimes it's nice to just hang'.

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