Chapter 21: Noah's Confessions

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A few weeks passed. Me and Shayne started going on dates twice a week, with nothing more happening than holding hands and kisses goodbye on the cheek. But when I thought about him as a 'friend', I wanted to scream and slam my head against a wall. My feelings were all mixed up. I couldn't possibly love him, and even if I did, he wouldn't be interested in me, a homely southern girl. So what were these feelings I had every time I was around him? Maybe I just hadn't moved on from the celebrity crush phase? I had no idea anymore, so I just went along, trying not to think too much about it. And I hadn't heard anymore about him having a great interest in me. I guess it was only a one time thing.
On July 1st, after I had gotten back from the studio, I noticed someone had sent me a pm on Instagram, but it wasn't Keith. "Hey, this is Noah. I hope you don't mind, but I need to talk to someone." The message read. Confused, I replied, "Talk away! I'm a good listener." "So...Keith has been acting...different recently. He takes me out to all of these expensive, high-class restaurants, always compliments me on my appearance, stuff like that. He never used to do any of that before. Any idea what's gotten into him?" I hesitated, rereading the message, trying to figure out what to say. Finally I replied "I'm not trying to jump to conclusions but...could he have a crush on you? I mean, you two have been growing lawfully close recently." "I never thought about that before..." Noah said. "But the real question right now you have a crush on him? Do you appreciate his extra attention towards you? Any sort of attraction you have other than friendship for him?" I asked. "I mean...the compliments and fancy dinners are kinda nice. No one's treated me like that before. When I dated other people, I usually made all the first moves. As far as me liking him? He's a wonderful friend. He's attractive, cares about my well-being. I really think he would make a good partner." Noah told me. "So, if Keith were to ask you to be his boyfriend, would you accept or decline?" I wanted to know. "I would accept. 100 percent. As I said, he would make a nice partner, and I really do love him already." 'This is Keith's chance!' I thought excitedly to myself. 'I need to get them together.' "Well, if Keith is already making these advances, maybe just let him go on with them, and show interest in them, and maybe he'll have the courage to say what he's really thinking. If he does have a crush on you." "Okay, I guess I'll wait, and show more appreciation towards him. If it's for real, he'll come out and tell me." Noah said. "Okay. I wish you luck!" I told him. "Thanks! You're a life saver! See you at the studio next week!" Noah said, and we ended the conversation. I then immediately messaged Keith, and told him what Noah had said. He was seemed shocked, happy, and nervous all at the same time. "So, what do you think I should do?" He asked. "Finally tell Noah how you feel! This is your chance!" I replied. "Vivian, I'm terrified! What if he rejects me after all?" He wanted to know. "Listen, from the way Noah spoke about you to me, he has a crush on you, but doesn't want to admit it straight out. I think he'll accept, just like he said. Act confident in your confessing and asking, and you're sure to score yourself a new partner!" I told him. "I guess I have to try if I want a chance." Keith said. "I hope I can count on you for mental support?" "Sure thing. I've been with you this long of the journey. I plan on sticking around till the end." I replied. "Thanks. Now while I'm feeling somewhat confident, I need to get hold of Noah." He told me. "Ok. Let me know how it goes!" I said. "I will!" He assured me, and the conversation was over. I smiled to myself. They would make such a cute couple. I hoped that eveything worked between the two of them. Somehow I wasn't satisfied with my love life. I guess I felt a yearning for someone, but who? A person I haven't met yet? Or someone I already knew, that I just overlooked?

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