Chapter 7: Relationship Milestones

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WARNING: This chapter includes brief sexual-related thoughts.

That day we filmed Every Neigbor Ever. It was my first time travelling around town with the squad, and it was a blast. I messed up my lines multiple times, so the almost all the bloopers were of me stuttering and laughing at myself. When we were back at the studio, I was discussing the day's events with Courtney, when Shayne approached me. "Are you going to need a ride back home?" He asked. "I can just get an Uber." I told him, not wanting to inconvenience him again. "But if you had a choice, would you get an Uber or ride with me?" He wanted to know. I knew he was playing mind games with me. So I just said the truth. "Of course I would rather ride with you. But I didn't want to be a nuisance again." "Nonsense." He said. "C'mon, I'll take you back home. I can also look at your car, too, and try to figure out what the issue is." "Really? I'd greatly appreciate that." I told him. "It's not a problem. Well, I'll be outside at the car when your ready." He said, walking away. "See you tomorrow, Courtney!" He called over his shoulder. Courtney's eyes were wide. "Oooo, somebody's looking for a hookup." She said. "You know that's not true." I told her, grabbing my purse. "Hey, can I say something?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "What?" "In all seriousness, you and Shayne's on-set chemistry is amazing. Everyone's been noticing. And you guys would make a such a cute couple." She told me. "Chemistry? I haven't noticed anything special that I don't have with everyone else." I said. "Think about it, Vivian. You never mess up a word when you have scenes with him. The acting is so realistic. Just everything about it is something special." "Well, thanks, I guess." Was all I could say. "Well, Shayne's waiting. I better go." I told her, heading for the door. "See you tomorrow!" She called after me. I waved to everyone before leaving the room and going to the parking lot to Shayne's car, where he stood, waiting. We both got in, he started the engine, and we left the studio and went back to my apartment. He didn't have on the air conditioner in the vehicle, so I was covered in sweat when we were back. "Do you have any tools I can work with?" He asked me as we got out. "Yeah. It's in the trunk." I replied. "Here's the keys." I added, dropping them into his hand. "Okay. I'll see what I can do." He told me. "Thanks a million." I said. "And there's small things in the trunk too, like oil and radiator fluid." "Sounds good. Can you leave your window open so I can shout for you if I need to?" He asked. "Sure thing." I replied. "I'll be there." I then left him to it, as I went inside and took the elevator up to my apartment. I let myself in and immediately went to take a shower.
When I came out of the bathroom a half hour later, bundled up in a towel, I went to the window to check on Shayne. He was at the side of the car, working on something under the hood. My eyes widened as I looked at him. He had taken off his shirt, and looked extremely sweaty. The sun reflected off his shiny skin, making him look...quite irresistible. I didn't want to be weird, but god he looked so fine. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I licked my lips as I thought about what could happen if I invited him up to my apartment. I don't know why I did it, but I went over to my bed and smoothed out the blankets and straightened the pillows. 'Maybe I should set out some nice cold drinks' I thought. 'Just in case he wanted to stay awhile...' I shook those thoughts out of my head. We hardly know each other. How I could even dare to think like that? 'Well, it won't hurt to look at him, right?' I thought. I approached the window again and looked at him. 'Wow' was all I could think. Suddenly, he looked up and noticed me at the window. I quickly spun around and leaned against the wall. He had noticed me! I couldn't even dare to go back to the window. I went over to my closet and put on an old pair of cut-off jean shorts and a purple t-shirt. I just relaxed on my bed until I heard Shayne yelling from below. I got up and went to the window. "Car's fixed!" He announced. "I'll be right down!" I called, rushing from the window and slipping on a pair of sandals. I grabbed my wallet out of my purse too, so I could pay him for his trouble. I took the elevator down and went out to the parking lot. "What was the matter with it?" I asked. "Dead battery. I went to the part store right down the street earlier and bought one. It's installed and ready to go. I also added some oil for good measure." He reported. "When did you go to the part store? I didn't even see you leave." I said. "About an hour ago. I called to you, but you never answered." Shayne replied. "I must have been in the shower." I said. "Now, how much did that battery cost? I can't expect you to pay for it yourself." "100 dollars." I pulled out an 100 dollar bill and handed it to him. "Please, take it. It's the least I can do." I told him. He looked reluctant, but took it anyway. "And how much for your service fee?" I asked. "Free." He said. I opened my mouth to object, but he didn't give me a chance. "It's on me. We're friends, and friends do things for each other without expecting pay." I smiled. "Thank you so much, Shayne. You're a life saver." He smiled back. "It's my pleasure. Now I'm going to go home. I really need to take a shower." "Okay. I'll see you at the studio tomorrow!" I told him. "See you then!" He said before walking away as he slipped his shirt back on. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. 'Wow! He's so kind' I thought to myself. 'And hot' my mind instinctively added. Today had been a pretty good day. And a huge milestone in me and Shayne's relationship.

Word count: 1110

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